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1、Book3Unit11.take place 发生The next meeting will take place on Thursday. Talks between the two sides are still taking place.Major changes are taking place in society.Occur happen come about break outHe took second place in the long jump. If you would like to take your places, the food will be served s

2、hortly.take the place of somebody/somethingalsotake somebodys/somethings place(possession)= replace under/in ones charge in the charge of sbNatural methods of pest control are now taking the place of chemicals. I had to find someone to take Jennys n.美;美人1)appearance uncountablea quali

3、ty that people, places, or things have that makes them very attractive to look at: her beauty and grace an area of outstanding natural beauty2)woman countablea woman who is very beautiful: She was considered a great beauty in her youth.3)poem/music/emotion etc uncountablea quality that something suc

4、h as a poem, song, emotion etc has, which gives you pleasure or joy the beauty of Shakespeares verse4)advantage the beauty of somethinga particularly good quality that makes something especially suitable or useful:The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of is in the eye of the beholder

5、used to say that different people have different opinions about what is beautifulbeauty contest beauty queen beauty mark/spot3harvest收获;收割vt. Vi. to gather crops from the fields1) uncountable and countable the time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering themat harv

6、est/at harvest time wheat/rice/grape etc harvest2) countablethe crops that have been gathered, or the amount and quality of the crops gatheredgood/bumper harvest (=a lot of crops) Plum growers are expecting a bumper harvest this year.poor/bad harvest (=few crops)3) reap a harvestto get good or bad r

7、esults from your actions: You reap what you sowThe company is now reaping the harvest of careful planning. Harvest festival (thanksgiving day)4.celebration n.庆祝;祝贺celebrate Christmas/Thanksgiving1) countablean occasion or party when you celebrate something anniversary/birthday etc celebrations2) sin

8、gular, uncountablethe act of celebrating in celebration of somethinga reception in celebration of the Funds 70th Anniversary The show is a celebration of new young talent.I think this is acause for celebration (=reason to celebrate).in charge of in search of In honor of in memory of in need ofIn pla

9、ce of in praise of in the hope of in favor ofIn case of in view of in support ofIn exchange for in return for in reward for in preparation forif something is done or made in memory of someone, it is done to remember them and remind other people of them after they have died: a statue in memory of tho

10、se who died in the warShe set up a charitable fund in her fathers memory.have a good/excellent/ bad/poor/terrible etc memory for nameslose your memory remain/stay in your memory bring back memories5.hunter n.狩猎者;猎人 bargain hunter6.starve vi.vt.使饿死;饿得要死1) intransitiveto suffer or die because you do n

11、ot have enough to eat:Thousands of people will starve if food doesnt reach the city. pictures of starving childrenTheyll either die from the cold orstarve to death (=die from lack of food).be starved to death2) transitiveto prevent someone from having enough food to live: The poor dog looked like it

12、 had been starved.3) be starvingalsobe starved American Englishto be very hungry:You must be starving! starve somebody/something of something phrasal verbto not give something that is needed: The schools are starved of funding.The poor kid is just starved for attention. hungry for(eager thirsty dyin

13、g)She is hungry for success. hungry to do somethingStan was hungry to learn. people dying of starvation uncountable starvation wagesextremely low wages7.origin n.起源;由来;起因1)alsoorigins pluralthe place or situation in which something begins to exista new theory to explain the origins of the universein

14、 origin Most coughs are viral in origin. The word is French in origin.The traditionhasitsorigins inthe Middle Ages. old folk talesof unknown origincountry/place of origin (=where something came from)All meat should be clearly labelled with its country of origin.2)alsoorigins pluralthe country, race,

15、 or type of family which someone comes fromof French/German/Asian etc origin Two thirds of the pupils are of Asian origin.The form asks for information about the personsethnic origin. Immigrants rarely return to theircountry of origin.She never forgot her humble origins (=low class or social position).Source a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from: They get their money from various sources.a useful source of information


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