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1、Book 6 Unit21. convey sth. to sb.向某人表达/传递某物convey sb./sth. from A to B 把从A地送到B地convey ones feelings/meanings 表达的感情/意思convey news/ information to sb.把消息/信息传递给某人2. be certain of/ about.确信be certain to do sth.肯定会be certain that.3. express / show ones emotion表达某人的感情mixed emotion复杂的心情deep /sincere emotio

2、n深厚的/真挚的情感4. common sense/knowledge 常识be common to sb对某人来说是常见的common property公共财产in common共有,共同in common with sb. 和某人一样5. take /find delight in 以为乐to ones delight使某人高兴的是take it easy 轻松,不紧张,从容 =take things easytakefor example 以为榜样takeseriously 认真对待take ones time 别着急,慢慢来take it for granted 认为理所当然takef

3、or 把误认为takeas 把当作6. say a word说话have a word with sb. 与某人说句话have words with sb. 与某人吵架keep ones word遵守诺言in a word总来说之in other words换句话说word by word逐字地,一字不落的7. run out of 用完(表主动,主语一般为人)=use uprun out 用完(主语一般是物,如“时间,食物,金钱”)=give outrun across与不期而遇,偶然遇到run after追赶,追逐run into撞在上,偶然遇见,陷入(困境)8. be made up o

4、f由构成 be composed of由构成 consist of 由构成be made into把做成be made in生产于某地make up for 补充make up ones mind下决心make use of利用9. week in, week out周而复始10. a branch of office地方办事处 a branch of government政府部门 a branch of the river河的支流 a branch of maths数学分支11. melt away(使)慢慢消失 melt into sth逐渐融入某物,逐渐与某物成为一体12. in par

5、ticular 尤其,特别be particular about 对挑剔/讲究be popular with受的欢迎be familiar with 熟悉be similar to 与相似be familiar to 为所熟悉13. transforminto 把变成transform sb/sth from 把某人/物从中转变switch sth to sth 使转变/改变(尤指突然)switch over 完全转变,转换14. the joys and sorrows of life人生的喜与哀 to ones sorrow令人伤心的是15. a thread of light/ smok

6、e一线光明/一缕烟 hang by a thread千钧一发,濒临危机 thread ones way through穿梭于之间16. Its appropriate that(should)do 是恰当的- (虚拟语气) 17. exchange sth for sth. 以交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 make an exchange 交换 in exchange for 作为交换18. fill in the blanks 填空 go blank 变成一片空白 look blank发愣19. hold on 继续坚持下去,等一下,别挂断 hold bac

7、k 阻挡,抑制 hold down压下,压制,限制 hold onto紧紧抓住不放,保住 hold up耽搁,延误,支持住20. feed sth. to sb. 用某物喂养某人 feed sb. on/ with sth. 用某物喂养某人 feed on sth以某物为食 be fed up with厌烦21. inspire sth in sb. /inspire sb. with sth inspire confidence in his son inspire his son with confidence 激发儿子的信心22. try out 测验,试验 try doing sth.

8、 尝试做某事 try ones best尽某人最大的努力 try on试穿 try out for参加的选拔23. let sth. out 泄露,发出 let sb out 放出去,释放 let sb alone 置之不理 let alone 更不用说 let sb down 让某人失望 let sb. be 听任/不管某人 let sb/sth in 让进来 let go 放开,放手,释放 bring out 阐明 make out 辨明 give out 分发,用尽,筋疲力尽 lose out 输掉,失败 give sth. out 宣布或广播某事24. load sth/sb with

9、 sth. 用装载;使负担 load sth into/onto sb/sth 把装入到/使负担 load down 使负担过重 load up 装载货物 take a load off ones mind 卸下心中重担;如释重负 25.给某人留下的印象give sb. a strong impression have/leave/make a(n) impression on sb26.make (no) sense 有(没有)意义 make sense of 了解的含义;理解 in no sense 决不 in a sense 在某种意义上来说 common sense 常识 a sens

10、e of humour/identity/direction There is no sense/point in doing sth 做没有意义27.create a special feeling 产生特殊的感情 28. win a poetry competition 在诗歌竞赛中获胜 win a scholarship to a university 赢得上大学的奖学金重点句型;1. the reason why 引导的定从 There are various reasons why people write poetry.2.by doing sth 通过做的方式 By playin

11、g with the words in nursery, children learn about language.3.while 表“不过”引导表示对比的句子 Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)4.with 的复合结构作原因状语 With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.5. 虚拟语气 If you had taken my advice, you

12、wouldnt have failed in the examination.选修Book 6 Unit2 单词检测n.诗意vt.给标记号n.&v押韵vt.传达,运送n.情感,情绪n.负担,负荷物n.小提琴演奏者n.奖学金,学术成就n.温暖n.托儿所adj.具体的n.重复,循环adj.引起矛盾的,好反驳的adj.钻石,菱形adj.灵活的;可弯曲的n.模式;图案n.黑暗,漆黑adj.有节奏的,有规律n.冠军称号n.指南针n.&adj.空白,空白的adj.v.赞助人,倡议n.毕业文凭n.&v.交换,调换adj.适当的,正当的n.部分;节;n.茎干;adv.永远n.图书管理员n.& adj.赤裸的,

13、最基本的要素n.取笑;招惹;戏弄adj. 含盐的;咸的n.悲伤;懊悔v.讲;发出v.使旋转v.等候;期待v.转化;改造v.害怕;畏惧adj.无穷的;无止境的adv.最后;终于adj.盈满的v.融化;软化n.最小数选修6Unit2短语检测向某人表达或传递某物把某物从A地送到B地确信表达某人的感情和一样以为乐使某人高兴的是轻松,不紧张,从容以为榜样认真对待认为理所当然用完1._2. _3. _由构成1._ 2. _ 3._慢慢消失尤其,特别把变成把某人或某物从中转变以交换与某人交换某物交换作为交换填空变成一片空白发愣坚持hold _阻挡,抑制hold _耽搁,延误hold _用某物喂_厌烦(feed)激发儿子的信心测验,试验泄露,发出让某人失望放开,放手,释放阐明用装载,使负担卸下心中重担给某人留下深刻的印象做没有意义受的欢迎选修6Unit2词汇选择题1. Accelerating the _ of the government functions is a fundamental task in China at present. A. translation B. transformation



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