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1、苏 教 版 四 年 级 上 册 第 一 单 元 英 语 试 卷It was last revised on January 2, 2021四 年 级 英 语 试 卷卷面分:5 分听力部分一、 听录音,选出你听到的内容 10 分30 分( )1. B. pen C. ruler D、pencil( )2. B. notebook C. copybook D、table( )3. B. blue C. green D、red( )4. nice monkey toy monkey( )5. s this? B. Whats that?二、 听录音,选择合适的应答句 10 分( ) 1. A. Th

2、is is a bear . s a bear. C. Thats a bear.( ) 2. A. Id like a toy rabbit . like bears. C. Yes,it is .( )3. A. Sure,Here you are. B. Comehere, please.C.Come in,please.( ). All right. B. Thank you.s a card for you.三、 听录音,填入所缺单词 10A:Hello , Nancy.B:_, David.A:What s _ on the desk?B:_ a toy _.A:Can I hav

3、e a look?B:Sure ,Here _ are.笔试部分 70 分四、英汉互译 101你的铅笔_ 2. 这把尺_3. 他的钢笔_ 4. 三只狮子_5. which box _ 6.在一家玩具店里_7. have a look_ 8. school bag _9. for you _ 10. I see _ 五、 选出与其余两项不同的一项 10 ( )1. B. rubber C. peach( )2. B. girl C. panda ( )3. B. copybook( )4. C、ruler( )5. B. this C、he( )6. B. ruler C. rubber ( )

4、7. B. your C. it( )8. B. is C. what( )9. C、for( )10. you B. please C、no六、选择题。 20( )1. This pen is for _.( ) 2. May I have _ apple?A. a C./( )s _( )4. Good morning,Mr Green._.afternoon . morningmorning( ) 5. Happy _ Day!A. teachers ( )6.Whatthis? _ a sharpener.s s( )7. Thiss _ panda.a nice( )8. Thia

5、is a bear,_.A. I think see look ( ) a dog?is is that( )10. What would you like?_ a toy bear.d like like see七、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答句。(20) ( ) I Help youat all.( ) you. you.( )s this.( ) I have a looktoy cat , please.( ) nice! s a bear. ( ). right.( )s a ruler for David. s a pencil sharpener.( ) I have a pen? ve got two pencils. ( )s in your pencil case.( )s this? ,Here you are.八、连词成句。 51、 for a is you pencil here (.)_ 2、 Yang Ling is this for bookmark(.)_ is in what the that ()_ I is brother that think(, .)_ am in I toy a (.) _



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