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1、2022年考博英语-昆明理工大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题If we dont stop flirting with those deathly nuclear weapons, the whole globe will be( ).问题1选项A.contaminatedB.pollutedC.annihilatedD.invaded【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项contaminate“污染,玷污,腐蚀(人的思想或品德)”;B选项pollute“污染,弄脏 ”;C选项annihilate“消灭,毁灭,彻底击败”;D选项invade“侵入,侵略”。flirt

2、with表示“调戏,玩弄,不认真地考虑”,deathly nuclear weapons表示“致命核武器”,结合语境可知C选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:如果我们不停止玩弄那些致命的核武器,整个世界将被毁灭。2. 翻译题Translate the following paragraph into English电子邮件对我们职业生涯和个人生活的影响非同一般。相隔千里的人们可以在短短 的几秒钟之内发送并接受详尽的文件资料。这就使得人们能够以一种前所未有的方式齐 心协力,共同承担大量的工程项目。通过电子邮件与国外的人通信、交换文件已成为司 空见惯的事情。唯一的障碍是时区的不同。【答案】The effect

3、 of e-mail on our career and personal life is extraordinary. People thousands of miles way away from each can send and receive detailed documents within just a few seconds. This allow people to work together and jointly undertake a great deal of projects in an unprecedented way. It has become a comm

4、on practice to communicate and exchange files with people overseas by e-mail. The only obstacle is the difference in time zones.3. 单选题He complicated with the requirement that all graduate students in education( )a thesis.问题1选项A.writeB.writingC.to writeD.be writing【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。在英语中,表示“命令、建议、愿望、要求”

5、等的词(不管是动词、名词、形容词)之后的从句用should+动词原词,而且should可以省略。句中的requirement表示“要求”,其后是由that引导的同位语从句,因此选A。句意:他把教育中所有研究生都要写论文的要求复杂化了。4. 单选题At high noon last October 1st, the citizens of Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)did something theyd never dreamed possible: they synchronized(同步)their watches. In doing so, they embarked on a natio

6、nal campaign against lateness. A special group organized this campaign. The group invited the President to join in them, but actually the President was infamously unpunctual. Anyway, the President agreed to vow to participate. His spokesman, going on television to announce this vow, arrived at the s

7、tudio, needless to say, several minutes late.Such a campaign may be scorned or laughed at, because it seems not serious and even nonsense, without any practical meaning, but it comes out of a basic economic fact: punctuality pays. According to one study, chronic lateness costs Ecuador $ 2.5 billion

8、a year hardly small change in a country with a gross domestic product of just twenty-four billion dollars. The fundamental challenge for a modern economy is to coordinate the actions of millions of independent people so that goods may be produced and services delivered as efficiently as possible. It

9、s a lot easier to do this when people are where theyre supposed to be when theyre supposed to be there. This is especially true in light of recent innovations such as just-in-time manufacturing.Dell computers suppliers have to be able to deliver parts to Dells factories within ninety minutes. Under

10、those conditions, “Ill get to it later” wont do.In some punctual countries like Japan, pedestrians walk fast, business transactions take place quickly, and bank clocks are always accurate. In less punctual places, such as Indonesia, pedestrians amble, workers idle, and bank clocks are usually wrong.

11、 In other words, Ecuadorians are trying to revolutionize the way they live and work.Can they do it? There are obvious obstacles. Tardiness can be quite pleasant, especially when its what youve accustomed to. There is also the tricky question of class. Lateness can be a way for the rich and powerful

12、to assert themselves, to show how much more valuable their time is. In Ecuador, members of the military and the government are the most notorious offenders, and businessmen are far more likely to show up late than blue-collar workers are. Theres no point in getting to a meeting on time if no one is

13、going to be there. Tardiness feeds on itself, creating a vicious cycle.1.It is implied in the first paragraph that the president of Ecuador( ).2.The word “pay” has the same meaning in “punctuality pays” as in( ).3.Which of the following statements about Ecuador people is correct?4.It can be inferred

14、 from the passage that( ).问题1选项A.agreed to go on television to announce his vow to participateB.was well-known for his punctualityC.had a habit of being late in his life and workD.was trying to revolutionize the watches in his country问题2选项A.“It pays to get some professional advice before you make a

15、decision”B.“He didnt pay any attention to what I said”C.“My mother pays for my driving lessons”D.“I decided to pay my friends a visit”问题3选项A.They used to be punctual when they are going to work.B.They love their president for his being unpunctual.C.They started to realize the vitality of time.D.They have been unaccustomed to the tardiness of their bank.问题4选项A.Ecuadorians are trying to make an advertisement for their watches by a national campaign against latenessB.bank clocks in less punctual places are usually wrong because their clocks are backward


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