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1、 Unit1 Topic3 Section A一、导学目标掌握本课的重点短语及句型。make many friends 交很多朋友join /be/take part in + 活动 参加Ill be in the long jump and the high jump. Its ones first time to do sth. 某人第一次做某事二、导学重难点 will + 动词原形 表示一般将来时三、自主学习翻译下列习语。(1)谈论某事_ (2)学校运动会_ (3)参加 _ (4) the boys 800-meter race _ (5)be in (6)cheer sb .On (7

2、) my first time to do sth. _ (8) have lots of fun _(9).为做好准备_. (10)尽我最大努力_(11)交许多朋友_ (12) relay race _四、快乐过关(一)根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.这是他第一次来上海。 is his to come to Shanghai. 2.我明天将参加跳远比赛。 Ill the long jump tomorrow.3妈妈打算为我买一双跑鞋。.Mum is going to buy me a of . 4.我在准备考试。 I am the test.(二)单选( )1.I bought a pair o

3、f running shoes because I want to _ the teachers relay race. A. join B.join inC.take part D.have part in( )2._The long jump. A.What sport will you take part in? B.Which sport will you have part in?C.What are you going to do? D.Whats the matter?( )3.Li Ming will take part in the boys _.A.800-meter ra

4、ceB.800-meter racesC.800 meter raceD.800-meter-races( )4.My foreign friend, Tom, will come to _.A.cheer me upB.cheer up meC.cheer me onD.cheer on me ( )5.Hi, Im Xiao Li, Im very glad to _ friends _ you.Me too. Im Xiao Wang.A.get; likeB.make; withC.get; withD.make; to Section B一、 导学目标通过自学及合作探究,熟练掌握和运

5、用下列短语、句型。 Lets make(约定)it half pasr six. make sth/sb+adj make sb do sth 使某人做某事go to the movies/cinema 去看电影When/where shall we meet?二、 导学重点难点 shall 用于第一人称的一般将来时三、自主学习在1a中找出并翻译下列习语。(1)Is that Michael? _ (2)Speaking _(3)The school sports meeting is coming. (4)When shall we meet? Lets make it half past

6、six _ (5)See you then _四、快乐过关 (一) 总结一般将来时:回答下面的问题,并完成后面的练习。1. 一般将来时描述_ 发生的事或存在的状态。2. 用情态动词_或_ 加动词的_构成。_常用于第一人称,但多数情况下可用_替换。3. 描述将来时间的词或短语有哪些?试举例:_4. 否定句:在_ 或_ 后加not, will not缩写成_一般疑问句:将_ 或_ 提前。5. We are going to have a sports meet. 它的谓语结构是什么? _6. The school sports meet is coming. 它的谓语结构是什么? _7. 总结5和

7、6,我们可知一般将来时不但可用will/shall+动词原形来表达,也可用_和_来表达。但含义上与will +动词原形不同,后者往往表达_的含义。(二)情景交际。 选择方框中的句子完成对话。Mike:Hello! 11 Jack:Speaking.Mike:This is Mike. Hi, Jack. I have two tickets for a basketball match. 12 Jack:Id love to. 13 Mike:Lets make it two.Jack: 14 Mike:At my home.Jack:OK. 15 Mike:See you.A.When sh

8、all we meet?B.See you then.C.Can I speak to Jack, please?D.Would you like to go with me?E.Where shall we meet?Unit1 Topic3 Section C一、导学目标1.掌握Page21-22的单词。2.自学理解文章内容。3.熟练掌握和运用下列短语、句型。 for the first time 第一次 stand for sth 代表某物/事 a symbol of .的标志 at least 至少 every four years每四年一次 hold the Olympics 举办奥

9、运会二、导学重点难点 阅读能力的培养三、自主学习.读1a短文,找出并翻译下列习语。(1)the modern Olympics _ (2) 一个的标志_(3)代表_ (4)至少_(5)每四年一次 (6)全世界 (7)in the future (8)hold the Olympics 四、快乐过关(一)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 1.The computer will cost at _(至少)10,000 yuan. Its too expensive.2Han Han is one of the _(现代的) writers.3.China h_(主办) the 2008 Beijing O

10、lympic games.4.The Great Wall is a s of China.5.Red s for happiness. (二)根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.老师认为和学生在一起将获得极大的乐趣。Teachers think they will_much_with the students 2.王红在游泳方面做得好。 Wang Hong _ _ _ swimming.3.有多少国家参加了2008年北京奥运会?How many countries _ _ _ the 2008 Beijing Olympics?4.我们的城市将有更多更宽阔的道路。There _ _ more and

11、 more wide roads in our city.5.CBA代表什么?What does CBA _ _? 6.李明擅长跳远。 Li Ming_ _ _ the long jump.Unit1 Topic3 Section D一、导学目标1.掌握Page23-24的单词。2.熟练掌握和运用下列短语、句型。 hold a sports meet win first place do badly in do ones best some day be able to二、自主学习读23页的短文,找出并翻译下列习语。(1)hold a sports meet _ (2) win first place_(3)在某方面表现差_ (4)尽某人最大的努力_(5)cross the finish line (6)some day 三、快乐过关(句型转换)1.Mike is going to take part in the sports meet.


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