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1、 关雎 oongn Woong关关雎鸠,Byrivide rcooing在河之洲 A air fturtleoves;窈窕淑女, A good yun m wooing君子好逑 far maidn h lov.参差荇菜, ateflws eft and right左右流之. cre ln her, short hee;窈窕淑女, Theyouthyearns day and niht寤寐求之. or te god mie air.求之不得, is aning row strong,寤寐思服. H cnntfallaslep,悠哉悠哉, Bt tseall igh ong,辗转反侧 So dee

2、p ilo,sode!参差荇菜, Now gatherleft andright左右采之. ress longor sh ad tnde!窈窕淑女, O lut, playmuscbright琴瑟友之 .Frtbideeetaenr!参差荇菜, Fast frienatlft d righ左右芼之. ncress ooked tilltener!窈窕淑女, O blls a drms,delght钟鼓乐之. Thebrde soswee an sleer! 垓下歌 IAN U LAST SOG 项羽 XIANYU力拔山兮气盖世, uld pul ontans ow, oh!With ain a

3、ndmight 时不利兮骓不逝。 Bu my oo forunewnes, oh! M sted ont fiht. 骓不逝兮可奈何! Wer my steed wllfigh, oh! I o notcare.虞兮虞兮奈若何! What canI o withu, oh! lay ai! 回乡偶书 OME-COING 贺知章 He Zi zhang少小离家老大回,Ol, rtun to the homlad while youg,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 Thiner has rownmy air,hough I peak te same tngue.小朋友相见不相识, My chldren, wh

4、 I mee, donoknowaI.笑问客从何处来。 “Where re youfrom, ear i?” tey ak whbmigeye。 七步诗 WRITTEN HIL AKNG EE ACS 曹植 Co Zi煮豆燃豆萁,Pods uned to o peas,豆在釜中泣。Pes wep n the pot:本是同根生,“Grown from sam root, lease,相煎何太急。Wy boil u o ?” 归园田居RETURN TO NAURE 陶渊明 Yun ming种豆南山下, sow ansth outhen hill;草盛豆苗稀。Ban shsare lost whr

5、weed ethepah gow.晨兴理荒秽,I wee at dwn hogh rly stil;带月荷锄归。I pd home with mymonlito道狭草木长,The pah snrrw, grssestal,夕露沾我衣。Wit eving de y cloths wet,衣沾局限性惜,Thch pay no heat all,但使愿无违。If mydeir can but be et. 登鹳雀楼 O H OC WER 王之涣 Wan i han白日依山尽,Te sun beyod tmon glos;黄河入海流。The Yellow irsawas lows.欲穷千里目,Yo a

6、n ejoy a easight;更上一层楼。B climin to agreae heigt. 春晓 PRING MOING 孟浩然 engHarn春眠不觉晓,This sprig mrnng i bd Im lying,到处闻啼鸟。t to awakeill irds rrying.夜来风雨声,Aftonenht wind andshowrs,花落知多少。How an re e fallnflowers?静夜思 TRNQULIHT 李白 LiBai床前明月光,foremy bda poolof ngh疑是地上霜。Can i e horft o t ground?举头望明月,Looki up

7、, I id h moon bght;低头思家乡。Bwng, In homesicknes Imdrond. 早发白帝城 LAIG THE WITE KINGS OW T AW 李白 Li a朝辞白帝彩云间,Lvn at dan he hitin rowned with rnbow clou,千里江陵一日还。 avealed athosan mils hough ThreeGeorgesin a dy.两岸猿声啼不住,ithmonydadieustheranks r lod;轻舟已过万重山。My boa haleft ten thougmunais far away. 春望SPRI IW 杜甫

8、 u Fu国破山河在,On r-torn dstems flow and muains stnd;城春草木深。I towns unqutgras adweeds run ot感时花溅泪,Griev oe the year, flowr ar moed to tes;恨别鸟惊心。eng us prt, birds cywit bo hert.烽火连三月,Te bean firehasgone higher ad igher;家书抵万金。Worsfrm houehlrewot thi wightingld.白头搔更短,I n nobeato scrat m grilinghai;浑欲不胜簪。It

9、rows too thin to ho a ligtarpi赋得古原草送别 SSO THE ANCIEN PLAIN AREWL O AEND 白居易 Bai Jui离离原上草,ilgsses spad o ancint pin;一岁一枯荣。Wit spng andal hey oead go.野火烧不尽,ildfire cant bun hemp gain春风吹又生。They risewhen vernal breezesblow.远芳侵古道,Thi fragraneoveruns te wy;晴翠接荒城。Thei green invads thruned town又送王孙去,osee y

10、fied goaawy,萋萋满别情。M sorow rows like gra oergrown 绝句 QUATRAN 李清照 Li Qing hao生当作人杰,Be ma of mn whie ou r alve;死亦为鬼雄。Besul o oul en though yure ded!至今思项羽,inkiYu whodno surviv不肯过江东。H men,whoelood for hias sed.观书有感 THE BOOK 朱熹 hu 半亩方塘一鉴开,Theeliesa asoblon pol,天光云影共徘徊。Whre ligtand she pursue thir crs.问渠哪得

11、清如许?ow c it o lar and cool?为有源头活水来。or wtefre comeromits soce. 秋思 AUTMN OUHTS 马致远 Ma Zi yuan枯藤老树昏鸦,Ov od ees wreatd wth rotevns fly evenig rs;小桥流水人家。ndrsal idgner a cttae astrea fow;古道西风瘦马,Onancient rod in h ws winda eahorse ges.夕阳西下,Weswaddecline sun;断肠人在天涯。Far, omme i te heartbre one. 石灰吟 SONG TO THE IME 于谦 Yu Qian千槌万凿出深山,You omeou oeep mntans aftemme blos;烈火焚烧若等闲。Und fie ad waetortures yo r nt n wes粉身碎骨浑不怕,hough boken int pices, youill haveno figt;要留清白在人间。oull purifythord ywsingi ee whit. 泊船瓜洲 OOED ATMLN IET 王安石


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