2022年高中英语必修四:《Module3 Body Language》预习学案(含答案)

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2022年高中英语必修四:《Module3 Body Language》预习学案(含答案)_第1页
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1、2022年高中英语必修四:Module3 Body Language预习学案(含答案)课题Body Language and Non-verbal Communication课时0.5 课时预习目标1.You should remember the new words and phrases as many as possible. 2. Reading by yourself to have a general idea about the text .3.You should practice describing Body Language and Non-verbal Communic

2、ation预习导学Step I. Challenge New Words(挑战新词):Try your best to remember the new words of this lesson and challenge your ability.Group A交流;沟通(n.)无意的;不知不觉的攻击的;挑衅的传统地恐吓的;具有威胁的轻微地;稍微非正式的意识到的;自觉的宗教邀请(n.)表演古代的;古典的Group BjudgementfavorrequestpanicwipebendstarespreadbowinvolvecommunicateliveStep II. Phrases Un

3、ion(短语联盟):Try your best to collect as many phrases as possible after reading the passage on P21-23.Step III. Reading In Heart(读在心间)1.Read the passage carefully and finish the Exercise1 on Page 22 and Exercise 2-3on Page 23._2.Read the passage again and fill in the blank according to it: We use “lear

4、ned” body language when we are _ strangers . _ other animals , we are _ until we know it is safe to relax . So every culture has _ a formal way to greet strangers , to show them we are not aggressive . Traditionally , Europeans and Americans shake hands . They do this with the right hand -the strong

5、est hand for most people . If our right hand is _ greeting someone , it _be holding a weapon . So the gesture is saying , “I trust you . Look , Im not _ a threatening weapon .” If you shake hands _ someone , you show you _ them . We shake hands when we _ . It means, “We agree and we trust each other .”Step IV. Easy Points vs My Dictionary(玩转词典)1. communicate:词性 _ 词义 _短语 _典句 _2. involve :词性 _ 词义 _短语 _典句 _StepV. Thought Zone(反思空间):_


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