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1、学生导学案第二课I英语句子的成分分类成分定义构成例句主语句子叙述 的主体由名词、代词、或v-ing、to do、主语从句构成You are my stude nts.10 $ is not eno ugh to buy the toy car.Smoking is not allowed here.谓语主语所发 出的动作 或具有的 特征状态由动词、动词短语 或系表结构构成The film en ded just now.The fox ran away.En glish becomes easier now.宾语动作对象 或承受者由名词、代词、或v-ing、to do、宾语从句构成Father

2、 bought a new car.I decide to play computer this weeke nd.I don t thiyou are wrong.补语对主语和 宾语起补 充说明由名词、形容词、 副词、介词短语、v-ing、to do 等构成I find the man funnv.I saw a football un der the bed.He helped me to clea n the blackboard.表语说明主语 的性质,身 份,特征和状态典型词类是形容词 ,也可以名词、数 词、极少数副词( 女口 here,there)、介 词短语、不定式等The fil

3、m is won derful.My mum is an editor.Teachi ng is learning.My dream is to be a teacher.定语用于描述 名词,代词, 短语或从 句的性质典型词类是形容词 ,也可以是数词、 名词、介词短语、 定语从句等En glish is my favorite subject.There are many stude nts in our class.He is one of the stude nts that have been late.状语说明事情 发生的时 间地点,原 因,目的,结 果,条件等典型词类是副词, 也可以

4、是介词短语 、to do、状语从句 等He did homework carefully at home. Her mother goes out to do some shopping on SundayWhen I grow up,I am going to be a teacher.【注意】当句子主语为to do, v-ing或从句时,it常作形式主语位于句首e.g. it is difficult for sb. to do sth.it is no use doing sth.it is clear thatn句子分类及用法句子 类型分类例句用所给词造出相应句型简单 句主谓He su

5、cceeded.happen主系表English seems interesting.sound主谓宾I can t accept your suggestionsuchieve主谓宾宾He offered me a suggestion.show主谓宾补My mum just leave me alone.keep并列 句简单句+连 接词+简单 句He works hard, so he is the top students of our class.buteither or复合 句名词性从句He believes that everything will be better.think状

6、语从句Ill call you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.when定语从句She works in a factory which is far from here.who1. 主谓:该结构的动词为不及物动词,即不需要加宾语的动词,没有被动语态。不及物动词:agree, arrive, happe n, occur, succeed2. 主系表:系动词没有被动语态。系动词: be, become, prove keep, remain, stay seem, appear, look feel, sound3. 主谓宾:谓语动词为及物动词,即需要加宾语

7、的动词,有被动语态。及物动词: expect, hope, enjoy, dislike【注意】该结构中宾语为to do、v-ing的形式更常见,详情请参阅下文常考动词搭配4. 主谓宾宾:接双宾动词 :buy, lend, give, offer, teach, show5. 主谓宾补宾补和宾语构成主动关系用v-ing;宾补和宾语构成被动关系用 v-ed。e.g. I found him lying on the floor.He found the door locked.类似用法:no tice, keep, leave6连接词 and, or, either厂bort, while ,s

8、oe.g. Either you come to my home, or I go to yours.Some people waste food while others don t havenough food.川常考动词搭配1. 不及物动词(1) agree with sb.同意某人 agree on sth.在某事上达成一致意见(2) arrive in sp. 到达某地(3) sth. happen to sb. 某事降临到某人身上(4) sth. occur to sb. 某人突然想起2. 及物动词 +to do(11) refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事(12) pl

9、an to do sth. 计划做某事(13) prepare to do sth. 准备做某事(14) decide to do sth. 决定做某事(15) manage to do sth. 设法做某事(22) imagine doing sth. 想象做某事(23) avoid doing sth. 避免做某事(24) consider doing sth. 考虑做某事(25) advise/suggest doing sth. 建议做某事(5) expect to do sth. 期待做某事(6) want to do sth. 想要做某事(7) offer to do sth. 主

10、动提出做某事(8) afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事(9) agree to do sth. 同意做某事(10) promise to do sth. 承诺做某事3. 及物动词 + v-ing(16) enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事(17) dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事(18) allow doing sth. 允许做某事(19) mind doing sth. 介意做某事(20) keep doing sth. 保持做某事(21) give up doing sth. 放弃做某事IV练习A 语法填空1. is impossible to

11、realize your dream if you didnt work hard.2. It is a pityyou have wasted so much time.3. In winter, the vegetables can (remain)fresh for a long time.4. Both sides agreed these terms.5. What he does does not agreewhat he says.6. A car accident happened him yesterday.7. It occurredher that she should

12、adopt the homeless child.8. Read this article, you will understand not everything can be bought with money.9. Smoking is not allowed here, _ you d better smoke outside.10. He looks unpleasant, actually he is very kind.11. He expects (fail) the exam.12. Some trees do manage(pass) information to each

13、other.B翻译1. 我没有料至H在这里碰至H你 (expect, find)。.2. 不是所有的人都买得起这么贵的汽车(afford, buy )。3. 父母拒绝让我去南方( refuse, south)。.4. 他计戈卩要周游世界( plan, travel)。.5. 他决定执行这个计戈卩( decide, carry out)。.6大部分的人喜欢被鼓励( enjoy, encourage)。.7. 你介意打开窗口吗( mind ) ? ?8. 我们必须不断前进( keep, go forward )。.9. 你应该避免犯同样的错误 (avoid , make mistake)。.10.

14、 那些看起来漂亮的花儿经常很难闻(look, smell )。改错:1. He offered to drive us to the airport, and we preferred to walk there.2. We are con sideri ng to going to Beiji ng.3. If you promise do somethi ng, you must not break your promise.4. They were prepar ing to cross ing the river whe n it bega n to rain.5. It is hard to imagine live on the moon, where there is neither air nor water.6. He suggested going by pla ne, so I thought it would cost too much.7. You shouldn t give up your dream, because I believe you will succeed in sooner or later.



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