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1、Unit 9 Happy New YearLesson 17教学目标1、知识与技能目标:能听懂、会说本课对话,并能灵活运用所学语言。2、学习策略目标:了解学生的学习风格,积极引导学生养成良好的学习习惯,大胆开口,在活动中学,喜欢在游戏、生活中运用英语与人合作与交流。帮助学生结合自己的学习风格探索最适合自己的学习策略与方法。3、情感意识目标:通过合理有效的教学活动,逐步建立良好的师生和生生关系,并不断加以强化。帮助学生克服学习中的畏惧情绪,不断调整学习方法,增强自信心,引导学生热爱学习,喜欢英语。教学重、难点教学重点: 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能灵活运用所学语言。教学难点: 在情境中运用所学交际

2、句型,促进语言能力的提高。教学准备1、课前将教室装扮漂亮。老师带好自制的新年贺卡,学生带好卡纸、剪刀、胶水、彩笔等制作贺卡的工具。2、录音机、磁带。3、奖励学生的小粘贴。教学过程Step一: Warming up and lead in 1、Sing a song: The Morning Song 2、Greeting and show the titleT: Hello, boys and girls .How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Children, the New Year is

3、 coming, look, our classroom is very beautiful today, are you happy?S: Yes.T: Now, we will learn the new lesson” Unit 9 Happy New Year Lesson 17”.Step二: Presentation 1、Learn to say: The New Year is coming. Happy New Year!(1)Teacher layout 1月1日 say New Year . Tomorrow is New Year. The New Year is com

4、ing. Lets say Happy New Year to each other.(2)Ss read after T: The New Year is coming. Happy New Year!(3) Ss work in pairs.(4) DrillA:大小声练习:If I say “The New is coming. Happy New Year. ” in low, you should say it in high; If I say it in high, you should say it in low.B:悄悄话:Teacher say “The New Year

5、is coming” to the first student in each group, then the Ss say it one by one. The last student must stand up and say the sentence loudly and quickly.2、Learn to say: Lets make a New Year card. Good idea.(1) T says to S1: The New Year is coming. Lets make a New Year card, ok?S1: OK.(2) Ss ask one by o

6、ne in each group like this.T asks all the Ss: The New Year is coming. Lets make a New Year card, ok? Ss: OK.T: You also can say: “Good idea.” Ss read it after the T and show their thumbs.(3) DillT: Boys and girls, The New Year is coming. Lets make a New Year card.Ss: Good idea.Work in group1 and gro

7、up2.Work in boys and girls.Work in pairs.3、 Listen to the tape and repeat.Step三: Practice1、Look and say(1) Show the picture of Miss GAO: Lets say Happy New Year to Miss GAO, ok?Ss say “Good idea”and read the sentence after T.(2) T says to group1: The New Year is coming. Lets sing and dance. (教师出示大拇指

8、示意学生用Good idea回答。)Group1: Good idea.T says to group2: Lets go to the zoo. (Show them the thumb)Group2: Good idea.(3) Teach the new words: Sing dance zooPractice the words in different way.(4) work in pairs(5) Ask someone to say it in front of the blackboard.3、Listen to the tape and repeat.4、Read, th

9、ink and say(1)看图读句子,想想Li Hong and Chen Ling先说什么,再说什么,在每句话前标上正确的序号。(2)学生独立完成后反馈评价Step四:Consolidation、How to make a New Year card()让学生拿出他们事先准备好的材料,指导学生按步骤进行新年贺卡的制作。鼓励学生充分发挥自己的想象自由创造。(注意具体格式及制作细节的指导。)()假设学生展示自己制作的新年贺卡,让同学们将自己做的贺卡课后送给自己喜欢的老师或同学,并对他们说:“Happy New Year”。 对于说得好的学生给予表扬或奖励。2 Listening a song Step五: Homework、Review the sentences.、Making a New Year card for your parents or others and say “Happy New Year” to them.Step五: LayoutUnit 9 Happy New YearLesson 17A: Lets make a New Year card.Lets sing and dance.Lets go to the zoo.B: Good idea.1


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