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1、初中英语分钟小演讲稿精选5篇 对于初中学生来说,英语演讲是提高其英语综合运用能力的一个重要的手段。初中学生要怎么做好英语的演讲呢?下面小编整理了初中英语2分钟小演讲稿,供你参考。 初中英语2分钟小演讲稿篇1A heing hnd A manwholid in a blc f apartmesthght it w rainng ad put hishea ut thewinow toheck. Ashdi so agls ye fll it sha.He ooed uptosee er it cae fom in time to seea yung wmn oong own. &qut;s hs

2、 yours&qut;h ke.www.XX.com he sai, &quo;Ye, could yobing t up&qut; nd te ma aged. O rral he wasprofseinhr haksandoered the a rink. Ashe was ery attactive h ageed. Shortly aferward she sid, &qut;I&#;m outto hveinner here lenty oulyu ke o jinme"; e ready accetdr offer nd bot eoyd lovl ea Ase e

3、vening was raingt a closete d a, qot;'vehad a marvlusevnin. Wold yoliket sta thnihtuot; The m hesitatethe sad, "Do yu act le t ith every ma yometquot;&qu;No,"she reied, &uot;nly those who cath my ye.&qut; 初中英语2分钟小演讲稿篇2I LOVENGIH Dear teacheand lassmates: Iamery ga t make a speechhe n h

4、icass agn!is time, I'liketotak smthg abot English.I love nglish.Englshlanga iswedeveryhee n thewrl. I ha become the mst comn langageonInterne and fr internatioalad.Lering English maks me confdentandbring meeat plsure.WenI as see, moter sent me o an English cool At tere, Ipaydgams an sng Englih s

5、ngs ith othr chilren. hen Idicovere hbautyof e languag,and bega y colorful dranth Englhwrld.veyday, I ed nlis ollowig e taps. Soetimes, Iwatchglih cartons.On th weend, I tengoto the English orner. alkngwit iffeent pole th, Ihave made ore an mre finds as wel asimprved y oal ElisI hope can trvel arond

6、 the ol someday. wanto go o Ameria tot htoMonen,ecause hprsient aingt is my idl. f ourse, I want togo tLndo too, becauseEglanis whee Eish lguage deloedf I can rie my bike in Cambridg iversity,I wil b verhapy.I hope I ca peak Eglih wth everyone in te world. I'lintrdu China to hm, sch sthretWal, o

7、rbiddnCiy ad Ashn. kow, e wa not buil in ady. I elve that after continuous hard stdy,o day I can seak Englisher wel.If ouwant tobeloved,u shldearnto ove andbe loale o I beliee aI o Ens veay , it will love m o. 初中英语分钟小演讲稿篇3 Ladisand Gentlemen, ood mrnng!’mver ld to stad ere n ive ou a sht speec

8、h.Man’slifei a prcess rowing up,actuayI□m stng here is arow. If prson&rsqu; lif mutcontitute b vious chocs, then I gro upaongwit thee chc c I e can stdy ia colg in fure, however hat&rsu;s passe, asyu knoI com hee, no I onder wha the ture hlds for e. Whn I come toishl, Itto myself: ths mner

9、 ftue, alltrs hr. Follwing I willa becma man, interte mn, who has a fiebody, antae o iprtant tak, as dpendet thought,n open in, itensie thgt,hs the ability tojdgrght and wrg,hasa prfect job. nc y teh sai :”;yo are not ing, o are styit; nevrfoget whic you shoul ayut to peopeisyour thouht, notcrat.”;

10、I wil pu my esonalit ih y intrst nd abli into my tuy, during ese pcess I willobine lanngwith do.If I cn achve this “;future”;, I thnk tat realygow up. I eplybeieve kndd, oodfelwshp and lvewl efectio d happy intefuture.Ho osay fuure Mb it&rsqu;sa nc wish es mae upour min, stck toitand surely wel enoy

11、 o ife初中英语2分钟小演讲稿篇4tudent,ts , teacers an Honoable uge od ornig ! y gat pleasure thr my am with ouday.I hve pt teream i my minfr so lon tha hoever hsn is bl tolve a hppy lifefo ever. I hink hs dream is deepl roedin the ure. swe can see, wer nw nt r ay ro vioenc,pover, diseases, enronmetal polioand e

12、en was. Most ofpepe arein eedf whathey have ever ejoyed.However, Istl nsick tomy inemt dra, as I till c seete rigtlgts i u ur. I bleve,there willbea day when tose rom th ric countis are ry ilingto shre hathey vewiththe heo contris; tee wilbe a da when eresurprid fnd atthe wdpovert as long been u o our emories; terwll be a dy when e re togeto har our dreasand we wl ll cotributeto making our common deams coe tre. will not just ai u to ta acto to v nmy dram初中英语2分钟小



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