江苏省徐州市高中英语选修六M6 U4 Project1教案

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《江苏省徐州市高中英语选修六M6 U4 Project1教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省徐州市高中英语选修六M6 U4 Project1教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品资料备 课 时 间 年 月 日 上 课 时 间第 周 周 月 日备课人 _班级 节次 课题M6 U4 Project (1)总课时数第 节教学目标1. To learn the information about the international organization. 2. Have a better understanding about what can be done to help poor people in poor areas.教学重难点How to develop students reading ability教学参考 Internet; Reference b

2、ook授课方法Interactive method教学辅助手段多 媒 体不用专用教室不用教学过程设计教学二次备课Step1: Words revision:Fill in the blanks using proper words:1. If the room is _ (空着的),we can practice there.2. The companys _ (承诺) to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.3. She majors in English now and wants t

3、o be an i_ after graduation.4. The young man is an a_ professor in the university.5. We are friends and c_ for more than 20 years. Step2: Fast reading:Read the text and choose the best answer.1).What are the Doctors without Borders staff going to set up on the north side of the town? A. A health cen

4、ter. B. Feeding centers. C. A temporary clinic. D. New hospital.Review words before class. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers. 教学过程设计教学二次备课2).What caused the majority of the wounds on the island? A. The strong wind. B. The falling walls and roofs. C. The damaged houses. D. The he

5、avy rain.3).Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. Although there is too much work to do, the nurse can still write her diary every day. B. The island is in a mess, but fortunately the hospital remains in good condition. C. Before working on this island, the nurse has never worked

6、in poor areas. D. The nurse worries that a lack of food will be a problem in the future because the fields and harvest have been destroyed.Step3: Careful reading:1. Listen to and read the article, looking for the information about the international organization mentioned in the passage.2. Read the p

7、assage again and try to finish the tasked-based reading (within three words):Step4: Consolidation:Finish the exercises in the workbook.Listen to the tape for detailed information.Learn and understand the passage, then finish the task-based reading.课外作业Read the passage again and finish the reading comprehension exercises.教 学 小 结 最新精品英语资料


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