pep小学英语六年级上册期末测试题 1222

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1、pep小学英语六年级上册期末测试题一选词填空:twin,take,tourists,well,use,meets,same1The traffic lights are the in every country.2. the No.12 bus.3.He helps the bank use their money .4.He many other little water drops.5.She often helps find their way.6.My sister Ann likes drawing pictures.7.Are you going to any books?二,组合

2、句子:1.put,into,I,a,some,pot,seeds. 2.motor,she,work,goes,by,cycle,to,with,Im,supermarket,mom,going,the,to 5.for,mminutes,walk,three,east 三,选择;( )1.First,put the in the soil. A.sprout B.seeds ( )2.Her mother is .A.a cleaner B.a actress( )3.My pen pal likes .g pictures B.riding a bike

3、 C.collecting stamps( )4.I want to buy .A.a look B.a pair of shoes C.some apples( )5.The park is the cinema. usually go to school .A.on foot bus bike四,把下列单词按要求进行变化:1,come (现在分词)第三人称单数) 3.policeman(复数) 4.dive(现在分词) 5.teach(第三人称单数) 6.sing (名词 ) 7.write (名词) 8.teach (名词) (第三人称单数

4、)第三人称单数) 11.ride(ing 形式 ) 12.dive(ing形式)形式) 14.make (ing形式) 五,按要求变化下列句型:1.The cloud comes from the vapour(对画线部分提问) the cloud come from?2.She is my aunt. (对画线部分提问) she?3.He can go with us.(变为一般疑问句) go with us?4.Im going to buy an English book tomorrow. (对画线部分提问) are you going to

5、?5.It is far from our school.(变为否定句)It far from our school.六,选词填空:a, an, do, does, teaches, by, to, riding, be, reads1.Her mother is a teacher.She math.2.Im going to a doctor.3.Is your aunt accountant?Yes,she is.4.Does Amy go to school bike?Yes,she does.5.My brother likes a bike.6.Is he policeman?No

6、,he isnt.7. he like collecting stamp?Yes,he does.8.My father usually newspaper after lunch.9.They are going to their homework this afternoon.10.Sarahs mother goes work by bus.七.找朋友:( )1.How can I get to the zoo?( )2.What do you do?( )3.Is she an artist?( )4.What are you going to do this afternoon?(

7、)5.What does she do?( )6.Does he like diving?( )7.Whats your hobby?( )8.Where does your mother work?( )9.Where does the cloud come from?( )10Are they going to play chess next Sunday?A.It comes from the vapour. B.Im a teacher. C.Im going to buy an English book. D.I like collecting stamps.E.No,she isn

8、t.Shes a TV reporter. F.Yes,they are. G.Yes,he does. H.You can ride a bike there. I.My mother works in a factory. J.He is a driver.八,改错:( )1.How can the water become vapour? - A B C D( )2,What does she likes do? - A B C D( )3,he goes to Canada by plane. - A B C D( )4,Im go to the cinema tomorrow. -

9、A B C D( )5,She likes watches TV. - A B C D九.连词成句:1.rain,does,come,where,from,the,,bed,goes,10:00,to,at,my,does,go,your,mother,how,work 4.he,violin,the,likeS,playing 5.we,do,should,then,what? 十.填空:1.Mr White usually (go)to work by car.2.I (visit)my frandpa next week.3.The children lik

10、e (swim)5.What Mikes father (do)?下面是赠送的保安部制度范本,不需要的可以编辑删除!谢谢!保安部工作制度一、认真贯彻党的路线、方针政策和国家的法津法规,按照#年度目标的要求,做好#的安全保卫工作,保护全体人员和公私财物的安全,保持#正常的经营秩序和工作秩 序。二、做好消防安全工作,认真贯彻“预防为主”的方针,教育提高全体人员的消防意识和防火知识,配备、配齐#各个楼层的消防器材,管好用好各种电器设备,确保#各通道畅 通,严防各种灾害事故的发生。三、严格贯彻值班、巡检制度,按时上岗、到岗,加经对重要设备和重点部位的管理,防止和打击盗窃等各种犯罪活动,确保#内外安全。

11、四、加强保安队部建设,努力学习业务知识,认真贯彻法律法规,不断提高全体保安人员的思想素质和业务水平,勤奋工作,秉公执法,建设一支思想作风过硬和业务素质精良的保安队伍。11、保持监控室和值班室的清洁干净,天天打扫,窗明地净。12、服从领导安排,完成领导交办任务。5、积极扑救。火警初起阶段,要全力自救。防止蔓延,尽快扑灭,要正确使用灭火器,电器,应先切断电源。6、一旦发生火灾,应积极维护火场秩序,保证进出道路畅通。看管抢救重要物资,疏散危险区域人员。九、协同本部门或其他部门所进行的各项工作进行记录。保安员值班操作及要求一、交接岗1、每日上午9时和下午 19时 为交接岗。2、交接岗时将当班所接纳物品

12、清点清楚,以及夜班所发生的情况未得到解决的需面汇报。检查值班室内外的卫生状况,地面无纸屑,桌面无杂物,整齐清洁。二、执勤1、7:50 8:10、13:50 14:10立岗迎接上班人员;12:00 12:20 、18:00 18:20立岗送下班人员。2、值勤时做到遇见领导立岗,检查物品立岗,外来人员进出立岗。3、门卫室值勤时,应做到坐姿端正,注视监视器的动态,做好接待工作,值勤期间不看书报电视,听收音机。不与无关人员聊天,劝阻无关人员不要在门卫室寄存物品或打 ,禁止打瞌睡。4、维持门口秩序,使之保持畅通。5、熟记消防,报警,救护及内部联系 。三、巡逻巡逻是防盗及发现#有不安全因素的重要措施。1、每天按照巡检制度定时轮流巡逻。2、巡逻时思想集中,保持高度警惕,不吸烟,不与无关人员闲聊,并将每一点所发生情况记录清楚,巡逻时做到勤走动,勤思考,勤观察。发现问题及时报告。3、白天加强对观众区、办公区及楼道的巡逻,夜晚以机房


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