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1、SAP EP系统技术方案目 录1综述11.1文档说明11.2编写目的11.3适用范围11.4术语定义11.5参考资料12总体技术架构图23软件及版本23.1SAP NetWeaver版本介绍23.2Oracle For SAP介绍24硬件配置概要介绍25软件安装35.1Oracle For SAP安装35.2SAP NetWeaver SR3 For Windows单机环境安装45.2.1准备工作45.2.2安装Central System45.3SAP NetWeaver SR3 For Windows集群环境安装135.3.1准备工作135.3.2安装Central Services In

2、stance (CSC)145.3.3安装Oracle数据库195.3.4安装Database Instance215.3.5安装Central Instance305.3.6安装Dialog Instance405.3.7安装SAP Web Dispatcher466服务器启动停止说明516.1启动停止顺序介绍516.2Oracle For SAP 启动停止介绍536.3启动停止Message Server556.4启动停止J2EE Process556.5启动停止Dispatcher566.6各服务依赖的Windows系统服务567开发技术567.1SAP NetWeaver Develo

3、per Studio介绍567.2Webdyn Pro工程介绍577.3Portal Application工程介绍588门户配置608.1EP门户页面组成介绍608.2协同工作配置618.2.1在线感知618.2.2个人通讯录618.2.3投票628.2.4论坛648.3知识管理668.3.1XML FORMS工程668.3.2KM权限配置688.4门户权限配置688.4.1匿名用户权限配置688.5Portal theme开发配置698.6虚拟门户的创建与配置698.7待办方式的接入介绍708.7.1被动方式708.7.2主动方式788.8Configtool的介绍838.9Visual

4、administrator的介绍838.10与目录集成配置848.10.1配置ldap数据源858.10.2设置Ldap连接参数868.11与ERP的集成配置868.11.1证书导入878.11.2启动ITS WebGUI application938.11.3配置到 SAP ECC的连接988.11.4配置ECC系统登录票logonticket1038.12松耦合应用集成配置1048.12.1创建系统1048.12.22. 创建iview1059门户集成1069.1与BEA PORTAL集成方案10610常见问题及解决10610.1服务器启动相关10610.2匿名用户无法查看知识管理中的新闻

5、10711服务器优化10711.1Dispatcher10811.2J2EE Server10812备份方案10812.1备份周期108 / 文档可自由编辑打印1 综述1.1 文档说明本文档主要描述SAP EP门户的相关技术,包括了EP服务器的安装、开发、部署及运维这一完整过程。其中,EP开发涉及的知识面广、内容多,本文中仅作简单介绍,系统的EP开发文档请查阅EP120_EN_Col62.pdf。1.2 编写目的EP项目组经过半年的努力,已初步掌握SAP EP门户中的各技术要点及相关的技术解决方案。为实现EP门户产品化目标,EP项目组特编写、整理该技术方案,作为EP门户技术的指导文档。1.3

6、适用范围本文档主要面向以下人员: 项目经理; 门户开发人员; 门户basise1.4 术语定义 EP: Enterprise Portal ECC: ERP Central Component BW: Business Information Warehouse1.5 参考资料 SAP Enterprise Portal Fundamentals(SAPEP) SAP NetWeaver Portal Development(EP120)2 总体技术架构图3 软件及版本3.1 SAP NetWeaver版本介绍目前实施中使用的版本为SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Support Relea

7、se 33.2 Oracle For SAP介绍SAPEP用的Oracle为SAP定制版,SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Support Release 3对应Oracle版本为10. 硬件配置概要介绍 单机环境最简配置:n 4CPU,8G内存,20G硬盘空间 集群及分布式环境最简配置:n 每台机器2CPU,4G内存,10G硬盘空间5 软件安装5.1 Oracle For SAP安装安装Oracle数据库的步骤如下.1) 运行 D:SAP_EPNW04SR2Oracle10_NTNTAMD64 sapserver.cmd2) 输入要安装的逻辑磁盘分区3) 输入数据库的SID

8、4) 点击install5) The installation of Oracle Database 10g was successful,点击Exit完成oracle数据库的安装5.2 SAP NetWeaver SR3 For Windows单机环境安装5.2.1 准备工作需要预先准备好如下安装软件并上传到服务器上 JDK安装文件. 在安装SAP EP系统前要先安装jdk.j2sdk-1_4_2_13-windows-amd64 SAP Enterprise Portal系统安装文件SAP_EPNW04SR2NW2004SR2InstallMasterIM_WINDOWS_X86_64sa

9、pinst.exe5.2.2 安装Central System1) 运行安装文件(我们假设该软件在d盘)D:SAP_EPNW04SR2NW2004SR2InstallMasterIM_WINDOWS_X86_64 sapinst.exe2) 进入 “Welcome to SAP Installation Master”, 选择 SAP NetWeaver 2004s SR2 SAP Systems Oracle High-Availability System Based on AS Java Central Services Instance (SCS) 点击Next.The SAP Sys

10、tem ID (SID) is very important in managing your various systems as they uniquely identify each installation. There is usually a company policy naming convention which should be strictly adhered to in order to prevent confusion. Be sure to choose an installation drive with sufficient space for the in

11、stallation. Specify the Master Password for the installation which is what the default password will be for all users created during the installationWarned about the following so be sure you have your page for the System to administerSpecify the passwords for the local or domain accounts that will b

12、e created.Specify the local MS SQL Server instance, this list is automatically populated.Point the installation to the Java Cryptographic Extension policy C:JavaCryptoExtensionjce_policy-1_4_2.zip (Leave as a zip archive) At this point in the install you may have to download this one of two location

13、s depending on your VM Sun: 1.4.2/download.htmlDefine the size of your database instance files; you can manually adjust this in the MSSQL Enterprise Manager later. This is based on expected data hardware requirements and the use case for your installation. Be sure to look into this setting before pr

14、oceeding in order to avoid problems down the road, its good to error on the side of caution here. Specify the number, location, and size of the database data and log filesPoint the installer to your Rapid Installation componentReview Your Settings and Start Installation:TREX is an optional component and is up to your company if you are going to use it, if you are unsure if you need it or not uncheck this since it can be installed later.5.3 SAP NetWeaver SR3 For Windows集群环境安装SAP Enterprise Portal系统需要依次安装以下组件: 安装Central Services Inst



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