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1、中英文对照施工方案正式版(正式版方案资料,可直接使用,可编辑,推荐下载)中英文对照施工方案目 录Contents1. 工程概况 General2。 编制依据 References3。 施工顺序 Construction Sequence4. 施工方法 Construction Method5。 安全与环境保护施工措施 HSE6。 劳动力计划 Manpower Mob. Schedule7。 机具计划 Equipment/Tools Mob。 Schedule8。 施工作业计划 Construction Schedule1. 工程概况General该项目为珠海PTA二期工程,本方案主要是为PTA

2、二期变电所结构而编制的施工技术措施.主体结构三层钢筋砼框架,局部为二层钢筋砼框架结构,变压器区域采用钢筋砼墙体。This method statement is compiled to describe the substation structure construction method of Zhuhai PTA No.2 Project, which major structure is threelayer reinforced concrete frame and partial structure is two-layer reinforced concrete frame an

3、d transformer area is reinforced concrete wall。2. 编制依据References2。1。 施工图纸 Construction Drawings REV。2 6092-BCO.01DW-174101 to 25 2。2 工程测量规范Code for Engineering Surveying GB50026-93 2。3 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 Code for Quality Acceptance for Concrete Structure GB5 420022.4 混凝土泵送技术规程 Technical Codes for Concr

4、ete Casting by Concrete Pump JGJ/T10952.5 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Construction GB50300-20012.6 钢筋焊接及验收规程 Code for Acceptance of Re-bar Welding JGJ1820032。7 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范 Safety Technical Code for Work at Height During Construction JGJ80-912。8 施工现场临时用电安

5、全技术规范 Electricity Safety Technical Code for Temporary Power Supply on Construction Site JGJ46-882。9 混凝土强度检验评定标准 Assessment and Acceptance for Concrete Strength GBJ107-873。 施工顺序 Construction Sequence4。 施工方法 Construction Method 4.1脚手架工程Scaffolding work4。1.1 框架外的双排脚手架由架业公司搭设.Double scaffold outside the

6、 structure will be built by scaffolding company。4。1。2梁和板底搭设满堂脚手架.脚手架立杆基土应平整、密实,且所有立杆底部应加设宽度大于200mm,厚度大于50mm,长度4m的垫木。Full scaffold shall be used for beam and slab bottom. Pole foundation soil shall level and dense, and size more than 4m(L)200mm(W)50mm(T) wood block shall be set for all pole bottom。4.

7、1.3满堂脚手架的立杆间距1。2m,横杆间距为1.6m。每隔12m设置一道剪力撑.搭设方法见下图.立杆与纵、横向扫地杆连接固定,纵横向立杆应在同一条直线;纵、横杆搭接接头不要大于50,即杆件接头要错位搭接。立杆搭设时应通过吊垂线保证其垂直度,垂直误差不得大于20mm。 Spacing between poles of full scaffold is 1。2m, and set cross bridging for every 12m, and method please see following sketch. Poles shall be erected as per the locat

8、ion, and fasten the poles with longitudinal and transverse bottom pole, and longitudinal and transverse poles shall be at the same straight line. Overlap junctions of longitudinal and transverse poles shall be not more than 50%, that is, pole junctions shall be overlapped staggered。 Verticality shal

9、l be ensured by plumb line when, and tolerance of verticality shall be not more than 20mm.4。1.4端头各设置一道剪刀撑,每道连接不少于4根立杆,纵向轴线除两端各设置一道剪刀撑外,按间距12m设置剪刀撑;剪刀撑接长必须用搭接,且搭接长度不小于1m,转扣不少于3个,每组剪刀撑的宽度不小于4跨,且不小于6m,斜杆与地面的夹角4560 Cross bridging shall be installed at the ends of transverse axis, and each connection sha

10、ll be not less than four poles. Besides cross bridging installed at the ends of the longitudinal axis, it also installed as per 12m spacing。 Overlap must be used for cross bridging spreading, and overlap length shall be not less than 1m, and rotary button shall be less than three, and each cross bri

11、dgings width shall be not less than four spans and shall be not less than 6m。 Separation angle between diagonal pole and ground is 4560。4.1。5 脚手架平面布置及上下通道平面位置见附图1。 Make the sketch for detail plane of scaffolding including access way。 Please see sketch No。1。4。1.6脚手架搭设好后,必须经过IPMT/CFCS/HSSE验收合格后方可投入使用.

12、 After completion of scaffolding work, it must be inspected and accepted by IPMT/CFCS/HSSE. 4。2模板工程 Formwork4.2。1梁、柱和墙板采用=18mm的胶合模,板采用组合钢模板。48*3.5的标准脚手架钢管加固。模板安装前,应将模板面残留砼清理干净、且在钢模板上均匀涂刷隔离剂. =18mm plywood form shall be used for beam, column and wall, and combined form shall be used for base slab, an

13、d reinforced by 483。5 scaffold steel pipe. Forms shall be cleaned and remove the residual concrete, and also separant shall be painted on the steel form evenly before form installation.4.2。2柱模板Column form 1)安装顺序:柱轴线投点、放支模线搭设柱四周井字架控制标高绑扎柱钢筋、墙拉结筋、安放钢筋保护层垫块拼装柱模板柱模板校正并加固Installation sequence: mark out t

14、he column axis and form linebuild “井” shape rack around the columncontrol elevationcolumn rebar work, wall binding rebar work, install the cushion blockinstall the column formcolumn form adjustment and reinforcement2)将柱轴线、标高线复测投点,弹出柱支模线,将柱脚支模处用1:2 水泥砂浆找平,每根柱周围搭设井字架,在井字架上抄测标高控制线。Resurvey the column a

15、xis and elevation line, and mark out the column form line, 1:2 cement mortar will be used to leveling at the column bottom。 “井 shape rack will be set around each column, and mark elevation control line on it。3)绑扎柱筋,垫保护层垫块,安放埋件、墙拉结筋。Column rebars and cushion block work, install the steel inserts and wall binding rebar。4)经检查合格并办理隐蔽检查记录后拼装柱模。柱根部留设清扫口。柱与梁的模板安装如附图1所示。Column form will be installed after inspected accepted and got the concealed work inspection record. Cleanout shall be



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