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1、and units annual integrated assessment close combined up, put party work evaluation results into leadership and leaders annual integrated assessment evaluation system, strengthening on debriefing comments assessment work of dynamic management and results using, further enhanced debriefing comments a

2、ssessment of scientific, and effectiveness and oriented sex. Third is the perfect three lessons System. Three lessons system is a sound party organization, strict management system, you must pay attention to implementation, and go a long. According to give a Party lecture, Secretary of the party org

3、anization, micro-party lecture party members and cadres and thematic party day activity, innovation, three lessons form, rich in three lessons, pay attention to party building with the fusion of public security work, forming the same frequency resonance, joint communion the new situation of party li

4、fe. Meanwhile, the three lessons system implementation in progress evaluation by the Secretary of the partys important content, strictly carry out the three lessons implementation of the system. Third, we must strengthen education and improve the concept of party spirit and political awareness. Gene

5、ral Secretary XI Jinping pointed out: the firm ideal . Barrier function. Levels party to effective caught for police Center work service of key link, insisted put completed distress insurance heavy task as party work of main, more encountered major burst event, and major rescue rescue task, and majo

6、r security task, more to play good party of core role, effective do pre-war mobilization, and wartime incentive, and post-war special care and, work, real do members cadres fighting to where, party of organised on extends to where, party of fighting fortress role on play to where, Reflect the party

7、promote and guarantee the power of. Comrade are, in advance full strictly rule party of new situation Xia, do police party work task difficult, and mission glory, hope everyone firm set Chess thought, put implementation strictly rule party requirements as organ party of construction of new normal, f

8、urther liberation thought, gel heart poly force, solid work, for maintenance social overall stable, and promote social fair justice, and guarantees people live made new of more big of contribution. April 7 to April 11, according to XX police detachment and Police Brigade of arrangements, I privilege

9、 participate in in XX Ministry of public security Research Institute held of accident processing high-end courses, through 5 days of training learning, I deep has feeling, learning has many new of knowledge and processing accident of skills, on yihou of learning and work in the help is big, now will

10、 experience summary following: a, and learning to has new knowledge, expanded has vision. In the research institutes under the teachers explanations, our review of the road traffic accident scene mapping, mapping standards and focus on learning the real records, the figure reflects the status and re

11、lationship of the various elements of the accident location, size, give the site more intuitive understanding of the next accident processing work has been a big help. While, I also insight has some new of accident exploration equipment, for example: new of traffic accident site drawing system, thro

12、ugh training, police can very fast of draws standard of site figure, and data measurement, and meet Ministry of public security of the standard; also has no machine of using, application no machine regardless of is photography also is camera, are from-最新精品资料推荐-提供全程指导服务- 2010年暑期三下乡社会实践活动个人总结 重庆市北碚区静观

13、镇位于观音背斜和龙王背斜之间,素有“花卉之岁的美称,种花已有520多年的历史,是全国花木盆景艺术五大流派之一川派中川东花卉艺术的发祥地,以人工造型,园林艺术,巧夺天工见长,其树桩蟠扎,在全国花卉艺术中自成体系,独树一帜,其特点是平枝圆盘,层次分明,既虬曲苍劲,庄重雄健,又婀娜多姿,飘逸隽美,饱含诗情画意。XX年6月静观镇被国家林业局、中国花卉协会授予首批也是全重庆市唯一“中国花木之乡”的称号。 经过团队内部队员们的讨论和综合了静观的具体情况,我们把三下乡的主题定为送科技、送花卉知识去静观。 定好主题之后就是忙碌的准备工作,准备工作期间恰好是军训期间,然而,队友们却不怕苦不怕累,每次准备工作都能

14、很好地完成,特别是在活动开展前3天,全队队友都整天地忙着整理资料、制作宣传海报、调查问卷、科技宣传手册、队旗、横幅等,期间,甚至有队友啃了两天的方便面。在此准备工作中,我和何俊洁一起负责制作了科技宣传手册、科技种植技术宣传海报等,经过这些准备工作,我明显感觉到了我的文字排版能力得到了一定的提高,团队协作性得到加强等。 7月22日,我们三下乡终于拉开序幕,在为期四天的三下乡社会实践中,感触良多,下面逐一论述。 1. 加强准备工作,提高活动的可行性。 在活动的准备阶段,我们全队队员认真积极地进行了准备工作,脑中不断模拟活动开展时的情况,不断发现新的问题并提出解决方法。为此,我们多次修改了策划,多次

15、联系政府。活动开展前几天,我们队还一起集中,全天候准备活动。然而去到静观,我们才发现,我们的准备工作还有欠缺的地方,有些地方还没有考虑到,为此,我们的活动也受到了一定的影响。所以,我认为在活动开展之前做好充分的准备工作,提高活动的可行性十分重要,对我们顺利开展活动有很大的帮助。 2. 加强联系,取得相关单位的支持。 在活动开展的前期准备阶段,我们多次联系了政府,在政府的帮助下我们在开展活动中遇到的许多问题都得以解决。7月22日下午,政府的相关工作人员王春花热情地接见了我们,并对我们的活动策划进行了详细的指导,为我们以后几天活动的开展提出了许多宝贵的意见,大大提高了我们活动的可行性。最后,她与我

16、们一起去我们明天的活动地点实地考察,对我们明天的活动进行了一些具体部署,并主动给我们提供了一些帮助。他们的帮助对我们后期活动的顺利开展提供了很大帮助。 3. 付出汗水,收获成果。 7月23日是我们活动的第一天,也是我们活动重头戏开展的一天。为了活动取得更好的效果,我们从凌晨4点多就开始准备活动、开展活动。中午也只是休息了短短的几十分钟,晚上到了差不多1点才睡。工作时间不可谓不长,不可谓不苦,很多队友都说那天是他上大学以来甚至是很多年以来最早起床的一天。我们付出了汗水,然而,我们也相应的得到回报,收获了成果。我们的活动得到了人们的积极响应,活动现场非常火爆,活动效果非常好。虽然活动结束后我们才发现我们之中的很多队员竟然忙得连早餐都顾不上吃了,但是我



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