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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Scientific research results can now be quickly () to factory production.问题1选项A.usedB.appliedC.employedD.practiced【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。be used to表示“被用来;习惯于”,be applied to表示“被运用于,应用于”, be employed to表示“被使用于;被雇佣于”,practice通常与put构成搭配“put sth. to practice”表示“把付诸于实践”。由句意可

2、知,如今科研成果是被应用于工厂生产。因此,只有B项符合原句含义和搭配,故本题正确答案为B选项。2. 单选题The police have offered a large()for information leading to robbers arrest.问题1选项A.rewardB.awardC.compensationD.prize【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。reward意为“酬谢,奖赏”,尤指因表现出色或向他人提供帮助或服务而得到的酬谢;award尤指因表现出色或成绩卓越由官方决定颁发的“奖品,奖金,奖赏,奖状”;compensation尤指因损失而给予的“补偿(赔偿)物,补偿(

3、赔偿)金”;prize尤指在比赛、竞赛中获得的“奖品,奖赏”。句意:警局提供了丰厚的奖赏来奖励那些为抓住罪犯提供线索的人。3. 单选题I () that he was a little crippled in the leg so I slowed down my pace.问题1选项A.perceivedB.deceivedC.conceivedD.received【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项perceive “注意到;意识到;察觉到;”;B选项deceive “欺骗;蒙骗”;C选项conceive “出(主意、计划等);想象;构想”;D选项receive “拿到;接到;收到”。句

4、意:我觉察到他的腿有点瘸,所以我放慢了脚步。根据关键词“所以我放慢了脚步”可知是因为 “觉察到”他的腿有点瘸。故选A。4. 单选题They()the hall with pictures.问题1选项A.adornedB.ornamentedC.suppliedD.trimmed【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。adorn“装饰”,一般指为了“美观”而装饰;ornament“装饰,修饰”,多指比较“浮夸”的装饰品,通常在描述很大的豪宅时用ornament比较多;supply“提供,供应”;trim“修剪,切除”。句中指的是用画来装饰大厅,所以选项A更恰当。5. 单选题I just learnt f

5、rom Intercultural Education course that an Englishman seldom () a conversation among strangers.问题1选项A.breaks downB.gives rise toC.initiatesD.resumes【答案】C【解析】考查动词和词组。A选项break down表示“分解,发生故障”,B选项give rise to表示“使发生,引起”,C选项initiates表示“启动,开始”,D选项resume表示“重新开始,重新回到,重新占用”。由句意可知,我刚从“跨文化教育”课程中了解到,英国人很少与陌生人对话

6、。空缺处单词需与conversation 构成动宾短语,表示“发起会话”,因此只有initiate最符合语境,故本题正确答案为C选项。6. 翻译题Generation JoblessThe number of young people out of work globally is nearly as big as the population of the United StatesYOUNG people ought not to be idle. It is very bad for them, said Margaret Thatcher in 1984. She was right:

7、 there are few worse things that society can do to its young than to leave them in limbo.1. Those who start their careers on the dole are more likely to have lower wages and more spells of joblessness later in life, because they lose out on the chance to acquire skills and self-confidence in their f

8、ormative years.Yet more young people are idle than ever. OECD figures suggest that 26m 15- to 24-year-oids in developed countries are not in employment, education or training; the number of young people without a job has risen by 30% since 2007. The International Labour Organisation reports that 75m

9、 young people globally are looking for a job. World Bank surveys suggest that 262m young people in emerging markets are economically inactive. Depending on how you measure them, the number of young people without a job is nearly as large as the population of America (31. lm).2. Two factors play a bi

10、g part. First, the long slowdown in the West has reduced demand for labour, and it is easier to put off hiring young people than it is to fire older workers. Second,in emerging economies population growth is fastest in countries with dysfunctional labour markets, such as India and Egypt.The result i

11、s an arc of unemployment*, from southern Europe through north Africa and the Middle East to South Asia, where the rich worlds recession meets the poor worlds youth quake. The anger of the young jobless has already burst onto the streets in the Middle East. Violent crime, generally in decline in the

12、rich world, is rising in Spain, Italy and Portugalcountries with startlingly high youth unemployment.Will growth give them a job?The most obvious way to tackle this problem is to reignite growth. That is easier said than done in a world plagued by debt, and is anyway only a partial answer. The count

13、ries where the problem is worst (such as Spain and Egypt) suffered from high youth unemployment even when their economies were growing.3. Throughout the recession companies have continued to complain that they cannot find young people with the fight skills. This underlines the importance of two othe

14、r solutions:reforming labour markets and improving education. These are familiar prescriptions, but ones that need to be delivered with both a new vigour and a new twist.Youth unemployment is often at its worst in countries with rigid labour markets. Cartelised industries, high taxes on hiring, stri

15、ct rules about firing, high minimum wages: all these help condemn young people to the street comer. South Africa has some of the highest unemployment south of the Sahara, in part because it has powerful trade unions and rigid rules about hiring and firing. Many countries in the arc of youth unemployment have high minimum wages and heavy taxes on labour. India has around 200 laws on work and pay.Deregulating labour markets is thus central to tackling youth unemployment. But it will not be enough on its own. Britain has a flexible labou


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