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1、Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsIntroduction I. Studying aims: 1. To memorize the new words of part one .能够认识活动一里出现的新单词并记住重点单词。2. To memorize the important phrases.熟记重点词组。3. To master the important sentence.掌握重点句型并能灵活运用。II. Self-study guides:Step one: read the words in the box and remember them.

2、Step two: find out the following important phrases on page 1.1. 与有联系 _ 2. 患 / 得感冒_ 3. 至少_ 4. 一周一次或更多_5. 牙疼_6 .参加锻炼_Step three: self - study the following sentences.1. Not many people are fit enough to do this.1)I was foolish enough to trust him.2) Im old enough to handle my own affairs.请根据例句总结:“(某人或

3、某事)足够能干”的表达方式是:_跟踪练习:翻译句子 这个孩子到了上学年龄。_ 他跑得足够快从而能够追上我。_2. 请观察下面例句并总结fit的用法:1)He keeps fit with diet and exercise. 保持健康_, fit译为_2) Your car isnt fit to be on the road. 适合做_, fit 译为_3) That coat fits you perfectly. fit 词性为_, 指衣服大小_4) What kind of job is he fit for? 胜任_, fit 译为_跟踪练习:完成句子1)He has been il

4、l and _. 他一直在生病,尚不能工作。2)These shoes _ perfectly. 这双鞋非常适合我。3)The water _ drink. 这水不适宜应用。 Summary(小结) Ask some students to summarize the main points of this class。(要求学生对本节课的内容做一个小结) Exercises in class (当堂训练)完成句子1. 比赛的结果使我们感到伤心。The result of the competition _ _ _.2. 他至少去过那儿两次。 He has been there _ _ twice.3. 我们由蓝这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。 We _the word blue _ the color of the sky.4. 你看上去很健康。 You _ _ _.5. 这个房间足够大从而能够容纳20人。This room is _ _ _ hold 20 people.


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