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1、2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Crimea is a center of pro-Russian sentiment, which can ( ) separatism. The region-a peninsula on Ukraines Black Sea coast-has 2.3 million inhabitants, most of whom identify themselves as ethnic Russians and speak Russian.问题1选项A.spill overB.spill out ofC.spil

2、l down towardsD.spill into【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。spill over “外溢”;spill out of “溅出”;spill down towards “溢出”;spill into “涌进”。句意:克里米亚是亲俄情绪的中心,这种情绪能够涌进各种分裂主义。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题( )he was in the United States as student studying computer science, but in reality he was spying on Silicon Valley firms for Gun Dap Systems

3、, his employer.问题1选项A.DisingenuouslyB.DiscretelyC.OfficiouslyD.Ostensibly【答案】D【解析】副词词义辨析。disingenuously “不诚实地”;discretely “离散地”;officiously“过分殷勤地,非官方地”;ostensibly “表面上,外表”。句意:表面上他在美国学习计算机科学,但实际上,他是在为他的雇主Gun Dap Systems监视硅谷的公司。选项D符合题意。3. 单选题The Niger President had caused unease in the West African co

4、untry following his failure to organize elections when his ( )elapsed.问题1选项A.tenancyB.tensionC.territoryD.tenure【答案】D【解析】名词词汇辨析。tenancy “租用,租赁,租赁期”;tension “紧张局势”;territory “领地,领土”;tenure “任期”。句意:尼日尔总统任期结束后未能组织选举,在这个西非国家引起了不安。选项D符合题意。4. 问答题Identity is about how we define who we are. Literally, both

5、identity and the self mean “the same as”. In cultural theory identity is used to describe the consciousness of self found in the modern individual. The modern self is understood to be autonomous and self-critical. The German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel saw individualism, the right to criticism and auto

6、nomy of action as the three main characteristics of modern subjectivity. This self-reflexive aspect of identity means that, in the modern age, identity is understood to be a project. It is not fixed. The autobiographical thinking that characterizes modern identity creates a coherent sense of a past

7、identity, but that identity has to be sustained in the present and remade in the future. The constant remaking of identity reveals that the sense of self is to some extent an illusion, because the making of the self requires a constant interaction with the not-self or non-identity: the external worl

8、d. In modem Western societies, certain identities have been privileged over others. Men have been privileged over women. White Europeans have been privileged over non-whites. Certain modes of sexual behavior have defined normal against deviant sexual identities. “Identity politics” is the term used

9、to describe the emergence into the political arena of identities other than those of white, European, heterosexual men. The assertion of alternative identities has followed a number of different strategies which Jonathan Dollimore divides into four types of “reverse discourses”: (1) the assertion of

10、 a positive identity as normal and natural as the dominant “norm”; (2) the assertion of a negative identity, which is abnormal, but can be explained and assimilated by recourse to legitimating (for example, medical or scientific) discourses; (3) the assertion of a different identity as more natural

11、and normal than the dominant norm; (4) the strategy of transgression, where the very categories that define what is normal and abnormal are subverted. The first of these four can be described as essentialist strategies. They assert oppositional identity as essentially unchangeable. An example would

12、be the cultural movement known as “negritude” which emerged at the end of the French Empire. One of its leading proponents, Leopold Senghor argued that African culture is “more sensitive to the external world, to the material aspect of beings and things”. However, the result of such strategies is of

13、ten anti-essentialist. An assertive African culture will in fact change the nature of both African and European identities. The fourth reverse discourse is explicitly anti-essentialist. Identity is understood to be performative, not based on any essential characteristics, but rather is a performance

14、 based on cultural expectations. Dollimores example of an anti-essentialist identity is Oscar Wilde, who famously argued for the primacy of culture in his statement that “life imitates art”. One of the most interesting developments in identity politics emerging from this insight has been queer polit

15、ics. This has developed from lesbian and gay politics; but queer politics resists the division of sexuality into a binary opposition of essentialist homosexual or heterosexual identities. Instead, Judith Butler argues that identities are the products of the discourses that define sexuality. We perfo

16、rm masculinity or femininity, homosexuality or heterosexuality according to a script already written as the cultural conventions of our society. In this view, identities are cultural constructions rather than pre-set. 1.What is the passage mainly about?2.Why does the author say that “in the modern age, identity is understood to be a project” in Paragrap



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