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1、翻译知识汇编 句法翻译、换序翻译英语和汉语在于法结构上差异很大,在翻译过程中,需要经常更换原文词语的前后顺序。翻译是根据译文的语言习惯,对原文的词序进行调整, 是译文做到最大程度上的通顺, 这就是换序译法。若照搬原文的词序,不顾译文语言的习惯, 这样的翻译绘滑稽可笑,毫无通顺可言,因而译文也不信,违反翻译的标准。翻译世纪要避免生硬的死译,也要避免不顾原文的现象。例子见P.81。1 Even the wild animals of his homeland, it seemed to Kunta, had more dignity than these creatures. (Alex Hale

2、y, Roots) 昆他觉得,即使他家乡的野兽也比这群人自尊自重。(插入语换序)。2From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland, they were warmly received by their compatriots. 他们从走上祖国土地的时刻起,就受到同胞们热情接待。(定语从句换序)3Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable. 他

3、们乐观、能干、热情, 总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。(状语易位,并转变为谓语)。4Dont hesitate to come when you need help. 你们什么时候需要我, 只管来找我。(状语从句换序)。二、 断句译法 所谓断句以法指的是: 在翻译中把一些长句断开来翻译。在英语句子中,介词短语和动词不定式的应用是很广泛的,翻译是要根据汉语的习惯, 按照逻辑关系分译成几个句子。 汉译英时,也会遇到同样的长句,翻译事业要拆开来译。例子见 P.85。1That question is too hard for me to answer. 那个问题太难了, 我回答不了。(分译动词不定式

4、。)2He is too ill to have been anywhere but in bed. 他并得太厉害,哪儿也去不了,只能呆在床上。(分译动词不定式和介词短语。)3 Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking!( John Galsworthy, The apple tree.)春花怒放,春水奔流,无限春光,争奇斗艳,语言已不足以尽述奇妙。(介词短语

5、分译)。英汉语在句型和排列上各有特点。英语中常用连词、介词、分词短语和由关系代词、关系副词引出的各种从句组成长句, 有时甚至一段由一句组成。英语长句虽然结构复杂, 但描写细致,逻辑严密。 汉语运用动词最广泛。再表示一些复杂的概念时, 汉语大都分成若干简短的句子, 逐点交待,层层铺开, 有主有次,有先有后,眉目清楚,词句简练。 因此,英译汉时,必须抓住全文的中心思想,区别主次,根据时间顺序和逻辑关系, 重新按汉语习惯加以组合, 以确切表示原,不要拘泥原文的形式, 使译文欧化。1、顺译法。英汉句之结构的顺序相同,层次分明,翻译是可以顺序推进。如:In Africa I met a boy, who

6、 was crying as if his heart would break and said, when I spoke to him, that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.在非洲,我遇到一个小孩,她哭的伤心极了,我问他时,他说他饿了,两天没有吃饭了。(这个英语句子的叙述层词合汉语相同, 所以按原文的顺序, 依次译出。)So a system of reservoir is being dug to store water that can be run down to crops after it is w

7、armed by the sun.因此修筑了一个水库系统, 先让水储存在水库中, 待太阳晒热后,再灌到田里去。2、逆译法。英汉语的叙述层次相反,采用逆译法。There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 我访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever.他五岁时侯,生了一场伤寒病,变成了笼子。3、变序法。原句构复杂,可按汉语由近及远的顺序从中断

8、句,层层展开,最后画龙点睛,突出主题。An “alloy” steel is one which, in addition to the contents of carbon, sulfur and prosperous, contains more than 1 percent of manganese, or more than 0.3 per cent silicon, or some other elements in amounts not encountered in carbon steels.如果一种钢除含有碳、硫、磷以外,黄含有1%多的锰,或0.3%多的硅,或其他碳素钢不包含

9、的其它元素,那么这种钢就是“合金钢”。4、主次分译法。把此要成分甩开。A quarter of century ago the General Assembly and the Security Council symbolized ,especially for the small countries,the supreme guarantee of a new international order. 二十五年前,联合国大会和安全理事会象征着以和平与正义为基础的国际新秩序的最高保证。对小国来说,尤其如此。5、紧缩法。Presently the baronet plunged a fork

10、into saucepan on the fire, and withdrew from the pot a piece of tripe and an onion, which he divided into pretty equal potions, and of which he partook with Mrs.Tinker.从男爵把炉叉深入炉火上的平底锅里,叉出一片牛肚和一个洋葱分成差不多大小的两份, 和廷格太太各吃一份。6、标点符号法。In 1917 he (Einstein) completed a paper of considerable import for all of

11、physics: it not only laid down the basic principle of the laser some 40 years before the first such device was made but, more broadly, also advanced quantum theory.一九一七年, 他(爱因斯坦)完成了一篇对物理学各部门都颇为重要的论文。它不但奠定了激光理论的基础(四十多年之后才制造出第一个激光装置), 而且在更广的意义上说, 还发展了量子理论。7加词法。We must not forget Lenins statement that

12、as regards our work of 我们不能忘记列宁的话。 他说, 总之,长句的翻译: 找出动词, 然后排队。1按时间顺序排队2按逻辑顺序排队,(因果)3按空间顺序排队,(方位)。三、转句译法。英语里用作状语或定语的词组,或名词词组。经常包含有丰富的语义,有时要把这些成分连同句子的其他成分一起翻译成地道的汉语时有困难。这时不得不把这个词组译成汉语的句子。对这些句子采用分译的方法,可以是译文简洁明确,层次分明,合乎汉语规范。例子见P89。1 Through his life, Benjamin Franklin continued his education, learning fro

13、m human contacts as well as from books. 2. I tried vainly to put the piece together.3. The computer can give Mary the right lesson for her: neither too fast nor too slow.四、合句译法一般说来,英语句子要比汉语的句子长, 信息量也更大, 因此,汉译英时有必要也有可能把两个或两个以上的汉语句子翻译成一个英语句子。另外,比较口语化的英语句子也比较短,英译汉时也可采用合句译法。例子见:P92。(一)、把两个或两个以上的简单句合译成一个

14、汉语单句或复句当英语中两个或两个以上的简单句关系密切、意义贯通时,可不限于原文的表层结构,将他们合译成一个汉语单句或复句,意义同样完整,还可避免不必要的重复。1. The young man was very miserable. He had no money about him. All his savings had been stolen.(这个年轻人很惨,已落到生物分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄都被盗)2 Darkness fell. An explosion shook the earth. It did not shake his will to go to the front.

15、(夜幕降临时,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没有动摇他上前线的决心。)3 That day, the President had an interview with her father. Her father was going to the moon by space shuttle. (那一天,总统会见了她父亲,因为她的父亲即将乘航天飞机去登月。4 She is very busy at home. She had to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.(二)、把英语中的复合句译成一个汉语单句英汉两种语言句子结构不完全相同,有时要套用原文的句式往往是行不通的。当原文句子的表层结构与汉语的表达方式不一样时,需要进行句子结构的调整,将原文中的复合句译成一个汉语单句可以使译文紧凑、简练、语气连贯。1. If we do a thing, we should do it well. (我们要干就要干好)。2 The time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light.3. Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first may seem puzzling to a v


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