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1、2000年 1月 TOEFL语法笔记编委:Maya审委: Xaosduck1. Amanda Ways career as a social reformer in 1851 when, at an antislaverymeeting in Indiana, she called for a state womans rights convention.(A) begin(B) began(C) have beg un(D) to have beg unKey: B分析:考点是动词时态。根据句中的时间状语in 1851可知,空格中的动词应用过去式,所以 选 B, began。参考译文:作为一

2、个社会改革者Amanda Way事业开始于1851年,在印第安拉州的一个反 奴隶制的会议上,她为这个州妇女的权力的条约而呐喊.2. The celesta, on orchestral percussion instrument, resembles(A) a small upright pia no(B) how a small upright pia no(C) a small upright pia no is(D) as a small upright pia nokey: A分析:考点是宾语成份。句中的谓语是resemble, resemble是及物动词,其后应直接加名词 做宾语.e

3、.g.: He str on gly resembles his father.参考译文:钟琴(发出如钟的声音的一种有键小乐器)是一种管弦乐打击乐器,酷似一个体型小 巧的竖直钢琴.3. Thomas Paine, wrote Comm on Sen se, a pamphlet that ide ntified the America ncolonies with the cause of liberty.(A) writer of eloquent(B) whose eloquent writing(C) an eloquent writing(D) writing eloquentkey:

4、 C分析:考点是同位语。句中的主语是Thomas Paine,谓语是wrote,所以紧跟主语后的空 格应填主语的同位语或者是修饰说明主语的定语从句等等。(A) 错在两处。一是writer是可数名词,前面要加冠词a;二是eloque nt是形容词,没有 of+形容词的用法。A可改为a writer of eloquenee,但是没有(C)的简洁。(B) 类似定语从句的形式,但结构不对,可改为whose writi ng is eloque nt(D)类似动名词的形式,但结构不对,可改为writi ng eloque nt books但总的说来,(A)(B)改后都没有(C)好!参考译文:Thoma

5、s Paine, 个善于生动表达的作家,写了一本认为美国殖民地与自由事 业是一致的小册子常识4. Although beavers rarely rema in submerged for more tha n two minu tes, they can stay un derwaterfifteen minu tes before hav ing to surface for air.(A) as long(B) as long as(C) so long(D) so long thatkey: B分析:考点是固定搭配。短语的用法as long as+时间表示“长达多久”注意as long

6、 as的另外两个用法:a. since (既然)e.g. As long as you are offered, I accept.既然你已给我,我就接受)b. on the condition that(以。为条件)e.g. I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time.(只要及时告诉我,我就会合作)参考译文:尽管海狸保持浅水状态极少能超过两分钟,但是它们却能在回到水面前呆在水下 长到二十分钟。5. Prote in digesti on beg ins in the stomachends in the small i ntest in

7、e.(A) while(B) and(C) how(D) becausekey: B分析:考点是连词的用法。句中出现两个谓语begins和ends,显然两个谓语之前要么用 and连接,要么加其它转折连接词。答案中只有and并列连接词正确。注意(A) while的 用法,要么是在其后加完整的句子,要么是加doing的形式。参考译文:蛋白质的消化开始于胃中,结束于肠内。6. When natural gas burns, its_ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen.(A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up(B) broke up

8、 by hydrocarbon molecules(C) hydrocarbon molecules break up(D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules2key:C分析:考点是主谓结构。由句子分析可知,空格处缺句子的主语和谓语,所以Co 参考译文:当天然气燃烧的时候,它的碳氢分子分解为碳原子和氢原子。7. ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.(A) All of(B) Of every(C) All(D) Everykey: C分析:考点是不定代词+of +限定词+名

9、词的用法。这套题有n多的争议!主要是在A还是C的分歧。我的答案是C,有题为证。20005 Section Two 38 题:Astronomers (use) photography and sighting telescopes (to study) the motions (of all of) the bright stars and many of the faint (one)此题正确答案是D,而C是对的。(2000-5里之所以认为all of正确是因为前面有the motion,后面连接了 the.特指。) 参考译文:所有的芭蕾舞演员都学手臂和脚的五个基本位置。有关all,all

10、of ,请大家看一些词组体会一下all ballet dan cers.泛指一切芭蕾舞演员(对)all of ballet da ncers 无此结构(错)all of such ballet dancers 同上(错)all of these/those ballet dan cers 对,美式英语all these/those ballet dan cers 对,英式英语Meigui根据Tom老师的语法笔记补充:1、不定代词+of +限定词+名词其中,不定代词是指:much, many, little, a little, few,a few ,both, all ,none, some,

11、 any ,either, neither.限定词是指:冠词,代词,所有格。这种形式中,of +限定词必须同时省略或是同时存在,如:most books; most of my books 这是对的。2、特殊形式:all/both+(of)+限定词+名词all of my books or all my books是对的,也就是说,这里of是可以省略的。而这种形式:不定代词+of+名词,永远都是错的!8. Some colonies of bryozoans, small marine animals, form _with trailing stems.(A) creeping coloni

12、es3版权所有 水妖的岛仅供大家考TOEFL参考只用,未经许可,任何人不得将其做商业用途如需要转载,请注明出处(B) which colonies creep(C) creeping colonies are(D) colonies creepkey:A分析:考点是宾语成分。句中的主语是some colonies谓语是form。Form是及物动词,其 后要加宾语。参考译文:苔藓虫的一些后代是很小的海生生物,它们是具有拖尾的茎须的爬行后代。9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six womens rights cases before the United StatesS

13、upreme Court in the 1970s,(A) of five winning them(B) five winning of them(C) of them five winning(D) winning five of themkey: D分析:考点是状语成份。句中的主语是Ruth Bader Ginsburg,谓语是argued,宾语是six womens rights,空格前是一个完整的句子,所以空格处应填一个能修饰补充这个句子的状 语。参考译文:RBG在二十世纪七十年代在美国高等法院为六个涉及妇女人权的案件进行辩 护,他赢得了其中五个官司。10. Natural sele

14、cti on is defi ned as the processthe course of evoluti on by preserv ingthose traits best adapted for an orga ni sms survival.(A) to which directs(B) of which directs it(C) directs it(D) that directskey: D分析:考点是定语从句。空格前是一个完整的句子,主语是natural selection,谓语是is defined as,宾语是the process,所以紧跟process的空格应修饰pr

15、ocess。所以D对,是定 语从句。A若改为to direct则对参考译文:自然选择被定义为一个过程,这个过程通过保存那些最适合一个生物生存的特性 来指导进化的过程11. 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, the EricCanal helped link the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes.(A) The extension(B) The extension(C) Extending(D) Extendskey:C分析:考点是状语成份残缺。句子逗号后是一个完整的句子,主语是the Eric Canal,谓语是 helped link,宾语是the Atlantic Ocean,逗号前还有一个分句,但两个分句之间没有连接词连 接,所以前一个分句应该是不完整的,起一个修饰的作用.参考译文:在纽约州的Albany市和Buffalo市之间延伸了 360英里的Eric运河有助于大西 洋和五大湖的连接.12. The chi


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