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1、CONTENTS1. Applicable Terms and Conditions适用条款2. No Standard Provision非格式条款3. Affiliate Company关联公司4. Warranty质保5禁止抵消 No offest6. Resale of Product货物转售7. Retention of title and transfer of risk所有权保留和风险转移8. Force Majeure不可抗力9. Exchange Rate Risk汇率风险10. Inspection and Claim检验与索赔11. Confidentiality保密条款

2、12. Liquidated Damages 违约赔偿13. Termination合同终止14. Intellectual Property知识产权15. Disclaimer and Limitation免责与责任限制16. Amendment and Waiver修订和弃权17. Transfer of Contract合同转让18. Severability可分割性19. Notices通知20. Applicable Law and Settlement of Dispute适用法律与争端解决21. Prohibition of Commercial Fraud and Briber

3、y禁止商业欺诈和贿赂22. Miscellaneous其它约定1. Applicable Terms and Conditions适用条款1.1 Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, all Goods supplied by Seller to Buyer are sold only on the provisions of the Sales Contract, the General Terms and Conditions, Limited Warranty for PV Modules (hereinafter collectively r

4、eferred to as (“the Contract”).除非双方当事人另有约定,卖方出售给买方的产品仅适用销售合同、通用条款、太阳能光伏组件有限质保书(以下统称为“本合同 ”)。1.2 In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions set forth in these documents abovementioned, the provision set forth in the Sales Contract shall prevail.如上述文件条款存在任何冲突,应以销售合同条款为准。2. No Standard Prov

5、ision非格式条款2.1 Both Parties acknowledge that they have read and fully understood the terms and conditions hereof.双方当事人确认其已经审阅并完全理解本合同的条款。2.2 Both Parties further acknowledge that the Contract is the result of friendly negotiation between the Parties under the principle of good faith and shall not be

6、construed as the standard terms and conditions of a Party, therefore, no unfavorable interpretation shall be made against the Party who prepares and provides it.双方当事人进一步确认合同条款是合同双方本着诚信原则谈判的结果,合同条款不应理解为任何一方当事人的格式条款,因而不得对合同提供方做出不利解释。3. Affiliate Company关联公司Sellers affiliate company may have the right

7、to perform this Contract according to the provisions hereof.卖方的关联公司可以按照本合同约定的条款履行本合同。4. Warranty质保The warranty terms for the quality of the Goods shall refer to Annex: Limited Warranty for PV Modules.产品的质量保证条款见附件:太阳能光伏组件有限质保书。5禁止抵消 No offestAny payment receivable to the Seller is free of any offset.

8、卖方的应收货款不得被抵消。6. Resale of Product货物转售Under any of the following circumstances, Seller may, at Sellers sole discretion, postpone delivery of the Goods, or resale the Goods to any third Party or terminate the Contract without prior notice to Buyer and shall not be liable for any damages or losses of w

9、hatever kind thus caused to Buyer:在以下任何情形下,卖方有权无需事先通知买方,自行决定延迟交货、转售货物给任何第三方并终止合同,且不承担由此给买方造成的任何损害或损失:a) Buyer fails to make full payment as agreed herein, or买方没有按照本合同约定及时付款;或b) Buyer falls into arrears of any payables to Seller under any previous contract between the Parties hereto and such payables

10、 have not been fully paid to Seller at the time when the Goods under this Contract arrives at the destination, or)买方与卖方此前签订的任何合同项下之任何欠款,在本合同项下的货物到达目的地前买方仍未付清;或c) Buyer fails to take delivery within 3 days upon the arrival of Goods at the port of destination.买方没有在货到目的港后3天内及时提货。7. Retention of title a

11、nd transfer of risk所有权保留和风险转移Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, Seller shall be entitled to retain the title to the Goods until Buyer has fully fulfilled its obligation of any and all payments under the Contract. Transfer of risk will take place according to the Trade Term (Incoterms 2010) as

12、stipulated in the Sales Contract.除非双方另有约定,在本合同项下买方履行全部付款义务之前,货物所有权仍属于卖方。风险转移与销售合同中约定的贸易术语(适用国际贸易术语解释通则2010年版本一致。8. Force Majeure不可抗力8.1 “Force Majeure” means all events that cant be foreseen at the time of the execution hereof, whose occurrence and consequence cant be avoided or, that take place aft

13、er the effective date hereof and affects any Partys full or partial performance hereof, including earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war as well as any other unforeseeable, unavoidable or unconquerable event.不可抗力是指在在订立合同时不能预见,在合同生效后对其发生不能避免,对其后果不能控制且影响任何一方全部或部分合同履行的事件,包括地震、台风、洪水、火灾、战争、及其他不能预见、不能避免、不能

14、控制的任何事件。8.2 If due to any force majeure event,one Party is unable to perform its contractual obligations (except for payment obligation), the affected Party shall notify the other Party within 3 days upon the occurrence thereof, and shall present certificate issued by local competent authority withi

15、n 15 days, specifying the nature and duration of the force majeure event. If the force majeure event lasts for over 3 months, both Parties shall have the right to terminate the Contract upon written notice to other Party without bearing liabilities hereunder.如果发生不可抗力事件导致一方当事人不能履行合同(付款义务除外),受影响方应在不可抗

16、力事件发生后3天内通知对方,并在不可抗力事件发生后15天内递交将当地相应机关的证明文件。如果不可抗力事件持续超过3个月,双方均有权以书面通知形式终止本协议,而不承担责任。9. Exchange Rate Risk汇率风险9.1 The Parties mutually agree that the price agreed herein shall be adjusted accordingly in case the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate between USD/EURO(depending on the payment currency defined in the Contract)



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