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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Free Pascal编译的程序运行错误代码解析Run time errors Free Pascal生成的应用程序也许会生成一些运行错误,当应用程序发现某个确定的异常情况时,这里列出了错误代码,并且解释产生的原因。1 Invalid function number 错误的功能代码 尝试错误的操作系统调用. 2 File not found 文件未找到 程序试图删除(erase),重命名( rename),打开(open)一个不存在的文件. 3 Path not found 目录未发现 目录不存在或是错误.也有可能是访问一个不存在的文件. 4 T

2、oo many open files 打开太多的文件 当前你的程序当前打开的文件太多咯.超过了操作系统允许打开的最多文件数. 5 File access denied 文件访问拒绝 访问文件拒绝.引起这个错误可能是下面几个原因: 试图写一个只读文件,或者实际上是一个目录. 文件正在为其他程序所使用. 试图建立一个目录中已经存在的文件名的文件. 试图从一个只能写的文件中读数据. 试图从一个只能读的文件中写数据. 试图移除一个不存在的文件或目录. 不允许访问这个文件或者目录. 6 Invalid file handle 错误的文件句柄 表示你的文件表示府已经失效; 指出你的内存已经混乱. 12 I

3、nvalid file access code 错误的文件访问代码 reset 或 rewrite 使用一个错误的文件模式值. 15 Invalid drive number 错误的驱动器数字 Getdir或者ChDir函数所使用数字指向了一个不存在的磁盘. 16 Cannot remove current directory 不能移动当前目录 试图移除的目录是当前活动目录. 17 Cannot rename across drives 不能跨越驱动器更改文件名 你不能重命名一个文件,它可能在另一个磁盘或分区结束. 100 Disk read error 磁盘读错误 从磁盘读数据时错误.具有代

4、表性的是你读文件超过了文件结尾. 101 Disk write error 磁盘写错误 磁盘已经满咯,可是你还试图写入数据. 102 File not assigned 文件未曾建立关联 使用Reset, Rewrite, Append, Rename和 Erase 之前你必须已经将文件标识符与磁盘文件建立关联. 103 File not open 文件未打开 在使用 Close, Read, Write, Seek, EOf, FilePos, FileSize, Flush, BlockRead, and BlockWrite 之前未打开文件. 104 File not open for

5、input 文件不能打开读数据 在使用 Read, BlockRead, Eof, Eoln, SeekEof or SeekEoln 之前文件未使用Reset打开. 105 File not open for ouTPut 文件不能打开写数据 使用write之前未使用Rewrite打开. 106 Invalid numeric format 错误的数字格式 从标准输入(Text文件)中预期得到的数字格式不对. 150 Disk is write-protected 磁盘写保护 (Critical error)=临界误差 151 Bad drive request struct length

6、(Critical error) 152 Drive not ready 驱动器未准备好 (Critical error) 154 CRC error in data 数据CRC校检错误 (Critical error) 156 Disk seek error 磁盘寻道错误 (Critical error) 157 Unknown media type 不明的媒体类型 (Critical error) 158 Sector Not Found 磁盘扇区错误 (Critical error) 159 Printer out of paper 打印超过纸张 (Critical error) 160

7、 Device write fault 设备写错误 (Critical error) 161 Device read fault 设备读错误 (Critical error) 162 Hardware failure 硬件失灵 (Critical error) 200 Division by zero 被除数为0. 201 Range check error 如果你编译你的程序时设置了方位检查,原因有可能是: 数组访问超过了声明的范围. 试图给一个变量赋值超过其范围(例如枚举类型). 202 Stack overflow error 栈溢出,栈增长超过了最大值,只有当栈检查时才出现该错误.(i

8、n which case the size of local variables should be reduced to avoid this error), or the stack has become corrupt. 203 Heap overflow error 堆溢出,堆增长超过了上界. This is caused when trying to allocate memory exlicitly with New, GetMem or ReallocMem, or when a class or object instance is created and no memory

9、is left. Please note that, by default, Free Pascal provides a growing heap, i.e. the heap will try to allocate more memory if needed. However, if the heap has reached the maximum size allowed by the operating system or hardware, then you will get this error. 204 Invalid pointer operation 错误的指针操作 使用

10、Dispose or Freemem 时使用错误的指针 (特别的, Nil) 205 Floating point overflow 浮点数上溢 你试图使用或产生一个太大实数. 206 Floating point underflow 你试图使用或产生一个太小实数. 207 Invalid floating point operation 错误的浮点数操作 可能是你开平方根或者对数时使用负数. 210 Object not initialized 对象未初始化 When compiled with range checking on, a program will report this er

11、ror if you call a virtual method without having called istr constructor. 211 Call to abstract method Your program tried to execute an abstract virtual method. Abstract methods should be overridden, and the overriding method should be called. 212 Stream registration error This occurs when an invalid

12、type is registered in the objects unit. 213 Collection index out of range You are trying to access a collection item with an invalid index (objects unit). 214 Collection overflow error The collection has reached its maximal size, and you are trying to add another element (objects unit). 215 Arithmet

13、ic overflow error This error is reported when the result of an arithmetic operation is outside of its supported range. Contrary to Turbo Pascal, this error is only reported for 32-bit or 64-bit arithmetic overflows. This is due to the fact that everything is converted to 32-bit or 64-bit before doin

14、g the actual arithmetic operation. 216 General Protection fault 保护错误,程序试图读写不合法的内存区域The application tried to access invalid memory space. This can be caused by several problems: Deferencing a nil pointer Trying to access memory which is out of bounds (for example, calling move with an invalid length)

15、. 217 Unhandled exception occurred An exception occurred, and there was no exception handler present. The sysutils unit installs a default exception handler which catches all excpetions and exits gracefully. 219 Invalid typecast Thrown when an invalid typecast is attempted on a class using the as operator. This error is also thrown when an object or class is typecast to an invalid class or object and a virtual method of that class or object is called. This last error is only detected if the -CR compiler option i


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