四年级下册英语Unit4-Subjects测试卷-牛津上海版(三起)(含答案)(DOC 5页)

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1、Unit4 Subjects单元测试卷一、找出不同类单词。( ) 1. A. English B. China C. Science D. Art( ) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. moon D. night( ) 3. A. lesson B. Maths C. PE D. Science( ) 4. A. today B. tomorrow C. like D. yesterday( ) 5. A. PE B. apple C. Music D. Art二、选择恰当的译文。(1) What about you, Alice? A. 音乐课很有趣!(2) Th

2、is is our timetable for today. B. 我喜欢画画。(3) Music is fun! C. 艾丽斯,你呢?(4) In the morning, we have Maths and Chinese. D. 上午,我们有数学课和语文课。(5) I like painting. E. 这是我们今天的课程表三、选词填空。1. _ (In, At) the afternoon, we have Art and Music.2. From 11:20 a.m. _ (to, in) 1 p.m., we have a lunch break.3. _ (What, Who)

3、 lessons do we have today?We _ (has, have) Chinese, Maths, English and Science in the morning.4. What _ (is, about) you, Alice?I like Chinese and Music.5. What _ (subject, lessons) do you like?I like English.6. Today we have six _ (lesson, lessons).7. Alice likes _ (painting, paint).8. Jack is _ (si

4、t, sitting) on a rock.9. What _ (subject, subjects) do you like?I like Art and Music.10. _ (There, This) are five students in our group.四、补全单词。1. _ _th 数学 2. A_t 美术3. sub_ect 科目 4. time t_ble 课程表5. f_om 从 6. P_ 体育7. fav_rite 最喜欢的 8. br_ _k 休息9. p_inting 画画 10. cl_ck 钟表五、选择填空。( ) 1. We _ Chinese, Mat

5、hs and English classes in the morning.A. have B. has C. are( ) 2. What _ do you like?A. subject B. lesson C. subjects( ) 3. I like Science _ Music.A. but B. or C. and( ) 4. There are five students _ our group.A. from B. in C. to( ) 5. Three students _ Chinese.A. likes B. is C. like( ) 6. _ we have A

6、rt and Music lessons.A. In afternoon B. At afternoon B. C. In the afternoon( ) 7. They have _ every day.A. a break B. break C. an break( ) 8. Jack is _ on a rock.A. sits B. siting C. sitting( ) 9. There are seven _ in _ group.A. students, us B. student, our C. students, our( ) 10. What lessons do we

7、 _ today?A. has B. are C. have六、连词成句。1. like what you do subjects (?)_2. PE afternoon we the in have (.)_3. today timetable this our for is (.)_4. break a we lunch have (.)_5. Maths I English like and (.)_七、读一读,为下列句子找到合适的答句。(1) What lessons do you like? A. We have Chinese, Science and Maths.(2) Do y

8、ou have a lunch break? B. No, I dont.(3) What do you like? C. I like Art and Music.(4) What lessons do we have today? D. Yes, we have from 11:20 am to 1:00 pm.(5) Do you like Maths? E. I like painting.八、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We have five _ (lesson) today.2. Do you like _ (paint)?3. What _ (subject) do you

9、like?4. There _ (be) nine students in our group.5. Peter _ (like) PE and Science.九、阅读短文,判断对()错()。 Im Helen! Im an English girl. Im a student. Im in Class l, Grade l. I get up at six oclock. I go to school at seven oclock. We have three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We go home at f

10、our thirty. My father is a policeman. My mother is a driver. I love my father and mother.( ) (1) Helen is a student.( ) (2) Helens mother is a doctor.( ) (3) Helen goes to school at 6:00.( ) (4) She goes home at four thirty.( ) (5) She has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.十、小作文。

11、以“My favourite subjects”为题写一篇小作文,介绍一下你周一的课程以及你最喜欢的课程。_参考答案一、1-5 BCACB二、(1)-(5) CEADB三、1. In 2. to 3. What; have 4. about 5. lessons 6. lessons 7. painting 8. sitting 9. subjects 10. There四、1. M; a 2. r 3. j 4. a 5. r 6. E 7. au 8. ea 9. a 10. o五、1-10 ACCBC CACCC六、1. What subjects do you like? 2. We have PE in the afternoon. 3. This is our timetable for today. 4. We have a lunch break. 5. I like Eng1ish and Maths. /I like Maths and English.七、(1)-(5) CDEAB八、1. lessons 2. painting 3. subjects 4. are 5. likes九、(1)-(5) 十、略



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