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1、电大开放英语(3)形成性考核册答案小抄 学前记录卡1(Units 16)学习过程:1、辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他2、辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动 C、解决疑难问题 D、其他3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他4、希望辅导教师提供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解C、有针对性地讲解重点、难点 D、其他学习内容:1、Units 16 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去

2、进行时、used to do sth、一般过去时被动词态、定语从句、过去完成时、形容词和介词的搭配2、这六个单元中我感觉最难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是:如何谈论过去、如何谈论将来、如何描述趋势、always/forever/to keep doing用于描述行为、描述习惯、描述关系3、这六个单元中我最喜欢的话题是:An English mans Home is His castle.阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)作业1一、交际用语15 D A C B B二、词汇与结构610 D B D A B 1115 C D B A B 1620 A A B A B 三、完型填空2125 C B C

3、 D C 2630 B C C D A 四、阅读理解3135 A C D A C 3640 A C D C D4145 D B A D C 1650 F T T N F五、书面表达Dear Sirs,My name is born on July 6th,1965 in changchun ,jilin province ,China ,I am a journalist .and have already eleven .years of working experience . I can speak Japanese and Germany besides English and of

4、course Im good at operating computer.I graduated from .journalism Department of Beijing university in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December 1996,I studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and since . I came back in January 1999,I have been head of the news section I will be ve

5、ry luck if I can work in your newspaper ,And I think I have abilities to do the job well .Yours sincerely,Wuhua.学习记录卡2(Units 712)学习过程:1、辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他2、辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动 C、解决疑难问题 D、其他3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他4、希望辅导教师提

6、供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解C、有针对性地讲解重点、难点 D、其他学习内容:1、Units 712 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?现在进行时及被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态、祈使句、虚拟条件句、过去进行时句被动语态、间接引语2、这六个单元中我感觉最难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是:(略)3、这六个单元中我最喜欢的话题是:(略)印象最深的Cultural Notes 是:(略)阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)作业2一、交际用语15 C A D A D二、词汇与结构610 D B B C B 1115 A C B A D 1620 B C D C D三、完型填空2125 B B

7、 A C D 2630 B B C B A四、阅读理解3135 B B A D D 3640 A C B B B 4145 D A B C C4650 T F F T T五、书面表达NoticeThere will be an English lecture on American lndians and American History by miss lycidro,an American professor from shenzhen TV university .If will be given in the hall of the culture in our university

8、on Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 your friends from other schools to att.学习记录卡3(Units 1318)学习过程:1、辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他2、辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动 C、解决疑难问题 D、其他3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他4、希望辅导教师提供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解C、有针对性地讲解重点、

9、难点 D、其他学习内容:1、Units 1318 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?动名词与动词不定式、非限定性定语从句、将来完成时、现在进行时的被动语态、现在完成时的被动语态、间接引语和间接引语、反意疑问句2、这六个单元中我感觉最难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是:(略)3、这六个单元中我最喜欢的话题是:(略)印象最深的Cultural Notes 是:(略)阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)作业3作业题目:(略)学期总结1、你认为学习本课程在多大程度上提高了你的英语水平?请从听、说读、写四方面具体谈一谈。(略)2、你对本课程所使用的教学资源(包括文字教材、录音录像教材,网上辅导等)有何评价?有

10、什么意见和建议?(略)3、通过这一学期的学习,你对“自主学习”这种学习模式有什么感受和体会?(略)课内、外综合表现(学生自评略)请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2016年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter released from nerve endings (terminals) in both the peripheral and the central nervous systems. It is synthesized within the nerve terminal from

11、 choline, taken up from the tissue fluid into the nerve ending by a specialized transport mechanism. The enzyme necessary for this synthesis is formed in the nerve cell body and passes down the axon to its end, carried in the axoplasmic flow, the slow movement of intracellular substance (cytoplasm).

12、 Acetylcholine is stored in the nerve terminal, sequestered in small vesicles awaiting release. When a nerve action potential reaches and invades the nerve terminal, a shower of acetylcholine vesicles is released into the junction (synapse) between the nerve terminal and the effector cell which the

13、nerve activates. This may be another nerve cell or a muscle or gland cell. Thus electrical signals are converted to chemical signals, allowing messages to be passed between nerve cells or between nerve cells and non-nerve cells. This process is termed chemical neurotransmission and was first demonst

14、rated, for nerves to the heart, by the German pharmacologist Loewi in 1921. Chemical transmission involving acetylcholine is known as cholinergic. Acetylcholine acts as a transmitter between motor nerves and the fibres of skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions. At this type of synapse, the n

15、erve terminal is closely apposed to the cell membrane of a muscle fibre at the so-called motor end plate. On release, acetylcholine acts almost instantly, to cause a sequence of chemical and physical events (starting with depolarization of the motor endplate) which cause contraction of the muscle fibre. This is exactly what is required for voluntary muscles in which a rapid response to a command is required. The action of acetylcholine is terminated rapidly, in around 10 milliseconds; an enzyme (cholinesterase) breaks the transmitter down into choline and an acetate ion. The


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