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1、(0161)中学英语教学法复习思考题一、 判断正误题 (5分)The following statements are about the facts presented in the textbook, please indicate in the brackets before the statements whether they are true( T ) or ( F ).( ) 1. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it. ( ) 2. Students errors are a

2、 very useful way of showing what they have and have not learnt. So instead of seeing errors negatively, as a sign of failure, we see them positively as an indication of what we still need to teach. ( ) 3. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and ca

3、n do.( ) 4. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers attitude and behaviour.( ) 5. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an “instructor” and students as “listeners” in class.( ) 6. The students native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The

4、 target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework. ( ) 7. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary. ( ) 8. Student

5、s errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make. ( ) 9. Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach.( )10. Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or common vocabulary.() 11. All new words in a lesson are equally important.( ) 12.C

6、lassroom climate is strongly affected by both the teachers attitude and the students behavior. ( ) 13. Vocabulary can be divided into productive and receptive.( ) 14. Communicative competence refers to knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language. ( ) 15. Post-reading work usually contrib

7、utes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.( ) 16. Written language is generally produced in fairly simple sentence structures. ( ) 17. In the Communicative Approach, both teachers and students have multiple roles.( ) 18. Spoken language i

8、s sometimes produced in incomplete sentences.( )19. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is anticipation.( ) 20. Communicative activities can be divided into functional communicative activities and social interaction activities.( )21. One way to teach reading is following the framework: pres

9、entation, practice and production. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies. ( )22. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work ou

10、t the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.( ) 23. Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.( )24. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, e

11、specially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point.( ) 25. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is inference. ( ) 26. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.( ) 27. The t

12、ypical example of functional communication activities is role play. ( ) 28. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework. ( ) 29. You glance quickly through a text in order to find a specif

13、ic piece of information, this skill is called scanning.( ) 30. Types of mistakes are slips, errors and attempts.( ) 31. The language you are learning is called target language.( ) 32. There is an important difference between assessment and testing.( ) 33. In many cases the term “materials” is used i

14、n place of “textbooks”, which refers to anything that is used by teachers or students to facilitate the learning of a language.( ) 34.Its unnecessary for teachers to know how to evaluate, select and adapt textbooks. ( ) 35. It is clearly whether someone can become a good language teacher solely depe

15、nds on his/her command of the language.( ) 36. FLTM is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching. ( ) 37. According to the Grammar Translation Methods, the spoken form of language is the most important aspect of language.( ) 38. 语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及四种技能的综合运用能力。( ) 39. 听、说、读、写是英语学习的手段。( ) 40. 语言和文化是密不可分的,学习语言就必须学习与之相联系的文化。二、 填空题 (20分) Fill in the blanks so as to complete the descriptions of different theories of language learning


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