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1、2012年高二实验班上学期导学案 难点突破-完成句子 2012-11-24 训练二十三 湖北襄阳五中2012届高三五月测试题姓名_分数_71.Some migrant workers_to leave the cities and work closer to home.(report)据报道,许多农民工选择离开大城市,在离家近的地方工作。72.It was not until the boat was out of sight_their hands.(wave)直到船驶出视线外了他们才停止挥手。73._gives one a sort of feeling that nothing can

2、 replace.(need)被需要和受欢迎给人一种无可替代的感觉。74.I was much impressed by the great changes and fast pace of life in Shanghai_this fantastic city.(come)我第一次参观上海这个美妙城市时,就对它的巨大变化和快节奏生活印象深刻。75._whether the old station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.(discussion)是否这个旧车站应该被一所现代旅馆取代仍在讨论中。76.Seldom_since

3、they got married.(quarrel)从结婚起,他们很少争吵。77.One more hour,_.(get)再有一个小时,我就会完成工作了。78.As a graduate,he doesnt know_start a business.(take)作为毕业生,他不知道开始事业需要什么。79.Do tell me the way you think of_as soon as possible.(solve)尽快告诉我你想到的解决这个问题的方法。80.-How I wish I had studied harder when I was in high school. -If

4、you had,you_a college student now.(be)-我多么希望在高中时能更努力地学习啊。-如果那样,你现在就是一个大学生了。 训练二十四 天门,仙桃,潜江中学2012届高三上学期期末考试 姓名_分数_71.Youve done so much work_pass the exam.(bound)你下了这么大的功夫,一定能考及格。72.Dr. Finkelstein_smells since 1999.(study)冯克斯博士从1999年开始一直在研究气味。73.When Darlene from France came dashing through the door

5、,she recognized Tonys _.(smile)当来自法国的达琳从门口匆忙进来时,她认出了托尼的微笑的面孔。74.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months_begin her project.(allow)她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使得她得以开始自己的计划。75.It was the first time_such a beautiful place.(visit)那是我第一次看到这么美丽的地方。76.This gift was the Amber Room,_because several

6、 tons of amber were used to make it.(give)这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以被这样命名,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨的琥珀。77.So_on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.(continue)所以,在未来数百万年间,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。78._that she had been admitted into Oxford University,I sent an e-mail to congratulate her.(moment)我一听到她被牛津大学录取的消息,就马上发电子邮件向她表示祝贺。79.If the rules of perspective had not been discovered,people_paint such realistic pictures.(able)如果没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。80.I_about it myself than let him find out it from other people.(rather)我宁可自己把事情告诉他,也不愿他从旁人处得知这事。


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