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1、八年级(下)期中重难点复习提纲Unit 1 1. There will be sth. = There is /are going to be sth. 将有. 2.be free 空闲的 3.on computer 在电脑上 4.live to be + 岁数 活到 5.fewer +可数名词复数 更少. 6.less +不可数名词 更少的7.be crowded 拥挤的 8. (many /much) more +可数名词复数/不可数名词 更多的 9.in five years 五年后(将来时) 10.five years ago 五年前(一般过去时) 11. sb. will be +职

2、业 某人将成为 12. live in 住在 13.fly to the moon 飞到月亮上 14. fall in love with 爱上过去式fell 15.be able to do sth =can do sth 能做 16.keep a pet 养宠物 17. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气将会怎么样? e true 实现 19. hear of(about)听说20.in the future 在将来21.hundreds of 数百(具体几百百不用加s)22.thousands of 数千(具体几千千不用加s)23.

3、help sb. (to) do sth = help sb with +名词 帮助某人做 24.try( not) to do sth尽力(不)做 25.try doing sth尝试做26.make/let sb +动词原形 让某人做27. look like 看起来像28. the same as 与相同 be different from与什么不同29.wake up 醒来 wake sb up 喊某人起床get up 起床30.Its +形容词+(for sb)+to do sth 对某人而言,做某事是的 31.over and over again 反复,一遍又一遍 32.Ther

4、e be sb/sth +doing +地点 某处有在做 33. look for 寻找34 alone 独自,没有感情色彩;(既可做形容词又可做副词)lonely 孤独的,有感情色彩 (只能做形容词)35.dress sb oneself “给某人某人自己穿衣服“;dress in/be dressed in“穿样式颜色的衣服”;dress up“装扮,打扮”。dress可做名词,指“衣服”,一般指女装。(dress常 接人,不接衣服做宾语)本单元目标句型:1、People wont use money. Everything will be free.人们不会再用钱了,一切都是免费的2、P

5、eople will live to be 200 years old.人们会活到200岁的。3、Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.孩子们不会去上学了,他们会呆在家里通过电脑学习5、There will be fewer trees.会有更少的树6、There will be less pollution.会有更少的污染7、What do you think Sally will be in five years?你认为Sally10年后会干什么呢?8、I think shell be a doctor.我认为他

6、会成为一名医生的9、I fall in love with Shanghai.我爱上了上海10、I dont like living alone.我不喜欢独自居住11、I will be able to dress more casually.我会穿得更随意些(副词修饰动词)12、Predicting the future can be difficult.预测未来可能是难得(动名词做主语)13、They do simple jobs over and over again.他们一遍遍地作简单的工作Unit 21.want sb to do sth =would like sb to do s

7、th 想要某人做 2.argue with .和争吵 = have an argument with 3.out of style 过时 =out of date 4.in style 流行的5.adj/adv +enough足够的 6.enough +n 足够的( 放在n前后都可以)7.Whats wrong with ? =Whats the matter/trouble/problem with/What happened to? 某人/某物怎么啦?8.call sb up =call sb 给打电话 9.a ticket to a ball game 一场球赛的票 (作后置定语)10.

8、write sb a letter =write a letter to sb 给某人写信 11.on the phone 在电话上=by phone12.talk about 谈论 13.be surprised at sth/doing sth 对感到惊讶 14.get a part time job 找到一份兼职工作 15.borrow sth from 从借到 (自己没有东西)16.lend sth to sb 把借给 (自己有东西) lend过去式lent17.ask sb for sth 向某人请求18.either也 否定句句末 too 肯定句句末 19.buy/get sth

9、for sb = buy/get sb sth 为某人买 20.like to do sth /like doing sth 喜欢做enjoy 后只能加doing 21.Thats a good idea. 好主意 =Good idea.22.tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不要)做某事 相当于ask sb (not) to do sth23.I dont know what to do 我不知道做什么 (疑问词加不定式做宾语)24.else别的 位于特殊疑问词和不定代词之后(somebody else , what else) other 放在名词之前 other

10、things25.except sb/sth/doing sth 除之外 (不包括) besides 除之外还有 (包括在内)26.be upset 沮丧27.leave sth +介词地点 把遗忘在( 绝对不能用forget ) 28.get on/along well with sb 和某人相处得好 29.have a fight with sb 与某人打架=fight with sb 30.give some advice 提建议 (不可数),但suggestion可数31.busy enough 足够忙的 32.fromto 从到 33.Its time for +名词 = Its t

11、ime to +do sth 该做的时候了 34.as much as possible 尽可能多的 as 加形容词plain about sb/sth/doing sth 抱怨36.under too much pressure 处于太大的压力下pressure不可数 37.take part in 参加 =join in38.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做 see sb do sth 看见某人做了 pare with把和作比较40.send sb. sth. =send sth to sb 送某人某物41.Sb. find it +形容词+to do sth某人发觉做某事

12、是的 eg: We find it important to learn English . 42.on the one hand 在一方面 on the other hand 在另一方面 本单元目标句型:1, My parents want me to stay at home every night. 我的父母每晚都想让我呆在家里。2、I dont have enough money. 我没有足够的钱。3、I argued with my best friend.我与我最好的朋友吵架了。4、My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了,5、I dont want

13、 to surprise him. 我不想让他惊异。6、You could give him a ticket to a ball game.你能给我一张球赛票。7、You could have a bake sale 你可以卖些烧烤食品8、I think you should get a part-time job我认为你应该找一份兼职工作9、Everyone else in my class was invited except me 除了我,班里别的任一个同学都被邀请了10、My cousin is the same age as me 我的表兄的与我年龄一样大11、I dont wan

14、t to have a fight with my cousin我不想与我的表兄弟争吵12、Parents seem to push their children a lot more父母们好像逼迫他们的孩子们更多13、They are always comparing them with other children他们一直将他们与别的孩子做比较Unit 3 1.in front of在的前面(范围外) in the front of (范围内) 2.get out of 从出来 3.take off起飞 ,还有脱去衣服意思 4.land on 降落 5.call the police 报警

15、 6.at around/ about 10 oclock 在大约10点钟 7.follow sb to do sth 跟随某人做某事 following 下面的,下一个8.walk down 沿着走 9.jump down 跳下来 10.take a photo= take photos照相 cut hair理发11. on/in the tree在树上 on里的O像苹果,所以是树上长得 12.run away 逃跑 13.think about 考虑 14.ask sb (not) to do sth 请某人(不要)做某事 15.in silence 沉默地16.at that time 在那时 at this time 在这时 at the time 在那时



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