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1、词汇与短语七年级上1. Toms name -Tom的名字2. English letters -英语字母3. ID card -身份证4. Nice to me you. -见到你很高兴5. in English -用英语6. this chair -这把椅子7. that tape -那盘磁带8. look at -看9. thank you -谢谢你10. my friend -我的朋友11. your photo -你的照片12. what color -什么颜色13. a black jacket -一件黑色夹克14. a blue bike -一辆蓝色自行车15. an orang

2、e orange -一个橙色的橘子16. a yellow ball -一个黄色的球17. color the picture red -把图片染成红色18. first name -第一个名字19. your phone -你的电话20. last name -姓21. their phone numbers -他们的电话号码22. phone number -电话号码23. family name -姓氏24. pencil case -铅笔盒/文具盒25. pencil sharpener -卷笔刀/铅笔刀26. computer game -电子游戏27. lost and found

3、 -失物招领28. a set of -一套/一副29. thanks for -为而感谢30. very much -很/非常31. See you soon. -再见32. pen friend -笔友33. under the table -在桌子下面34. on the sofa -在沙发上35. in the backpack -在书包里36. some tables -一些桌子37. my computer game -我的电脑游戏机38. under the bed -在床下面39. on the chair -在椅子上面40. take sth. to sp. -把某物带到某处

4、去41. behind the computer -在电脑后面42. need sth. -需要某物43. my notebook -我的笔记本44. her ideal room -她的理想房间45. his telephone -他的电话46. in the bookcase -在书架里47. on the ground -在地面上48. next to -在旁边49. alarm clock -闹钟50. video cassette -录像带51. soccer ball -英式足球52. in the chair -在椅子上53. on the floor -在地板上54. betw

5、eenand -在两者之间55. tennis racker -网球拍56. baseball bat -棒球球棒57. watch TV -看电视58. play sports -做运动59. play volleyball -打排球60. go to school -去上学61. play basketball -打篮球62. sound good -听起来不错63. like sports -喜欢运动64. many clubs -许多俱乐部65. join us -加入我们66. let sb. do sth. -让某人做某事67. every day -每天68. very diff

6、icult -很难69. on TV -通过电视70. sports things -体育用品71. come in -进来72. how old -多大年纪/几岁73. like doing sth. -喜欢做某事74. healthy food -健康食品75. have sth. for breakfast -早餐吃某物76. go on a picnic -去野餐77. ice cream -冰激凌78. running star -赛跑明星79. lots of -大量/许多80. how much -多少81. excuse me -请原谅82. clothings. -服装店83. fantastic sale -销售旺季84. at a very good price -以非常好的价格85. sweaters in all colors -各种颜色的毛衣86. here you are. -给你87. Youre welcome. -不用谢/不客气88. have a look at -看一看/看一眼89. be born -出生于90. speech contest -



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