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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!兰州一中2014-2015-2学期期末考试高二英语说明:本试题共六大题,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。请将答案写在答题纸上,交卷时只交答题纸。 祝考试顺利一、 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)Arabs 1 it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. 2 the busiest government official or executive always takes 3 time to be polite and offer refreshments(点心).

2、No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this hospitality.The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you will have to discuss your business 4 strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meet

3、ing is 5 several times by people 6 come into the room unannounced, 7 or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave . Act 8 you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted.Making decisions 9 is not an Arab custom. There is a vagueness(not clearly expressed)in doi

4、ng business in the Middle East that 10 a newcomer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions. 11 is an important quality. You may have to wait two or three days to see high-level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time. Personal relationships are very importa

5、nt. They are the key to doing business in Arab countries. Try to 12 the decision-maker regarding your product service immediately and get to know him on a friend basis. Do your 13 . Be prepared to discuss details of your product or proposal. Be ready to answer technical questions. Familiarize yourse

6、lf with the Moslem and national holidays. 14 a visit during Ramadan(斋月), the Moslem month of fasting. Most Arab countries have six-day workweek form ,Saturday through Thursday. When matched with the Monday to Friday practice in most Western countries, it leaves only three and a half workdays shared.

7、 Remember this in 15 your appointments. Moslems do not eat pork. Some are strict about the religions ban against alcoholic drinks. If you are not sure, wait for your 16 to suggest the proper thing to 17 .When an Arab says yes, he may mean 18 . When he says maybe, he probably means no. You seldom get

8、 a direct no from an Arab because it is considered 19 . Also, he does not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means, “if God is willing”. 20 the other hand, yes does not always mean yes. A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in fact, your hos

9、t is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest.1. A. consider B. assume C. imagine D. admit2. A. So B.But C.Even D. However3. A. extra B. little C. few D. no4. A. at the mention of B. in the presence of C. on behalf of D. with the help of5. A. honored B. hosted C. interrup

10、ted D. interpreted6. A. who B. where C.which D. whom7. A. sneeze B. signal C. wave D. whisper8. A. as though B. if only C. even if D. so that9. A. carefully B. finally C. quickly D. unwillingly10. A. encourages B. greets C. puzzles D. discourages11. A. Bravery B. Courage C. Diligence D. Patience12.

11、A. admire B. identify C. respect D. thank13. A. experiment B. homework C. pray D. business14. A. Avoid B. Pay C. Reject D. Request15.A.rejecting B.planning C. agreeing D. designing16. A. boss B. friend C. host D. official17. A. eat B. play C.taste D. drink18. A. yes B. no C. maybe D. inshallah19. A.

12、 direct B. informal C.friendly D. impolite20.A. In B.At C. For D. On二阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A.Harvard University named historian Drew Gilpin Faust as its first female president on Sunday, ending a lengthy and secretive search to find a successor(a person who follows next in order) to Lawrence Summers .The

13、seven-member Harvard Corporation elected Faust, a distinguished scholar on History of the American South and head of Harvards Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, as the universitys 28th president.“This is a great day, and a historic day for Harvard.” James R. Houghton, chairman of the presidential search committee, said in a statement. “Drew Faust is an inspiring and accomplished leader, a superb scholar, a devoted teacher, and a wonderful human being.”Her selection is noteworthy given the heated debates over Summers comments that genetic differences between th


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