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1、考研英语词汇法律篇1. Tribunal n. 法官席 , 审判员席 , ( 特等) 法庭. 裁决,公断 the tribunal of public opinion.舆论的公断Military tribunal军事法庭The Hague tribunal海牙国际法庭庭院球场 , 奉承 , 求爱, 殷勤向. 献殷勤, 追求, 设法获得 (他人的支持等 )民事法庭刑事法庭少年法庭最高法院 袋鼠法庭(非法或不按法律程序的法庭)2. Court n.法院 , 立法机关、议会。vt.博得(喝彩), 招致 (失败、危险等 ) a civil court a criminal court juvenile

2、 court supreme court kangaroo court3. suspect 嫌疑犯 4 Plead vi. 辩护 , 恳求 vt.为. 辩护 , 借口, 托称plead for more time. 恳求更多的时间 plead against a bill. 反驳议案Your youth and simplicity plead for you in this instance. 在这种情况下你的年轻和单纯成为有力的辩护plead guilty.承认罪行5. client 顾客,委托人6. case 案例,诉讼7. charge 控诉8. civilian lawyer民事律师

3、9.prosecutevt.实行,从事,告发 , 起诉vi.告发,起诉,作检察官prosecute an inquiry investigation进行调查prosecute a search for. 坚持查找 .prosecute sb. for a crime 指控 检举 某人犯罪 prosecute a trade 从事贸易 He was prosecuted for murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 ( 他因谋杀罪而被起诉。 )10. prosecutor 检举人 respondent 被告 accused 被告11. serve out 服刑 serve out in Aust

4、ralia12. custody n. 监督,监视,看守,拘留His car was held in the custody of the police. 他的汽车被警察扣压。He is in American custody for 5 years 他在美国服刑了 5 年13. accusation n. 谴责【律】指控Accusations rejected by pentagon指控被五角大楼驳回14. detainee n. 被拘留者 , 未判决囚犯15. penalty 处罚,罚款16. trial n. 试验,考验,审判,审讯 17.litigation n. 诉讼,起诉18. p

5、reliminary adj. 预备的 , 初步的a preliminary trial 初审 , 初试 Preliminary ruling 最初裁决 a preliminary exam 预考 preliminary remarks 开场白 , 序言 n. 常用复 开端 ; 预备步骤 措施 , 会议 预考 预赛 , 淘汰赛 英 pl. 正文前的书页 内容栏目 engineering preliminary 工程准备事项19. ruling n.统治,支配,裁决Adj. 统治的,支配的,主导的Ruling principle 主导原则 Ruling party 执政党 A court rul

6、ing 法院裁决20. provision n. 供应,供应品,预备,防备 法 规定 Provision of meat 供应肉类 Against an express provision违法一项明文规定21. prohibit v. 禁止,阻止,防止Prohibited articles( goods )违禁品Prohibited degrees禁止近亲结婚22. counter-表示 “反对,相反” counter-claim 反诉讼appeal n.请求, 呼吁, 上诉, 吸引力 , 要求 vi.求助 , 诉请, 要求 vt.控诉 appeal for aid 请求援助 appeal f

7、or mercy sympathy 请求宽恕 同情 appeal to arms force 诉诸武力 appeal to another court 向另一法院上诉 appeal against a decision 不服判决而上诉 appeal from a judgement 不服裁判而上诉 Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。 appeal a case 为某案提出上诉 court of appeal 上诉法院artistic appeal 艺术魅力 感染力 eye-catching appeal 具有动人的吸引力 (

8、指封面设计 , 推广资料等 ) The game has lost its appeal. 这种游戏已引不起人们的兴趣。Both ruling are subject to appeal两起案件都可以上诉24.ignite v. 点火,点燃防止局势滑向保护主义双边协定退出双边协定The insults ignited my anger. 这些侮辱激起了我的愤怒25.prevent a slide towards protectionism 26.origin 原发,原因27. bilateral 双边的 bilateral agreement28. funnel vi (用漏斗)注入,集中Fu

9、nnel all one s energies into a job Funnel money into new aircraft projects29. withdraw v 收回,撤销,退出 Withdraw the bilateral agreement30. transparent 透明的(政策,财政收入)31. stipulate v 规定,保证Divulge v 泄露,暴露personalPatients would be able to stipulate the conditions under which their medical date could be divulge

10、d病人有权规定透露起个人医疗资料的条件32. erode vt 腐蚀,侵蚀,使变化Metals are eroded by acidsErode privacy侵犯隐私33.loophole 漏洞34. pry v 探查,侦察,窥视Pry into the affairs of others35. assess vt 评估,估定Assess the quality of care评估医疗质量36. breach n 违背,不履行Vt 打破Breach of discipline 违背纪律37. pilot plan 试点方案38. tax credit 税金免除39. perk 额外津贴40.

11、 raid 侵吞 raid unemployment fund侵吞失业保险41. attempt v/n. 努力,尝试,企图Attempt to carry out a plan企图执行计划Attempt arbitration 申请仲裁An attempt at murder 谋杀未遂An attempt at an offense 未遂罪42. arbitration 仲裁,公断,调停43. court abuse 法庭滥用权力44. black rp campains 黑色攻关行为45. accuse vt 控告,谴责,非难Accused sb of doing sth控告某人做某事Th

12、ey accused him of bribes 控告他受贿Man often accuse nature of his own misfortune人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天46. sabotage n/v 阴谋破坏,妨害Sabotage peace/growth/agreement 破坏和平,妨害成长,破坏协定47. suit 请求,恳求求爱,起诉, 一套衣服Grant ones suitA civil/criminal suit Ones strong suit答应某人请求民事 / 刑事诉讼优点长处48. expropriation 没收征用Expropriate vt没收、剥夺、征用没

13、收某人财产Expropriate sb from an estate 49.impartial 不偏的,公正的,无偏见的50.bailiff n 法警,地方长官51.get caught 被捕52.offender 罪犯,冒险者First-time offender 初犯53.place 使置于,将 , 放到特定的位置Placed him arrest将他逮捕He is placed in a private treatment program 他被处以私下监管 54.option 悬着55 Detain 拘留 阻止Detain sb as suspect56.in a nutshell简而言

14、之57. felony 重罪58. try 审问59. throw sb behind bar 将 sb 投入监狱 60 Rehabilitate v使(身体,名誉)恢复61. get-tough attitude强硬态度62. concede v 承认,勉强退让 vi 让步Concede defeat 承认失败Concede sb to do sth容许某人做 sth63. testify v证明、证实、作证Witness testified before a grand jury目击证人在大陪审团前作证64. jury 陪审团65. demonstration n. 表示,表明,示威,示范

15、66. minor 较轻的,小的【法】未成年的A minor injury轻伤67. confidentiality保密性68. shield law保护法Shield law for journalist记者保护法69. pretext n/v 借口,托词He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school. 他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口。find a pretext for为. 找口实make a pretext of以. 作口实on some pretext or other 用某种借口 underon, upon the pretext of 以. 为借口70. bypass 绕过,迂回Deliberately bypass the state s law 故意绕开联邦法律71. unde


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