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1、随着初中英语新教改的不断深入,听说技能的训练在英语各个阶段的教学中日益受到重视。但在训练听说能力的同时,教师也要重视培养学生的读写能力。在平时的教学中,应要求学生能仿照学过的题材或话题,利用所给的范例写简单的书信、便条、通知等;能按要求笔头转述所听、所读的内容;能为图片提供简单的文字说明并能表达自己的观点。 目前,书面表达是中考试卷中必不可少的一项测试内容。写作的题材新颖、形式多样,主要侧重灵活性、实用性和多样性。从历年的考题来看,中考英语写作涉及的内容包括看图作文、图表作文、提纲作文、根据要求写书信、便条、日记与通知等。由此可见,书面表达在中考英语试卷中占有一席之地。本人认为训练初中学生的书

2、面表达能力可以从以下几个方面做些尝试。 一. 认真审题,从容面对1. 体裁与形式 体裁: 一般包括记叙文、说明文、和应用文 形式: (1)提供内容和情景的提示、提纲短文 (2)图表和汉语提示相结合的图表作文 (3)图画和汉语提示相结合的图画作文2. 题材: 写人、写事、写物、写景、日记、书信、通知、便条等。3. 时态: (1)现在时态常用来介绍人物、学习、兴趣、爱好、生活等 ; (2)过去时态常用于看图作文和日记等; (3)将来时态常用来写通知等 。4.作文口诀: 审题是关键,重点要明确,要点要全面,格式要正确,语言要地道,行文要流畅,字迹要工整,卷面要漂亮。二. 成竹在胸,动笔是时 1认真审

3、清题目,切实把握要点例如,请你根据表格所给内容,以 Advantages and Disadvantages of Students Carrying Mobile Phones为题,用英语写一篇80-100字的短文。利弊你的观点1)时尚、有用2)便于同家人朋友联系3)听音乐、拍照、放松1)玩游戏影响学习2)在考试中作弊3)浪费时间和金钱中学生不该带手机,应该把注意力集中在学习上 审题题目: Advantages and Disadvantages of StudentsCarrying Mobile Phones人称:第一人称 文体:说明文 时态:一般现在时 字数:80-100 结构:三段式

4、(利、弊、个人观点)2.审清时态和人称,组织要点语言 要点: advantages: 1)fashionable and useful 2)its more convenient for 3)take photos and relax by listening to music disadvantages:1)play games 2)cheat in exams 3)its a waste of time and money opinions: 1) shouldnt bring to 2) concentrate on studies 3. 美化语言,提高文章质量Advantages an

5、d Disadvantages of Students Carrying Mobile PhonesNowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. But there are some advantages and disadvantages of carrying mobile phones . As we know, a mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange informa

6、tion. First of all, the mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention. Seconly, if we have a mobile phone, we can keep in touch with our friends and parents wherever we are. Besides, the mobile phone is a good way to have fun. We can take photos and relax by listening to music. However, there a

7、re some problems with using mobile phones. On the one hand, some students enjoy playing games and have no interest in studies. On the other hand, its a waste of time and money on phone calls and sending messages. Whats worse, many students are able to cheat in exams with mobile phones. In my opinion

8、, we shouldnt bring mobile phones to school. As students,we should concentrate our attention on studies.三. 勿犯低级错,行文规范中 1.勿用“中式英语 ” a. Long time no see. b. Good, good study , day day up.c. My level of English has been improved. d. We should put our heart into (pay attention to) study.e. Smoking will

9、do harm to our body (health).f. In my opinion , I think students shouldnt use cellphones in school. g. I welcome you to visit my house.(You are welcome to my house.)2. 用词要得当price / speed / temperature + high / low get /gain + knowledge large / small + population 3. 巧用过度词 常用的过渡性词语有:时间顺序: first, next,

10、 then, finally, meanwhile, at the same time 空间顺序: on one side, next to, on the other side, at the back of , to the right/left对称过渡词:for one thing, for another on the one hand ,on the other hand因果过渡词:because, so, thanks to, as a result of条件过渡词:if, unless转折过渡词:however,but 总结过渡词:in my opinion, in a word

11、, in short, in other words4.采用多种表达方式 ,增加亮点 1)He didnt go to bed until his mother came back.2)Jane is much cleverer than any other student in his class3) The story is so interesting that everyone likes reading it.4) Its never too old to learn.5) I couldnt pass the exam without your help.6) - I dont k

12、now if he will come. - He will come if it doesnt rain.7) The more we get together, the happier we will be.8) I dont think teenagers should drive a car.9) Use your head , and /then you will have an idea.10) She not only speaks English well but also writes English well.四. 千锤和百炼,熟用可生巧看图作文练习看图作文难度稍大,在写作

13、时它要根据图画呈现的内容与所给的中英文提示相结合来表达其内在涵义。看图作文可采用以下几个步骤:1、理解图意,确立情景 2、注意所给的中英文提示3、明确时态,理顺思路 4、连词成句,然后再连句成文5、反复审核,修改错误假设下面五幅图画描述的是你在5月3日(星期五)的一段亲身经历。请你根据画面内容,写一篇80字左右的日记。英文日记的格式英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。中、英文的日记格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写当天的天气,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy等。今天下午我去看电影。go to a m

14、oviego to the cinema see a filmthis afternoonIts a fine day today.I went to a movie happily this afternoon.在路上,我看到一个手提箱从一辆自行车上掉了下来。on the wayfall down from / fall offsee / find + 复合宾语On the way, I found/saw a case fall down from/off a mans bike.我捡起箱子,并向骑车人大声喊叫,但他却没听见,走远了。pick up shout to ride awayI picked up the case and shouted to the man, but he didnt hear me and rode away.于是,我拦了一辆出租车去追赶失主。stop a taxicatch up withI stopped a taxi to catch up with the man.我终于追上了失主,并把箱子还给他。give back / returnrefuse I caught up with him at last and gave the case


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