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1、住家外教,地道英语表达拒绝拒绝别人的说法有很多种,但如果是强调此事绝无可能,我们要怎么说才够形象地道呢?下面就给大家介绍三个好用的表达:做梦去吧,等下辈子吧,想都别想,死也不干。_1. In your dreams.你做梦去吧。拒绝别人的说法有很多种,但如果是强调此事绝无可能,在中文里我们常说你做梦去吧!或是等下辈子吧,这两句话在英文里分别是:In your dreams. 和 Not in your life. (注意一下,In your dreams. 算是固定的用法,各位不要直接从中文翻译成 Go to dream. ) 用法上很简单,中文里怎么用,英文里就怎么用。例如:A: Can y

2、ou lend me two thousand dollars? (能不能借我两千块钱呢?)B: In your dreams. (做梦去吧。)A: Do you want to be my girlfriend? (要不要当我女朋友啊?)B: Not in your life. (等下辈子去吧。)2. Dont even think about .想都别想想告诉别人此处不准停车,最简单实用的句子就是 No parking here. 但是如果要强调此处真的是不准停车,老美会说:Dont even think about parking here. 所以不但是不准停车,你连想都别想。这个 ev

3、en 在这里就是一个加强语气很好的用法。要表达想都别想做什么,我们就可以用 Dont even think about + 比如:Dont even think about lying. (想都别想撒谎。)当别人向你提出无理要求的时候,你也可以直接说:Dont even think about it!3. Over my dead body.打死我我也不干。同样也是拒绝别人,同样也是强调绝无可能,英文里还有一句 Over my dead body. 从字面上来看,这句话是说这件事除非我躺下了,你从我身上跨过去才能做。翻成中文就是打死我我也不干。例如别人问你:Could you clean up

4、 the bird poop on my car? (能不能帮我清一下车上的鸟屎啊?) 你的回答就可以是 Over my dead body. (死也不干)再举个在 Friends的例子来加深各位的印象。有一回 Joey (男) 为了演出上的需要,必须练习和男生接吻 (多么骇人听闻的事啊!),结果他要 Ross 和 Chandler 和他练习,Ross 的回答就是 Over my dead body. 而 Chandler 的回答就更妙了:Ill use his dead body as a shield. (那我就拿他的尸体当挡箭牌。)policeman /pE5li:smEn/ n. 警察

5、policewoman /pEli:s9wJmEn/ n. 女警察taxi driver /5tAksi-5draivE/ n. 出租汽车司机air hostess /ZE-5hEustis/ n. 空中小姐postman /5pEJstmEn/ n. 邮递员nurse /nE:s/ n. 护士mechanic /mi5kAnik/ n. 机械师hairdresser /5heEdresE/ n. 理发师housewife /5haJswaIf/ n. 家庭妇女milkman /5mIlkmEn/ n. 送牛奶的人注意重音符号 5Exercises AComplete these senten

6、ces using am or isExample: My name _is_ Xiaohui. I _am_ Chinese.1. My name _is_ Robert. I _am_ a student. I _am_ Italian.2. Sophie _is_ not Italian. She _is_ French.3. Mr. Blake _is_ my teacher. He _is_ not French.Exercises BWrite questions and answer using his, her, he, she, a or an.Example:keyboar

7、d operatorWhats her job? Is she a keyboard operator? Yes, she is.engineerWhats his job? Is he an engineer? Yes, he is.1 policeman 6 nurse2 policewoman 7 mechanic3 taxi driver 8 hairdresser4 air hostess 9 housewife5 postman 10 milkman1. policemanWhats his job? Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.2. policew

8、omaWhats her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is.3. taxi driverWhats his job? Is he a taxi driver? Yes, he is.4. air hostessWhats her job? Is she an air hostess? Yes, she is.5. postmanWhats his job? Is he a postman? Yes, he is.Im a policeman. 11 elevenIm a policewoman. 12 twelveIm a taxi driver.

9、13 thirteenIm an air hostess. 14 fourteenIm a postman. 15 fifteenIm a nurse. 16 sixteenIm a mechanic. 17 seventeenIm a hiardresser. 18 eighteenIm a housewife. 19 nineteenIm a milkman. 20 twenty语言强化训练后元音/B:/ fast, card, park, last, hard, dark/C/ dog, bottle, boss, shop, got, job/C:/ form, door, talk,

10、 horse, before, walk/J/ put, good, should, book, cook, sugar/J:/ mood, food, tooth, move, shoe, school后元音,用舌的后部感觉发音。fast 快速的 dog 狗 form 形成 put 放下,放置 mood 心情,情绪card 卡片 bottle 瓶子 door 门 good 好的 food 食物park 公园;停车 boss 老板 talk 谈话 should 应该 tooth 牙齿dark 黑暗的 shop 商店 horse 马 book 书;订票 move 移动;感动got 获得 before 从前 cook 烹饪;厨师 shoe 鞋子job 工作 walk 走路,散步 sugar 糖 school 学校


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