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1、初中生英语演讲稿(5篇)初中生英语演讲稿(5篇)初中生英语演讲稿1The Middle East needs your help. Japan needs your help. Alabama and Tennessee need your help. Louisiana needs your help. Philadelphia needs your help.The world needs a lotand we need it from you, the young people.So get out there. Give it everything youve gotwhether

2、its your time, your talent, your prayers, or your treasure.Because remember this: Youll never see a U-haul behind a hearse.You cant take it with you. The Ancient Egyptians tried itand all they got was robbed!So what are you going to do with what you have? And Im not talking how much you have.Some of

3、 you are business majors. Some of you are theologians, nurses, sociologists. Some of you have money. Some of you have patience. Some have kindness. Some have love. Some of you have the gift of long-suffering.Whatever it is what are you going to do with what you have?Now heres my last point about fai

4、lure:Sometimes its the best way to figure out where youre going.Your life will never be a straight path.初中生英语演讲稿2亲爱的同学们:大家好!对于英语有不少同学烦恼,我们应该如何学好英语?其实要学好英语,并不难,只要我们每天上课认真,把该记忆的词汇都认真记住,打好底子,我们学起来就要容易很多。我们考试的时候,听力填词或者做题都需要我们掌握词汇,听懂英语。这是一门语言,我们就应该进展练习,多说多看,假如有时间,我们可以看一些英语书籍,锻炼自己的英语学习才能,学习更多的词汇。学习不可能一蹴而就



7、想要练习自己的听力,我们不但要多听英语磁带,更要多说,要纠正自己的发音,勤学苦练中可以学到更多。每天不能忘记自己的学习任务,坚持学习。可以利用早自习时间好好练习。其实说来说去都离不开一点,那就是勤奋,学英语要勤奋,而且要学会利用时间,毕竟英语是一门语言,我们要掌握这门语言,就必需要勤加练习,多记多背。这是我学习英语的一些心得,有帮助,谢谢大家!初中生英语演讲稿3In a way, if you watch the movie, youll see everything Im talking about today.Youll see what I mean about taking risks

8、 or being willing to fail.Because taking a risk is not just about going for a job.Its also about knowing what you know and what you dont know. Its about being open to people and ideas.Over the course of the film, the character I play begins to take risks. He slowly overes his fears, and ultimately h

9、is heart bees flooded with love.To not only take risks, but to be open to life.To accept new views and to be open to new opinions.初中生英语演讲稿4教师们,同学们:你们好!这次,我要竞选的职位是英语科代表,你们一定认为我不能中选,但是我有信心能当上英语科代表。我虽然长得虎头虎脑,但是,我这个虎脑可用的很及时哟!我每次上英语课的时候听课都听得很入迷,不管是多么枯燥,我都是那么入迷。我觉得自己中选的优势是我上课的时候很认真,考试的时候很爱用脑,我记得四年级下学期期末考试

10、考了100分,我们班是学两种教材,所以我们考了两次试,我两次都是100分,全班只有两个,英语科代表不是我中选还能是谁呢?假如我中选了英语科代表的话,我会更加严格要求自己,比方:1、 我每天学习完之后,都要抽出半个小时看英语课外书。2、 看到不会的单词我马上查词典并写上意思。3 、同学们有不会的地方我会义不容辞地教他们。但是,我中选以后,我对同学们的要求是:每天上英语课的时候要认真。作业一定按时交齐,谁没交我就让他抄课文一遍并补上作业。同学们,我相信,假如有我和同学们的共同努力下,我们班的英语成绩一定会突飞猛进的,请投我一票吧。谢谢大家。初中生英语演讲稿5I began at Fordham U

11、niversity as a pre-med student. That lasted until I took a course called “Cardiac Morphogenesis.”I couldnt pronounce it and I couldnt pass it.Then I decided to go pre-law. Then journalism.With no academic focus, my grades took off in their own direction: down.My GPA was 1.8 one semester, and the uni

12、versity very politely suggested it might be better to take some time off.I was 20 years old, at my lowest point.And then one dayand I remember the exact day: March 27th, 1975I was helping out in the beauty shop my mother owned in Mount Vernon.An older woman who belonged to my mothers church, one of

13、the elders of the town, was in there getting her hair done and kept giving me these strange looks.She finally took the drier off her head and said something to me Ill never forget:“Young boy,” she said. “I have a spiritual prophecy: you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people.”Like a wise-ass, Im thinking to myself: “Does she got anything in that crystal ball about me getting back to college in the fall?”But maybe she was on to something. Because later that summer, while working as a counselor at a YMCA c in Connecticut, we put on a talent show for the cers.第 页 共 页


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