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1、Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands(第2课时) 班级_ 姓名_ 日期_学习目标1.掌握4个单词,2个短语,1个句型(relaxed, land, towards, greet; drop by, after all,)(Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do?)2.复习巩固be supposed to do 的用法重 难 点1.动名词,动词短语的运用2.具体语言环境中be supposed to do 的运用学法指导一、自学1.单词(拼读组内听写过关)relaxed relaxing (-ed, -ing

2、) land n/v field平原,田野 一块土地,田地;牧场 floor /groundin the land of the living 在人世, 还活着(来自圣经) Good land! /My land ! 美口天哪!好家伙!真糟糕! land( fall) on ones feet 走运,成功 back lands 穷乡僻壤, 未开发的土地 bad-lands 荒原2.通读activity 3a 了解大意,勾画短语,标注自己不明白的地方3.组内对话练习activity 3B 独立完成activity4中表格,组长检查完成情况4.独立完成导学案并上交二、正课1.单词检测(3)2.课文

3、理解与背诵(10)3.对话活动展示3B,4(12)4.导学案讨论释疑(16)5.整理背诵(4)自学检测一、在课文中找出下列短语1.顺便拜访 2.问候老师 3.及时 4.按时 5.有时 6.一起去某地 7.对时间相当宽松 8.迟到10分钟 9.制定计划 10.四处走走 11.毕竟 12.尽可能 二、用所给词的适当形式填空13. ( walk ) a few minutes every day is good for our health14. Dont visit your friends without ( call ) first in western countries15. They h

4、ad pretty rules at that timeand all the people were ( relax ) 16. Little Jimmy always plans ( do ) something interesting17. Everyone should work as ( hard ) as he can18.I just want to know if there is someone invites you ( play ) basketball19.Switzerland is the land of ( watch )20.All of us are ( su

5、ppose) to hand in the test paper on time三、单项选择21.Try your best, Linda, Its only difficult for you , you can do it well A a bit of B a bit C a lot of D a lot23.The twins sat in the sun, a story book togetherA to read B reading C to watch D watching 24.Liu Jia usually goes to school without breakfast,

6、 he is really paleA to eat B eats C eating D eats25.Dont be angry with him, , he is only fiveAin all Bafter all Cof all Dat all四、同义句改写26.Fish can live with water ( without ) 27. My sister helped me as much as she could My sister helped me as much as 28.Id like to visit my uncles bookstore on my way

7、to school I to my uncles bookstore on my way to school合作探究:1 、I suppose everyone will volunteer 否 定 句:反意疑问句:关于否定前移:在think / believe / suppose / guess / imagine / expect等动词后跟宾语从句否定式时,应转移到主句上去,完成反意疑问句时,应与从句主、谓保持一致。(注: 否定前移的条件是,主句主语是第一人称)2、a little, a bit, a bit of little, alittle, few, a few小结反思: 本节课我学到了:



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