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1、1.Some people say taxes should be spent on health care. Other people say that there are more important priorities for tax-payers money. Discus both these views and give your own opinion.People hold different views about how taxes should be spent. Although I agree that medical care is a field that re

2、quires huge investments, I believe that the government should also allocate the money for other priorities, such as education and transport.On the one hand, a certain amount of tax money has to go to healthcare services. Today, a number of particular diseases are on the rise in terms of popularity,

3、and it would be costly to supply vaccines, medicines or treatments. For example, a large proportion of the population is now suffering from respiratory diseases or lung cancer due to exhaust fumes from vehicles and gas emissions from industrial factories. The remedies for those patients and the trea

4、tment facilities are often expensive, and the hospitals may find themselves in the struggle with financial problems without the assistance from the tax system.On the other hand, healthcare is not the only industry that needs money to be kept running. Take education as an example. The quality of the

5、schooling system is proportional to the competence of the future workforce. Therefore, a country can benefit from such skillful human resources in the long-term if they invest the tax budget to build schools, provide lecturers with training courses or hire native speakers to teach foreign language.

6、In addition, the government should also spend money solving transport problems. Traffic congestion is a global issue these days, and the scenario can be handled only if new highways are opened, and narrow public roads are expanded.In conclusion, I believe that the government should use tax-payers* m

7、oney to improve not only the healthcare services, but also the education and transportation system.2.Some people believe that people must do activities that develop mind during leisure time such as reading. However, others are of the opinion that it is important to give one s mind rest during leisur

8、e time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.With the advancement in technology, the world is moving at a faster pace than ever before. People are doing more things and juggling between different activities, leaving them with little leisure time. Some people believe that during this time, activi

9、ties that involve mind work should be done, however others are of the opinion that one must relax and keep mind at peace during leisure time.Doing less of any activity during leisure time makes sense to many for different reasons. Firstly, after working for so many hours or days, one needs some time

10、 to relax. For instance, a person who is may be working ten hours a day, during his/her rest time, prefers either to go to movie or massage, so as to boost energy for the next day. Secondly, everyone has their own choices and priorities. Like, a doctor who is already tired of working throughout the

11、day might not prefer a five kilometers run.However, doing mind work during leisure time is an effective way of relaxing for those who are involved mostly in physical work. For example, a footballer who is most of the time either practicing football or playing a game, might prefer reading a book duri

12、ng the leisure time.Overall, in my opinion, what a person chooses to do depends entirely on the kind of work they do otherwise. Although reading or doing mind activity is right for some, others can very that travelling to remote natural areas can be risky if the travellers are not sufficiently prepa

13、red. For instance, the temperature at the South Pole is usually very low, which adversely affects peoples health. Travelling to forests can also be dangerous as people have to face the risk of being attacked by animals. Also, since visiting isolated places often requires a large amount of investment

14、 in researching and ensuring the safety of travellers, the costs of travelling tend to be high. Therefore, it seems like only scientists and rich people can afford this activity, so this development is likely to benefit only a small group of individuals.In conclusion, I believe the disadvantages of

15、people being able to travel to remote areas outweigh its advantages.17.Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?The protection of wildlife has become a frequent subject of debate

16、with strong arguments for and against. Personally, I believe that humans are paying too much attention and allocating too many resources to this issue, as will now be explained.Firstly, if we allow any species to disappear, this is actually not a disaster. Some people may argue that the biology will be seriously affected if birds and wild animals are on the verge of extinction, but this is an exaggeration. Fossil evidence suggests that the mass disappearance of



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