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1、七年级英语上册常考易错题1 What is this?ts_ V. A.a . an C D. theCV在此处为专用名词,其前不用任何冠词。2.here is _ fin he word family A. B. an C. D thB. f在此处作一般名词用,且为元音因素开头,故用定冠词anThis i y_ok A. a Ban . the D. 单数可数名词用在句子或短语中前应加冠词,但其前有形容词性物主代词,批示代词等时,不用冠词。4 -_yor na Bob? - Yes, I b A Am B C I . C. 此题的主语为your nam 是物且为第三人称单数故选.5.I hv

2、e alve dg_dog is vey cle. A. An B. A C. D. TheD 上文提到的物,下文再次浮现要用定冠词h6.-You lok verybeautiful. - _. A Ok B.Ys, I am . an ou D N, mot . 对于她人的表扬,要用hk o回答。7Look a the wal.Some pctrere_ it. A n B. C. D. atAOn在墙表面上,in指进入内部。另in ther 指外来的东西在树上,n he ee 指树上与生俱有.8.-_yu _ a ping-pong ball?A.Are need B. D ned C I

3、s needs D. Dos edsB. need在此处为实义动词,且主语为第二人称,故用do构成问句。9 _ y Engish teacher, Miss Miller. A. Se is B He are C T D.Tis areC. 这是简介人或物的句型,复数用 tese are.0Bobsrule i_. A gen . clor C. in red D green 颜色的单词用在b动词后作表语不必加a/an, 如作定语后跟名词单数则加/n1.hat do you lkefo beakfs? _. A. w iee f rad BTwoec f read C. wo piee o b

4、eas D. wo piece of reds B. 不可数名词的数量用数量短语表达,其量词是可数的,故用复数。Bead没有复数形式。12. I lve heto _(苹果树) behn our scoo. pple tre. 由两个名词构成的复合名词短语的复数形式为前一种名词不变,后一种加s/es. 除anwon外。由man/woma构成的两者都要变。13. Thre are 12 _(女教师) i ousoo. woen eacers . 解析同上。4. t _ smavorte uject. A .am B.is C arD were B. 有些名词以s 结尾,但不是复数,学科名词多属此

5、类如 physics 物理 politics 政治。 应把它们作为单数看。15.Howmay_ cay ee i th it? A tomatos .tmtos C. tomato D. the toato B. 用 hw many提问时,其后接名词复数形式,而oato后加-s 类似尚有 poato, hro等。6Mytruses_(e) ld, but ths par o rousr _(e) ware is 主语trosrs为复数因此动词用复数形式,但此类名词如与 a pr of 连用时,动词与pair 保持一致。17hr _a bag o mlkon tedeskand there _

6、to piecs of bread on itAsis B. is r C ar s D. are ae B. 数词或冠词+名词of +不可数名词的构造中,由of前的名词决定该词组的单复数。8. Brishpeoplt _a lot, a heyare cooed diffeent ways A.poto Bpoatoe C. beef . hcken B. 根据后句中的they可知前句中需要复数食品,故B 符合题意。19. Thr retwo skets of _(苹果), abag of _(梨子)ad two botle of _ (水)outidethe oorWhoputhe the

7、r? aple pars wate 可数名词使用数词或冠词+名词+of +可数名词来体现数量,可数名词要用复数。0.He_two pts y sister. A. i Bm C. are D.e 此句为倒装句,主语为tw phoo f m sstr。21.I lke aples nd Iet _ orlnchHe liks bread bt he doesn at _fr lunh. A. it t B. they Ctem it D.it tem C.人称代词用在动词后要用宾格,且appl为复数形式故用the,bread为不可数名词用i.22. I hav som red i myshool

8、-bag(划线提问)ow h brd do yhave inor choolbag ?对不可数名词的数量提问how mch 后接不可数名词,而对可数名词的数量提问则用how my 后接可数名词复数形式如heres book on te d.-How ma okrethereon the desk?23.Ton and are od ried,bt w e in ifeet _A cesB. scho. grade. ae ffet后接名词复数形式, 故选A。24.4_Wag ang have wsmall yes?No, sh hastwo bieye. oesB DC. IsD. AeA 行

9、为动词he, ha的疑问句分别由do, doe引导。ave由do引导;as由oes引导, 且has变为原形ae,故选A。5. ook, te girlha onglegs._A. ThsightB es, she isC. TanksD. ood.A 句意是 “看, 这个女孩有一双长腿”,根据题意,、C、选项不合题意。Thts rigt.是批准对方的观点或见解时的常用语, 译为“对, 对的”,故选26.e aethee _ in myfail. A. ple . es C.pples D. cildA 本题考察名词单复数形式的运用。ele的单复数同形;prso的复数形式应是erson;cild

10、的复数形式为childrn。故答案为:。2.Thats my bag.Pes _K.A give it oeB. ive e to itC ive it me.giemit A 本题考察固定短语。表达“把某物给某人”可用gv b. sth.也可用give sth. to b,但如果某物是代词时, 只能用ve it/th to sb.,故选。28 .Li Lei often _ i a _ is Engls.A.he; tB. helps; with. hep;t elp;ithB ep . ith t 意为“协助某人做某事”,与hlp sb. (o) do st. 同义。题干中oftn暗示用一

11、般目前时, 主语为第三人称单数,故选B.29. .e _ to visit Chia.A. wntB. to wantC. otwanD. wat 主语he是第三人称单数, 其否认形式为dostwnt,故选ants。0. Itverykn _ you_heme.A of; fr o; do. o; toD.for;oC 本题考察常用句型Its (very) kind/ie of sb to do sth. 31. Ttoat s nicend I _ it.A. rB. tC. anDp根据语境, 此题指购物时买下某物的说法。在购物时, 要买下某物时常说:Ill/Wll ke . 因此选B。32. I dont hve _ apple ce, bt have _ orange iceA. any;omesoe; soC. any; anyD. soe;n 本题考察some与的基本用法。soe与any都作“某些”讲的时候,som一般用于肯定句;ny一般用于否认句、条件句、疑问句中。但在表达征询意见或建议的疑问句中常用some而不用any。33.Ithink. He isnt a good tuent. (合并为一句)I dtthnk he s agod studen.thik引导的宾语从句一



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