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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上The North Wind and the Sun北风和太阳It is a cold winter morning and the Wind is blowing strongly.这是一个寒冷的冬日,风呼呼地刮着。Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Ha, ha, ha! Look at those trees! They are shaking.呼!呼!哈哈哈!看看这些树!他们在摇晃!The Wind blows stronger.风吹得更卖力了。Wind: Blow away! Blow away! Look at those houses

2、! They are also shaking. I am the strongest in the world.呼!呼!看看这些房子。他们在摇晃。我是世界上最厉害的。The Wind blows and blows. The weather becomes colder and colder.风刮了又刮。天变得越来越冷。Wind: I can shake trees and houses. I can even blow them away. I am the strongest in the world.我能吹动树和房子。我甚至还能把他们连根拔起。我是世界上最强壮的。The Sun com

3、es along.太阳出来了。Sun: Hello there, Mr. Wind. It is very cold and windy today, isnt it?你好,风先生。今天非常冷,而且风很大,是吧?Wind: Yes. I did it.是的,那是我干的。Sun: Really?You must be strong.真的?那你肯定很厉害。Wind: Yes. I am the strongest in the world.当然,我是世界上最厉害的。Sun: You may be strong, but I am stronger.你或许很厉害,但是我比你更厉害。Wind: Ha,

4、 ha, ha. You must be joking.哈哈,你一定是在开玩笑。Sun: No, I am not. I am the strongest.不,我没有。我是最厉害的。Wind: Well, then show me. What can you do? Can you blow away a tree?恩,那你展现给我看看。你会怎么做?你能吹倒一棵树吗?The Wind blows away a tree.风吹倒了一棵树。Wind: See!看!Sun: Wow! Thats great! I cant do that. But I can melt snow. And I ca

5、n help flowers grow. I can also bring spring. I am the strongest in the world.哇!真厉害!我办不到。但是我能让雪融化,我能让鲜花开放,我能带来春天。我才是这世界上最厉害的。Wind: Thats nothing. I am the strongest in the world.那没什么。我才是世界上最厉害的。The Sun and the Wind keep arguing until a Stranger walks by.太阳和风一直都在争论不休,直到一个陌生人经过这里。Wind: I have an idea,

6、 Mrs. Sun. Do you see that man?我有个主意,太阳先生。你看到那个人了么?Sun: The one wearing the blue coat?那个穿着蓝色外套的人?Wind: Yes. Lets make a bet.是的,让我们来打个赌。Sun: What kind of a bet?什么样的赌?Wind: Make him take off his coat. If you win, you are the strongest. If I win, I am the strongest.让他脱掉外套。如果你赢了,你就是最厉害的,如果我赢了,我才是最厉害的。Su

7、n: That sounds interesting. If I win, stop blowing so hard.那听起来很有趣。如果我赢了,你要停止刮大风。Wind: I promise.我保证。Sun: You go first.你先。Wind: Are you sure?你确定?Sun: Of course.当然。Wind: Okay then. I will go first.好的,那我先。The Wind blows as hard as he can. But the harder the Wind blew, the more the man wrapped the coat

8、 around him.风使劲地吹着。但是它吹得越起劲,那人越是把外套紧紧地裹着。Wind: Whats the matter? Why isnt the coat coming off?怎么回事?为什么没有脱外套?Stranger: The wind is strong today. I am cold. Brrr.今天的风好大啊。我好冷。(冷颤)Wind: Ill try harder.我更使劲吹吹看。Stranger: Achoo! It is getting colder. I better hold on to my coat.啊嚏!更冷了。我得裹紧我的外套。Wind: Blow a

9、way coat! Blow away!把外套吹走!吹走!Sun: Its no use.没有用的。Wind: Ill try one last time.我最后再试一次。Sun: This is your last chance.这是你最后的机会。Wind: Okay. I will blow harder.好的,我会使劲吹。The Wind blows as hard as he can, but the Strangers coat doesnt blow away.风使劲地吹着,但是这个陌生人的外套并没有被吹落。Sun: You are very strong, Mr. Wind. B

10、ut sometimes strength is no use. Its my turn now. Ill try.你很厉害,风先生。但是有时候,力量是没有用的。现在轮到我了。我会试试 。Wind: Go ahead. It wont be easy.随便,这不会很简单。The Wind is a little worried.风开始有点担心了。Wind: (murmur) What if she wins? No, that cant be.(自言自语)如果她赢了呢?不,她不可能。The Sun shines gently on the Stranger.太阳使劲照耀在陌生人身上。Stran

11、ger: What happened to the wind? The sun is out now.It is getting warm. Gee, what a strange day!这风怎么了?太阳出来了,现在变得暖和了,哇,好奇怪的天气!The Stranger looks up at the Sun and fans himself.陌生人看看太阳,对着自己扇起来。Stranger: Its getting warmer. I cant stand it!开始变热了。我坚持不住了!The Stranger starts loosening his coat button.陌生人开始

12、松开他外套的纽扣。Wind: I dont understand. You didnt do anything.我不明白,你什么都没做。Sun: Strength is not everything. Just watch.力量并不代表一切。你看着。The Stranger loosens all of his coat buttons. The Sun keeps shinning on him.陌生人解开了他所有的纽扣,阳光继续照耀在他身上。Stranger: I am still hot. Its like spring. I must take off my coat.我仍然很热。就像

13、是春天。我得脱掉我的外套。Wind: He is taking off his coat! I dont believe it. You didnt do anything.他正在脱外套!我不敢相信。你什么都没做。Sun: Yes, I did. I gave him sunshine. I made him warm. I said strength is not everything.不,我做了。我给了他阳光,我让他感到温暖,我说过力量并不代表一切。Wind: You were right. Strength is not everything. You win. You are the

14、strongest in the world.你是对的。力量不代表一切。你赢了。你是世界上最厉害的。Sun: Thank you. I cant blow away trees. But I can make people warm and happy. So they all love me.谢谢。我吹不倒树。但是我能使人们感到温暖和快乐。所以他们都爱我。Wind: From now on, I will blow gently.从现在开始,我会温柔地吹风。Sun: And I will shine gently. Spring will come soon.春天就快来了,我也会温柔些。The Sun shone and the Wind blew gently. Spring was around the corner.太阳照耀着,风轻轻吹着,春天笼罩着整个大地。 MORAL寓意Strength isnt everything.仁慈、温和与说服胜过强迫专心-专注-专业


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