2022年外研版高中英语选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems)word学案

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《2022年外研版高中英语选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems)word学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年外研版高中英语选修8《Module 6 The Tang Poems)word学案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年外研版高中英语选修8Module 6 The Tang Poems)word学案【使用说明】利用本学案,完善虚拟语气知识体系【学习目标】1. 了解一些特殊词组句式中虚拟语气的运用,如:would rather sb. did, if only, etc; 2. 通过本学案的学习,完善虚拟语气的知识体系; 3. 学以致用,能出色的完成本部分的练习。【重难点】归纳与总结虚拟语气在一些句式中的运用【知识链接】回顾上个模块中虚拟语气的知识,完成下列句子:1. 他要求推迟那个会议2. 约翰赢得这场比赛不足为怪3. 她真希望她当时在家就好了4. 如果你早点来,就能赶上公车了5. 倘若我再回学校,

2、我就会好好读书【自主学习】虚拟语气补充知识1. 含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并总是出现if引导的条件句,而是通过其他手段来替代条件句:Eg: He called to inform me of your birthday, or(otherwise,)I would have known nothing about it. 他打电话通知了我你的生日,不然我会对此一无所知。ex.那天我病了,不然我就来参加运动会了I was ill that day._, I _(take) part in the sports meeting.2. 用介词短语代替条件状语从句Eg: But for

3、 the rain(= If it hadnt been for the rain), we would have finished the work. 要不是下雨的话,我们就完成这项工作了。ex.如果没有你的帮助的话,我们就无法提前完成这项工作了_your help, we wouldnt _(finish) the work ahead of time.3. should(would, could, might) + (sb)+do是委婉的表示礼貌的口语表达方式,或向对方提出请求。其形式上虽为过去式,但与过去时间毫不相干,回答中一般要用现在式或将来式:Eg:-Would you help

4、us? - Yes, I will.ex.-我能参加这个聚会吗?-当然可以!_ 师生活动4. 表示“宁愿”的结构:would rather(sooner) would just soon1) 与现在(或将来)事实相反:would rather(sooner) would just soon +S (主语)+did2) 与过去事实相反:would rather(sooner) would just soon +S (主语)+had + done (p.p)Eg: Id rather he didnt go now.ex.我真希望你那时不在场:I_ you _ (be) on the spot.5

5、. It is (about high) time(that) + S + did (should) do 表示“该是的时候了”Eg: Its (high) time (that) we went (should) go home.ex. 这个小孩该上学了:_ 6. If only 表示“要是”-试着总结:1) 与现在事实相反:If only + _(动词的形式?)2) 与过去事实相反:If only + _(动词的形式?)3) 与将来事实相反:If only +would could + doEg: If only he were had been here! If only she cou

6、ld marry me!ex.要是上周不那么忙该多好啊!_I _(be) so busy last week!7. 表示“万一、以免、以防”等in case for fear that lest+ S + should (might)+ doEg: Ill be silent for fear that I (should might) disturb you.ex. 她把戒指藏了起来以防被偷:_8. 就好像是:as if as though1) 主句 + as if as though + S + were was did-表示主句动作和从句动作同时发生:2) 主句 + as if as t

7、hough + S +wouldcould + do-表示从句动作可能在将来发生:3) 主句 + as if as though + S +had done-表示从句动作可能在主句动作之前发生:Eg: She talks as if she knew all about it. He talks about it again and again as if she would never end. He behaved as if nothing had happened.【其他了解知识】A 动词be intend mean planwant hope等的过去式,后接动词不定式完成式(即:eg

8、: meanmeant to have done),表示过去想做而没有做的事情;而动词be intend mean planwant hope等的完成式,后接动词不定式(即:eg: meanhave meant to do),也表示过去想做而没有做的事。Eg: I intended to have attended the meeting, but I was ill. = I have intended to attend the meeting, but I was ill.B. even if even though 引导让步状语从句,若要表示与现在情况相反,从句要接“(may migh

9、t) + do”; 若要表示与过去情况相反,从句要接“had done”; 类似的词还有:though as though so long as no matter what whatever whoever, etc.Eg: However dangerous it might be, he would have a try. Even though I had been busy then, I would have helped you.C. live 用在“long live”中Long live the people! (人民万岁!)D. may 用在句子开头表示“祝愿”May yo

10、u succeed. May you be happy.!【知识反馈】完成下列习题和练习册中对应的习题。1.The two students talked as if they _ friends for years. A. should beB. would be C. have beenD. had been2.It is important that I _ with Mr. Williams immediately. A. speak B. spoke C. will speakD. to speak3.Lets say you could go there again, how _

11、feel?A. will you B. should you C. would youD. do you4.I cant stand him. He always talks as though he_ everything.A. knew B. knows C. has knownD. had known5._ the fog, we should have reached our school. A. Because of B. In spite of C. In case ofD. But for6.I would have told him the answer had it been

12、 possible, but I _ so busy then. A. had beenB. were C. was D. would be7.Hes working hard for fear that he _. A. should fall behind B. fell behind C. may fall behind D. would fallen behind8.If it _ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.A. had rained B. would have rained C. have see

13、n D. rained 师生活动教学反思:9.Would you rather I _ buying a new bike?A. decided against B. will decide againstC. have decided D. shall decide against10.You look so tired tonight. It is time you _.A. go to sleepB. went to sleep C. go to bed D. went to bed11.The Bakers arrived last night. If theyd only let u

14、s know earlier,_ at the station.A. wed meet them B. well meet themC. wed have met them D. weve met them12.We might have failed if you _ us a helping hand.A. have not given B. would not give C. had not givenD. did not give13.It is strange that he _ so. A. would sayB. would speak C. should say D. will spea


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