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1、BPR and Organisational Culture Executive Summary Background When even the most ardent protagonists of BPR, such as Hammer & Champy, are quoting failure rates from 50% up to 80%, is BPR really such a sure fire solution to the challenges of the nineties? Is the reason for these failures solely the ina

2、bility to manage organisational change, or is there a more fundamental problem with BPR? And is managing the culture key to effective change, particularly within the context of a BPR initiative? These questions were the impetus behind a Henley Management College MBA dissertation. This management sum

3、mary reports on the resulting survey into organisational change techniques used by UK organisations undertaking BPR. Executive Highlights Most BPR organisations are making significant and wide reaching changes to their organisation in response to strategic business needs. The trend is to results ori

4、ented and more fluid structures. Highly centralised organisations, as epitomised in role management styles, have seen their day, but there remains a tendency to formalise the work processes through task allocation, procedures, rules and controls. BPR results in an average 18% reduction in staff. Man

5、agement are emphasising the harder techniques that more overtly control staff behaviour. However, many do get their staff involved in process redesign. Many in management (middle management?) are not exhibiting the required behaviour. BPR and change management consultants are widely used but they do

6、 not overtly influence the choice of culture change techniques selected. Neither do staff have much influence in the choice of techniques used. Many improvement are being realised but the empowerment of staff is not one of them. Staff commitment appears to be the biggest concern and innovation by st

7、aff is low. Despite these findings, respondents definitely believe they can change their employees values and beliefs. More improvements came with using many change techniques but most occurred when a range of both hard and soft techniques were used. Management needs patience. Up to 2 years may be n

8、eeded to gain even modest employee improvements. This may well be recognised, as the duration of BPR projects is increasing. Current projects, with a defined end date, are planned to run for 30 months compared to 19 months for completed ones. Within the UK business community, it is the banking and f

9、inance companies that are predominately undertaking BPR. There is a absence of case studies concerning BPR failures. McKinseys 7 S Model The well known McKinsey model was used as a basis for assessing the extent to which organisations undertaking BPR are changing themselves. All the 25 organisations

10、 analysed were extensively changing 5, 6 or all 7 elements as part of their BPR project. Overall, all elements were equally receiving attention. 80% stated that their BPR programme was extensively driven by business strategy, and 88% of organisations were aiming to extensively change their shared va

11、lues. These shared values, along with beliefs and assumptions, form the heart of McKinseys organisation model. Further on, this report reviews whether organisations are in fact using change techniques which address these fundamental building blocks of organisational culture and whether they are repo

12、rting positive changes in employee behaviour. Organisational Structures All bar 3 organisations were changing their type of structure. There was a near majority move away from hierarchical structures with 15 of the 25 moving to a process model and another 6 to a decentralised model. A few were imple

13、menting mixed structures and a couple choose to remain with a hierarchical structure. Overall there was a significant shift towards those structures which were more results oriented and a lesser shift towards more fluid structures. Management Styles Hierarchical structures are often associated with

14、role management styles. It is therefore not surprising that well over two thirds of organisations were moving away from a role style, with two thirds of these moving to a task style and most of the remainder to a directive style. Many of those that were already directive were now moving to self-mana

15、gement, a style that is advocated by many BPR consultants. Still, few seem confident with their staff to take this plunge towards a really empowered workforce. Instead they were moving (reverting?) to a more formalised task style. Yet, if the widely reported reductions in staff numbers are indeed ta

16、rgeted at the middle management levels, then staff will have to take greater responsibility for self management. On the topic of staff reductions, in those few organisations prepared to divulge numbers, staff reductions within the BPR areas were averaging just 18% but in some organisations reached as high as 60%. On average BPR projects were impacting 35% of the organisations total staff but in some case all staf



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