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1、2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Increased ( )can release the workers for other tasks.问题1选项A.efficiencyB.effectC.effectivenessD.effort【答案】A【解析】句意:提高工作效率可以使工人们有更多的时间做其他的任务。选项A符合语境。2. 单选题The teacher was in a rage with him, for his handwriting in the composition was ( ) .问题1选项A.illegibleB.incompr

2、ehensibleC.inaudibleD.decipherable【答案】A【解析】illegible难以辨认的, 字迹潦草的;incomprehensible费解的, 不可思议的;inaudible听不见的;decipherable可辨认的, 可解密的。句意:老师对他很生气, 因为他的作文字迹潦草。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题In times of economic difficulty, corporate budgets for research development are often( )before any others.问题1选项A.shiftedB.examinedC.sl

3、ashedD.presented【答案】C【解析】shift转移, 变换;examine检查;slash削减;present提出, 呈现。句意:在经济困难时期, 企业的研究开发预算往往比其他任何时候都要先削减。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题In his fifties, Dr. Brown became director of the chemical company, a position he ( ) for the rest of his life.问题1选项A.attainedB.cherishedC.expandedD.retained【答案】D【解析】attain达到, 实现;che

4、rish珍爱;expand扩大;retain保持。句意:50岁时, Brown博士成为这家化学公司的董事, 他在这个职位上呆了一辈子。只有选项D符合语境。5. 单选题Theres _ when we shall meet again.问题1选项A.not knowB.no knowingC.not to knowD.never knowing【答案】B【解析】考查固定句型。句意:我们什么时候再见面还不知道。考查there be句型,横线处应该填名词,knowing是动名词,B选项no knowing正确,A选项not know和C选项not to know错误。结合语境,这里没有永远都不知道的

5、意思,D选项never knowing错误。因此B选项正确。6. 单选题Crops dies during the( ), resulting in famine throughout the country.问题1选项A.adversityB.disasterC.droughtD.calamity【答案】C【解析】adversity灾难,逆境,不幸;disaster灾祸;drought干旱;calamity 灾难,不幸事件。根据句意可知,庄稼应该是在旱季才会死亡,所以选项C符合语境。7. 单选题The meaning of this poem is very( ); I really do

6、not understand it.问题1选项A.impreciseB.illegibleC.obscureD.dull【答案】C【解析】imprecise不精确,不确切;illegible难以辨认的,字迹模糊的;obscure晦涩难懂的;dull乏味的。根据下句:我无法理解它,说明这首诗的意义是晦涩难懂的,所以选项C符合语境。试题答案8. 单选题I would have gone to the lecture with you _ I was so busy.问题1选项A.except thatB.provided thatC.but thatD.only that【答案】D【解析】考查连词

7、辨析。句意:要不是我太忙,我就会和你一起去听讲座了。A选项except that“除了(名词整体)外,只是(某些细节)”,后面的从句表示前面提及名词中所包含的一部份,也就是对该名词的细节加以修正;B选项provided that“倘若”;C选项but that“若非,要不是”,but that引导从句时,主句必须是否定句;D选项only that“只是,要不是”。这里指的是要是我不忙就会去了,结合语境和用法,D选项only that符合题意。因此D选项正确。9. 单选题The commission would find itself( ) at every turn if its member

8、s couldnt reach an agreement.问题1选项A.collidedB.displeasedC.crumbledD.hampered【答案】D【解析】collided碰撞,冲突;displeased生气的;crumbled破碎的;hampered受阻的。句意:如果委员们不能达成协议,委员会就会处处受阻。选项D符合句意。10. 单选题Even sensible men do( ) things sometimes.问题1选项A.abruptB.absurdC.acuteD.apt【答案】B【解析】abrupt生硬的,唐突的;absurd荒谬的,可笑的;acute严重的,激烈的

9、;apt恰当的,灵敏的。句意:即使明智的人有时也会做荒唐的事。选项B符合语境。11. 单选题Originally designed as work clothes for miners, jeans are now worm by all segments of society, their appeal _ by their comfort and affordability.问题1选项A.overwhelmedB.corrodedC.complicatedD.broadened【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overwhelmed“(感情或感觉)充溢,难以禁受;击败,征服”;B选项c

10、orroded“腐蚀,侵蚀”;C选项complicated“使复杂”;D选项broadened“扩宽,扩大”。句意:牛仔裤最初是为矿工设计的工作服,现在受到社会各阶层的追捧,它的吸引力因为舒适和实惠的特点而_。这里要填的是牛仔裤的吸引力因为舒适和实惠的特点而怎么样,D选项broadened“扩宽,扩大”符合题意,也对应前面牛仔裤受欢迎的特点。因此D选项正确。12. 翻译题It is more important to pave the way for childrens desire to know than to put them on a diet of facts they are no

11、t ready to assimilate. Even if you feel you have little knowledge of nature at your disposal, there is still much you can do for your child. Wherever you are and whatever your resources, you can still look up at the skyits dawn and evening beauties its moving clouds, its start by night. You can list

12、en to the wind, whether it blows with majestic voice through a forest or sings a many voiced chorus around the corners of your apartment building, and in the listening you can gain magical release for your thoughts. You can still feel the rain on your face and think of is long journey from sea to ai

13、r to earth and wonder at the mysteries of natural selection embodied in the perfume and flavor of a fruit. Even if you are a city dweller, you can find some place, perhaps a park or a golf course, where you can observe the mysterious migrations of the birds and the changing seasons. And with your ch

14、ild you can ponder the mystery of a growing seed, even if its just one planted in a pot of earth in the kitchen window.【答案】为孩子们的求知欲铺平道路比让他们接受他们还没有准备好吸收的事实更重要。即使你觉得你掌握的自然知识甚为寥寥,你仍可以为你的孩子做许多事情。无论你身在何处,不管你智谋高低,你仍然可以仰望天空看它的拂晓与黄昏之美,看它的游云,看它夜晚时的星光。你可以倾听风的歌声,无论是用宏伟的歌喉呼啸着穿过森林,还是在你的公寓大楼拐角处唱着多声部的合唱。而在倾听中,你可以让

15、思想神奇地奔放。你仍然能感觉到打在你脸上的雨点,想着它从大海到天空再到地面的漫长旅程,对水果的芳香所体现的自然选择的神奇惊叹不已。即使你居住在城市,也能找到某个地方,也许是公园或是高尔夫球场,在那儿能观察鸟类神奇莫测的迁徙和四季的交替。你可以和你的孩子一起思索种子生长的奥秘,即使它只是一颗种在厨房窗台上的一盆泥土之中的种子。13. 单选题Samantha sobbed uncontrollably and hid in the locker room, so _ was she about having lost in the finals of the state tennis champions



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