《欢聚2008》优秀教案 - 小学英语教案及反思

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《《欢聚2008》优秀教案 - 小学英语教案及反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《欢聚2008》优秀教案 - 小学英语教案及反思(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、?欢聚2021?优秀教案 - 小学英语教案及反思 Teacher: Yunhua GuSubject aims:1、To know about the theoretical knowledge of the dance. To know the basic dance and act it out.2、To know about the dance from different areas.3、To cultivate links with others. To learn how to cooperate with others.4、To publicize the Olympic Gam

2、es.Bilingual aims:1、New words:dance, beat, rhythm,.2、New structures:Could you dance with me, please?Teaching aids:musical instruments, multi-media,Procedure:I.Pre-task preparationCome into the classroom with the song.II. While-task procedure1、To learn the word: dance(multi-media:dance)T: Do you like

3、 dancing? Can you dance? Try now,please?2、To learn the new sentence: Could you dance with me, please?T: Invite your friends to dance. please.game3、To learn the new dance of Tibet.1)To learn the first action.Arms here ,bend your knees and shake your head.2) To learn the word: beat.3)To learn the seco

4、nd action.4)To learn the third action.5)Dance with the parteners.4、To review the Polka 1Make a choice according to the music. Polka( ) mazurka( ) 2) Dance with the music.5、To learn the new word: rhythm .6、To review the dance of America.III: Post-task activity:1、Group dance2、Dance with the teachers3、Enjoy the song


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