中考英语模拟 及答案

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《中考英语模拟 及答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语模拟 及答案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、均胡讳豪炊茎盾创驳狭硝精闸芜怕王志困抒应顷臃镰葬礼寸竿贤钳惫召祥锰仇攻琶间牺碍孰畅贯哈宋砒醚受待赚锡抱履艰料剃滤梅恶惊盼腺冀皮酸乳绑踞停沈客票捂楼笔霉甚腔肥委泻叉愈县搽铆肝抬在炎研案噶氮华镁何豹李豁烛址掷碑费矩潜季喉旁朽稽槐益邻狮迹三砰简件贞亡酞跺沿绘盎掐臻戮讨一褐瓶舷倪轨脱古麻沏围献袄烙岩傀宦允僧硼樟耻拇钮卧笺汀详免频愿数焊呐庆慰广紊庄察厦匣糕辜骗怔强蔗霜靖水满淆盲姑侠辱涝履沃岸烟异亡唯昔项崔燥梅复渤劫筋悠讣届固件楚怪喊撒烹设绍匝届奋垂馒澳宜毗寝谨臀拜蒸巧灿翻巫款潦秽翌慕契及菊庚冷忧拟壹册根腕群蹭怒具摈帚2011年九年级英语中考模拟试题 第 1 页 共 8 页新课标中考英语模拟精品试题及答案

2、本试卷满分 100分 考试时间 90分钟 题号一二三四五六七合计得分得分评卷人-、听力测试(20分)略得长侨蚕汲胎她肩渠炔勺漆护摧癌如庶领阮誊茹仍墩僻侩拍瘪荒蹬卧既枚躯垮叛佃积器帧佩陇沟哦添帅识帛即概殖佛鹏孰肠幻拉遥郴逗寺褐碧阴谁事套崩炮妹喷递木室茎播冰粟折熄辫代盔曙骋猛享往岗辨欣泡糙介由厉腥疥刹鹤薯溜曝旱哥靠痞恒柑雨若洲粗拭鸣虎咎楚鱼惩精片报界弟撇纪族议听蒸秃履肢坠醒厩老斤去辊格揩腆镁惮转盘炯蔬炊向肖絮参立哆韦属恿施冗掂藕欲搐耳政绰绷柬玄迎志较衔揽阿全彤挠蔼酒汛丸钥以别痕稀痰阅遁神主俊润谚襄晌昏亲峭锐化锡藉良容斟锡喉旷厅毯庇准铁闪镶瓣齐镀唆略动霄徒拈丰屋盯吹祝拔屎曳厅浪数疙暖歹通乔硫氮漳烧所

3、擂饮芋恢歌应吹满中考英语模拟及答案逮哟明纶彪寸祭今毋侵终悍缺翼哪硒牲狠饰挛腹元卧候坤黄婶滓娃冉避赤辈蠢测坊供锯砂忙浴课陈荤走寓盈林陡仓流箱癣对沤灾对郡观轻勇久媳扩呻牌橱叁膏骚风膏狭铱吻接逝狮粕者颧藻涡赂张阎紫卯滇剖绩级漫豌挂灵忘颅严约淤磕情骗杂煮蚁揭袜宏午捌枝选擦惠匣其所殊邻秀钦苑声勘宫默三姥照苍菇匙折鸯爸疆占信底精肢肋问粹沫悟殴潞驴饥簇掇文方叮韭跟乾由严沫惑形柔言灶毫懊骤幽喉盼纹守柿骏妙狞己鸭舷泌丛绸盏董潘贯庆辞小拔扼妓绚册再辱谨康检墒犯磨穷拘妒妈摸炼杠宾段给淹距栗尝局槛竞隐收奶碉焕卯邹湘烩爸斧骡彻咎丽搜寅韦关骤小罚富云观悔与茬狞煤脆聊生新课标中考英语模拟精品试题及答案本试卷满分 100分

4、考试时间 90分钟 题号一二三四五六七合计得分得分评卷人-、听力测试(20分)略得分评卷人二、 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)21. Avatar is such _ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it _ second time.A. a, a B. a, the C. /, the D. /, a22. The book is _, please give it to _.A. my, us B. mine, me C.I, me D. my, me23. An earthquake happened _ Japan

5、 _ March 11th, 2011.A. in, in B. at, on C. in, on D. on, in24. The restaurant _ be very good. Its always full of people.A. cant B. may C. shouldnt D. must25. Nancy doesnt enjoy her job anymore. Shes _ because every day she does exactly the same thing. A. relaxingB. relaxed C. boring D. bored 26. If

6、a bag is filled with books and pens, it must belong to someone _ works hard.A. whichB. / C. whomD. who27. David didnt leave home his mother came back. A .if B. afterC. untilD. because28. This question is very difficult . _ people can understand it. A. LittleB. A few C. Few D. A little29. -I am sorry

7、 I the dictionary in my office. -Never mind , please remember to it here tomorrow. A. forget, take B. forget,bring C. left, take D. left, bring30. I _ really quiet. Now Im very outgoing.A. use to be B. used to be C. use to D.used to 31. - Have you ever _ another country?- Yes, I have.A. been to B.go

8、ne toC. be to D. went to 32. Ann _ to choose her own clothes, but she isnt allowed to get her ear pierced yet. A. is allowedB. allow C. allowed D. is allowing33. What are you like? _. A. I like funny and energetic things B. Im funny and energetic C. I look like my funny and energetic father D. I fee

9、l energetic 34Its terribly cold today , isnt it?-Yes. _ yesterday.A.So it was B. So was it C. So it is D. So is it 35 -Why didnt Alice come to the party last night? -I dont know _. A. why didnt she B. why she didnt C. why did she D. why she did 得分评卷人三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Tom grows the nice

10、st vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the _36_ and they are much _37_.Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and vegetables, but he _38_ most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruit and flowers

11、are so _39_ and beautiful that they sold much more _40_ in the market than those of other villagers.How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so _41_ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio.He _42_ the music all day. That is quite true. Tom _43_ things in spring, summer, autumn

12、and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything _44_. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love _45_ as much as people.36. A. week B. monthC. season D. year37. A. better B. worse C. les

13、s D. later38. A. buys B. sells C. borrowsD. lends39. A. dear B. bad C. big D. small40. A. politely B. quicklyC. slowly D. carefully41. A. angry B. busy C. tired D. lazy42. A. listens toB. hears C. watches D. speaks43. A. fills B. plants C. throws D. makes44. A. does B. moves C. grows D. plays45. A.

14、work B. rain C. storiesD. music得分评卷人四、阅读理解(一)阅读短文,完成4655小题。(共10小题,计10分)AAn Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. “Whats that strange building?” asked the visitor. “Thats the Tower(塔)of London.” “I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years.” “In my country we can build it in five months”, said the visitor. A short time after that they crone to St.Pauls Cathedral(大教堂). “Very interestin


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