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1、上海英格尔基本信息Shanghai Ingeer Basic Information上海英格尔认证有限公司成立于2000年3月15日,于2003年8月22日和 2007年3月先后获得中国认证认可监督委员会的批准从事质量管理体系和环 境管理体系的认证活动;2004年6月21日获得中国合格评定委员会(CNAS) 认可,2004年9月29日获得荷兰认可委(RVA )认可,2006年4月 12日获得英 国认可委(UKAS )的认可。Shanghai Ingeer CertificationAssessment Services Ltd was established in March15, 2000.

2、 In June 21,2004, it was recognize by China Committee on ConformityAssessme nt (CNAS) .In September 29 of the same year, it was recog nize by the Netherlands Venezuela (RVA), and in April 12, 2006, the British Committee (UKAS) recognizedit. In March 2007, ICAS has obtainedChina Certification andAccr

3、editatio n Committees approval to con duct quality man ageme nt system and environmental management system certification activities.上海英格尔认证有限公司在目前可以从事以下方面的认证活动,认证所依据的标准及认可或未认可状况见下表:Shan ghaiIn geerCertificati onAssessme nt Services Ltd isen gaged incertificati on activities of the follow ing areas;

4、certificati on based on the sta ndards and accreditati on or non-accreditati on status.注:*表示全部认可;!表示部分认可;空白表示尚未认可Note: * in dicates all recog niti on;! mea ns part of the recog niti on.专业代码Professi onal Code认证标准Certificati onStan dardURC1. 农业、渔业Agriculture, Fisheries*4纺织品和纺织制品Textiles and textile pr

5、oducts*4纺织品和纺织制品Textiles and textile productsISO140005 皮革及皮革制品Leather and leather products*6.木材及木制品Wood and wood products*6.木材及木制品Wood and wood productsISO140007纸浆、纸及纸制品Pulp, paper and paper products*9.印刷品Print*10.焦碳及精练石油制品的制造Cokeandrefinedpetroleumproductsmanu facturi ng*!*12化学品、化学制品及纤维Chemicals, c

6、hemical products and fibers*14.橡胶和塑料制品Rubber and plastic products*14.橡胶和塑料制品Rubber and plastic productsIS01400015.非金属矿物质制品Non-metallic min eral products*!*16.混凝土、水泥、石灰、石膏及其他Con crete, ceme nt, lime, gypsum and other*17.基础制品和金属制品Based products and metal products*!17.基础制品和金属制品Based products and metal

7、productsISO1400018.机械及设备Mach inery and equipme nt*18.机械及设备Mach inery and equipme ntISO1400019.电及光学设备Electrical and optical equipment*!19.电及光学设备Electrical and optical equipmentISO1400022.其它运输设备Other tran sport equipme nt!23.其它未分类制造业Other manu facturi ng in dustries not classified*23.其它未分类制造业Other man

8、u facturi ng in dustries not classifiedISO1400025.供电业Electricity supply in dustry*28.建筑业Con structi on*!29.批发与零售Wholesale and retail*29.批发与零售Wholesale and retailISO1400030.宾馆与餐饮Hotel and Cateri ng*31 运输、仓库及通信业Tran sport, storage and com muni cati on in dustry*!32.物业Property*33.软件Software*34.工程服务Engi

9、n eeri ng Services*!35.法律、会计、簿记及审计业务的税务咨询;时常调查及民意调查等;经营和管理咨询;股权管理Legal,accounting,book-keeping and auditingbus in esstax con sult ing;from time to timesurveys and opinion polls and so on; operati onand man ageme nt con sult ing; equity man ageme nt*36.公共行政管理Public Admi nistrati on*37教育Educati on*39.

10、其他社会服务Other social services*英格尔对所有被认证的公司一视同仁,不以供方的规模或是否是某一协 会或社团成员以及获证供方的数量为限制条件,不实施任何形式的歧视(如加 速或拖延申请等隐性的歧视行为);在英格尔有资格的范围内,英格尔的服务 面向所有申请英格尔认证的客户,不附加任何不正当的财务和其它条件。ICAS equally treats all certified compa nies and has con stra ins because ofthe scale of the supply-side or the association or community m

11、embers as wellas the certified nu mber of supply and no t imposes discrim in ati on of any form(such as accelerated or delayedapplicati on,etc. implicit acts ofdiscrim in ati on). Within the eligible area of ICAS, its services are for allcertified customers for application without any undue financia

12、lstate and othercon diti ons.为确保英格尔的组织结构能为认证提供信任,英格尔根据相关标准制定了英格尔的组织架构,该组织结构的设计的宗旨在于为客户提供最好的服务 并在战略和方针、认证决定、审核三个层次上保证认证过程的独立、公正公 开保密及完整:To ensure I CAS organizationalstructure provide trust for certification,ICASin accorda nee with the releva nt sta ndardcon stitute the orga ni zati onal frame. Thede

13、sig n of the orga ni zati onal structure aims to provide customers with the best service and ensure the independence, impartiality、 public security and integrityof the process in terms of strategy and policy and certification decision. The three levels of audit certification are:战略和方针 :Strategy and

14、Policy 以敬业、专业、高质、高效、亲和的认证队伍和公正独立的认证体制使 英格尔成为多国认可的国际性认证机构。Certification pro-team .With dedicated, professional, high quality, efficient, good-natured, impartial and independent certification system makes ICAS acquire the accreditation of international certification body.认证决定:Certification decision 认证决定人员必须为非审核执行人员,且与被审核方无利益关系; Certification decision officers must be non-audit executives and do not have interest relation with the audited party.审核:实施审核的人员与被审核方无任何利益关系;Audit: Implementation of the audit staff must not have interest relation with the audited Party英格尔已安排适当的资金作为风险基金以解决其运作或



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