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1、土木工程专业英语自我介绍篇一:东南大学土木复试英文自我介绍Self-introductionRspctePofessrs, God morning! Its myhnor to meetou hee w please alow me togve abrief slfinroduon.My nam s *, 22 earsld boy comi om *, *Price.4 years go, entered hol ofivil Engineeg ofsouthest unsitywit hpe .And nw,I am tryg y t tobtn an pportity o furhr s

2、ty nths beutifu niri Generayspeang, am a suet whdilgnce andgeat deligence ndprseverance.n the pst thend aalf yas, Ihveleant ome asickowedge of civil enieering.Tonhancepatia ability,I haveaao tkeevery cnc picipate i varous ativities,such a SudentReserch Trainin Pogram,Sucture oatoCopetiton.All thee h

3、aen only boad y rions but also timuate intrest. My pssion n ivi engineeng she easn wh chosto eceve thepostadute uctn. As omy charaes, I am optimistc nd cfidt I alwa beliveNo ater adificltiewe ecounter,e shold nfninourseves Ths, ong aae a ecision, I i try my beto accomplishte tasI dt gie u easyad wil

4、 alwy try o fi out a way ot f difficutes We, in y paretime, I ike playigbatbal, for hs game culd tonl refresh mbody, but als enabemorelize thesiifican oftmsprit.nd f fl une o much pressue,I would lke g hki withm ind to relx mysef.f Icould beome a grdut sudent n otheast versity,I wuldchrish the chace

5、 an make the estf the com3 year.No pains,noainI belie easf studyheewill ay a soli fundtiofr brigtutue .Adof couse,friens n tacrs wil aso bea inalablweath in mife. That i all ormyself-introduin, hank ou very muhforyourmea attt.篇二:土木工程、工程管理专业考研复试英文版自我介绍 rsonal introduton oodafternoon, der proessrs,I v

6、ery gla o b ee for thisinerve y na is XXX,I come from NanjigJiang SuPoine. m n timistic prsn, outwr, ea-i an rih in risity. Ivefnished mynergraduate duton at ClEginrng coege , Southeast Uniesty. Wh Iwa ayonbo, I ave alway sessedaee facinion itdsig and onruton.Therefor, tout dobt,foureas ag when I ne

7、ede to chose m ajr a olleg, I decied t stdy EgieenProect Mnagemntand med to bcm a ivil ngineerinthe fte oiatd to uil sli funaion fr ths g, Im strivnfrobtinin aky to yoresiious universiy.I h eich ndsli unergradte life, I edtobee chairmanoftstudet uion ad secray of commtee youth eague. I hav taegrat e

8、ffors in studyng speialized ors urig mderradate eas atotheas Uniesty.Due tomy taln, diigene andenthusam,I utprform most of m clsmates. gotan avrage redito3.8pints n my hlyars, ranke iNo.6 nyajo. n adiint te higsces,thrugcurselie ginrng Ecnomics, Prjt apaial,nginering Poject Maagemnt,an rchtecrend ba

9、nPnin,I recently have sedhe tes for agsu Cot Mbr, te qualifiation ofhi I will be ad soon.hereasonwyjoin thGadua andid Tsts that amvry interse in mymajo and wl cncntrate on thstuynd esear inhisfield. S frstl , Iwlchoosea eain approach in m suareth yurguance ;Then, Iwll da apragmatic Resach pan adtime

10、 shedu I hop Icn form a sytematc viw ommajo;Trdly , I wil mke myslf be ailir withheatet develento ths aeby rg bok andonals. And I wld likto o om prcticalwth the hep of my suevir. nd togh th, Icnget somethin that cannot e aquired from e extbooks. Iam dilge ndcapale m,hh tinks veryiprtant in Prjct Man

11、agentesarhI belieIwill ave a gd prfrancein m postgrauate life Ths ll about me. Thanks or your attenon.篇三:土木工程求职自我介绍范文 土木工程求职自我介绍范文 范文一: 作为一位土木工程专业的大学生,我并没有辜负四年的大学生活,具体学会的技能如下: 1、懂图纸、资料,仪器,CD等。能吃苦耐劳,有进取心。负责施工现场的总体布署、总平面布置。、协调劳务层的施工进度、质量、安全。执行总的施工方案。 3、对劳务层进行考核、评价。 4、监督劳务层按规范施工,确保安全生产,文明施工。全面合理、有效实施方案

12、,保持施工现场安全有效。 5、提出保证施工、安全、质量的措施并组织实施。 6、督促施工材料、设备按时进场,并处于合格状态,确保工程顺利进行。、参加工程竣工交验,负责工程完好保护。 、按时准确记录施工日志。 、合理调配生产要素,严密组织施工确保工程进度和质量。 10、组织隐蔽工程验收,参加分部分项工程的质量评定。 、参加图纸会审和工程进度计划的编制用感恩的心做人,用爱心做事业。计算机能力:中级语言能力:英语(一般);普通话(良好)精确操作仪器、CAD,工地协调管理,工前技术交底、质量轴线标高等。能熟悉并制作图纸、资料、施工方案、合同。 范文二:作为一名土木工程(路桥)专业的应届毕业生,我热爱土木工程专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在几年的学习生活中,系统学习了专业知识,通过实习积累了丰富的工作经验。 大学期间,本人始终积极向上、奋发进取,在各方面都取得长足的发展,全面提高了自己的综合素质。曾担任过校学生会主席和团委书记等职。在工作上我能做到勤勤恳恳,认真负责,精心组织,力求做到最好。多次被评为”校级优秀学生干部”、”校级优秀团干”,学习成绩优秀,连续三年获得一等奖学金,并被评为校级优秀毕业生。大学生活培养了我坚韧不屈的性格,增强了我面对困难的承受能力,解决困难的应变能力,也潜移默化中培养了自己乐观、进取的精神状态。在思想上我积极要求上进、热爱


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