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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页 拓展项目手册 明阳天下拓展培训项目整理高空项目场地项目室内模块游戏1独木桥23电网48红黑商战72暴风骤雨2断桥24鳄鱼潭49乐章73大人小人3高空相依25孤岛50迷宫74钉子游戏4空中单杠26罐头鞋51啤酒游戏75反口令5缅甸桥27黑暗52团队决策76进化论6攀岩28鸡蛋飞行器53团队角色77老鼠大象7三人行29交易电网54团队帽子78数数抱团8天梯30荆棘排雷其他79撕纸游戏9团队攀岩31联合舰队55Human Bingle80松鼠游戏10下降32雷阵56搬椅子81跳棋低空项目33盲人绳房57斗转星移82同生

2、共死11背摔34盲阵58风火轮83因为所以12求生35魔毯59呼啦圈84抓手指13相依为命36牧羊60画图85杀人14越障37千钧一发61画笑脸室内项目38牵手62口杯传递15盲屋39清除核废料63连环手16七巧板40生死时速64罗马炮架17挖金矿41十面埋伏65毛巾传递18驿站传书42时空隧道66魔法踏板19终极魔方43偷天陷阱67人体多米诺20筑塔44移桩接水68卧式传递水上项目45有轨电车69圆圈舞21泅渡46战争70热身22扎筏47逐鹿中原71总结独木桥独木桥项目介绍: 学员依次攀爬上一根高约8米的独木桥,从一端走到另一端。项目目标: 增强自我控制与决断能力以适应不断变化的环境; 分解

3、、克服心理压力,建立挑战困难的自信心与勇气; 无论后退是多么舒适,也不为舒适而后退; 个人的成功离不开团队的支持。Single-log BridgeBrief introduction All the members climb to a single-log bridge with 8 meters height, go through the bridge from one end to the other end.Objectives To strengthen the abilities of self-control and decision making so as to fit

4、in with the external environment with continuous changes; Overcome the great inner pressure to build up self-confidence and courage; No matter how comfortable it will be, never shrink from difficulties for comfort; One can not be success without the teams support.断桥断桥项目介绍: 所有成员将爬上一个8米高的断桥,从一端跳到另一端并返

5、回。项目目标: 增强自信,帮助形成正确的自我认知; 鼓励学员勇于接受挑战; 鼓励学员勇敢面对困境; 学习如何在压力下保持冷静; 学习如何设身处地地理解和体谅他人; 学习如何激励他人; 理解如何设定合理的工作目标。Broken BridgeBrief introduction All the members climb to a broken bridge with 8 meters height, jump from this end to the other end and return.Objectives Increase personal confidence, shape the a

6、ccurate self-recognition; Foster personal risk taking behavior; Encourage to face the tough condition; Learn to be cool under pressure; Understand how to put oneself on others position and be considerate; Learn how to motivate people;高空相依高空相依项目介绍: 在8米左右的高空中两条绳索呈“八”字型排列,两个队员各踩一条绳索,互相支撑着行走到终点。项目目标: 深刻

7、体会合作的重要性, 理解合作双方共生共荣的关系; 学习在工作和生活中如何保持平衡; 增强面对挑战的勇气和信心; 学习如何与他人合作,互相借力来实现目标。Damon and PhthiasBrief introduction: The rope is 6-7 meters high and detached from each other bit by bit. Each 2 trainee underprop each other and walk on it to the end.Objectives: Know the importance of collaboration, no one

8、 can survival without collaboration; Learn to control the center of gravity no matter on the rope or in work, keep the balance; Learn to be brave to face the challenges; Learn how to leverage others to get success;空中单杠空中单杠项目介绍: 学员依次攀爬上一根高约8米的圆柱,奋力向前跃出,双手抓住面前的一根单杠。项目目标: 理解风险与机遇的关系; 鼓励学员勇于接受挑战; 理解环境变化

9、带来的压力,学习在压力下保持镇定; 鼓励学员不断进取,向更高的目标挑战。The poleBrief introduction The participant climb to the top of a pillar 8 meters high and try to achieve the pole suspended about 3 meters away in front of him/her.Objectives Understand the relationship between risk and opportunity; Foster personal risk taking beh

10、aviors; Understand the pressure brought by the change of environment, learn to be cool under pressure; Encourage to move to greater goals;缅甸桥缅甸桥项目介绍: 队员在7米高的钢索上从这端走向另一端。项目目标: 理解保持平衡的重要性; 勇于面对挑战; 学习冷静面对压力; 学习保持节奏来控制事情顺利发展。Ropewalking Brief Introduction: The participant walks on a rope 7 meters high t

11、o the end point Objectives: Understand the importance of balance; Learn to be brave to face the challenges; Learn to be cool under pressure; Learn to keep a rhythm to make things go on smoothly;攀岩攀岩项目介绍: 每位小组成员依次攀爬一座高15米的岩壁项目目标: 体会超越自我的成功感觉 建立健康的平常心 体会设定目标与实际绩效间的关系 不积跬步无以成千里,不积小溪无以成江河Rock climbingBr

12、ief Introduction: Each participant climbs up the rock wall.Objectives: Practice the feeling of surpass oneself; Try to be positive; Learn how to set the goal; Do things step by step.三人行三人行项目介绍: 每组成员被分为三人一组,面对一面高10米的墙壁,墙壁上错落有致的分布着木桩,三人共同努力,体味登顶的快乐。项目目标: 相互理解、取长补短 三人合作,个人的成功需要借助同伴的帮助 合作中如何取长补短 DO MORE

13、 WITH LESS,危机意识,竞争观念 在最短的时间内完成艰巨的任务 坚持不懈,不轻言放弃天梯天梯项目介绍: 参与者每两人一组,不借助任何工具攀登有4-5根间隔的原木组成的梯子。项目目标: 理解在完成工作时意志力的重要性,鼓励学员锲而不舍,不断进取; 学习在团队中如何创造高昂的士气; 培养责任意识; 了解个人的优势和不足,学习通过合作来取长补短,达成目标; 理解阶段性目标和最终目标的关系; 理解信任在建立团队和达成目标中的重要性; 理解团队压力对个人行为的影响;Suspended LadderBrief introduction Each 2-trainee cooperate to get the top of the suspending-ladder with 12m height.Objectives Understand how important the willpower is to complete tasks and to pursue things with energy, drive and a need to finish;


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