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1、Words and Expressions in Unit 111. soap opera2. current affairs3. stand for4. react to sth. 5. major problems6. at lunchtime7. be made up of / consist of8. be remembered as 9. in detail10. widespread poverty11. a problem of great concern12. sex education13. health care administration14. prevent from

2、 doing sth15. the host city for Olympic Games16. the International Olympic Committee17. cheering people18. be delighted that19. be delighted with20. collecting evidence21. risk breaking the law22. a series of events23. be responsible for sth24. concentrate on/ focus on25. have respect for sb.26. tur

3、n over to another channel27. turn to sb. for support28. the wealthiest nations29. get (any) worse30. classical advertisements31. be likely to do32. be located in33. the brand names34. in competition with sb.35. hold the attention of sb.36. apply to37. visually attractive38. the advertising boom39. b

4、e used to doing 40. stand out41. in a world full of competition42. combine A with B43. the concept of freedom44. make contributions to sth45. participate in46. work hard at47. over the last decade48. modern techniques of design49. aim to do sth.50. belong to51. Its no use doing sth52. regret doing53

5、. regret to do54. feel like doing sth55. as long as 56. a certain amount of sth.57. comment on sth58. conclude that59. make a distinction between and 60. be meant for sb61. keep sth. away from sb.62. the attitude towards / to 63. on screen64. arrive at the scene65. go on a sightseeing trip66. a 60-y

6、ear-old driver67. get stuck in68. a load of sth.69. go on holiday70. crying with happiness71. get in the way72. protest about / against73. from the start74. be harmful to sb.75. have an effect on sth.76. look forward to doing sth77. existing problems78. power station79. training courses80. No way! 8

7、1. best-selling82. a copy of newspaper83. refuse to do84. pretend to do / to be doing85. feedback on sth 86. owe sth to sth87. break the record88. set a record89. amusing stories90. on the agenda91. political leaders92. demand to do93. sb be to blame 94. make an attempt to do / attempt to do95. in f

8、avor of 96. set out97. win awards98. take legal action99. go ahead with 100. in 30-degree heat101. sports version102. the United Nations 103. the Middle East 104. go into films 105. a tobacco company 106. use false promises to do 107. pay high prices for sth. 108. make a profit on (sales of ) 109. d

9、o sb. a favor / do a favor for sb. 110. take nto consideration 111. an administrative district 112. be ahead of ones times 113. ahead of time114. detective fiction 115. as innocent as a lamb 1 肥皂剧2 当今大事、时事3 代表4 对某事做出反应5 主要问题6 在午饭时间7 由构成8 作为被记住9 详细地10 普遍的贫穷11 一个令人担忧的问题12 性教育13 保健管理14 阻止15 奥运会主办城市16 国

10、际奥委会17 欢呼的人群18 很高兴19 对感到满意20 收集证据21 冒险犯法22 一系列的赛事23 对负责24 集中注意力于25 尊重某人26 转换频道27 向某人请求支持28 最富裕的国家29 恶化30 一流的广告,经典的广告31 可能做某事32 位于33 品牌名称34 与某人竞争35 抓住某人的注意力36 运用37 视觉上吸引人的38 广告业的迅速发展39 习惯于做某事40 突出,醒目41 充满竞争的世界42 结合A与B43 自由的概念44 对做出贡献45 参加46 在(方面)努力47 在过去十年里面48 现代设计技巧49 目的在于50 属于51 做某事没用52 后悔做了某事53 遗憾

11、要去做某事54 想做某事55 只要56 一定量的57 评论某事58 下结论59 区分60 为而准备的,针对61 使某事远离某人62 对待的态度63 在屏幕上64 到达现场65 去观光旅游66 一位60岁的司机67 卡在,陷在68 一车、船的(东西)69 去度假70 喜极而泣71 阻碍,妨碍72 抗议73 从一开始74 对有害75 对某事有影响76 期望77 存在的问题78 发电站79 培训课程80 行不通,不可能81 最畅销的82 一份报纸83 拒绝做某事84 假装做/正在做某事85 某事的反馈86 把某事归功于/归咎于87 打破记录88 创造记录89 令人发笑的故事90 在议程上91 政治领袖92 要求做某事93 某人应受责备94 试图做某事95 赞成96 出发97 获奖98 采取法律手段99 继续做某事100在30度的高温下101运动版、体育版102联合国103远东104进入影视圈105烟草公司106误导107高价收买某物108在(出售)上获利109帮忙110考虑到,顾及111行政区112走在时代前面113提前114侦探(推理)小说115象羔羊一样清白


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