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1、2009-08-17 21:44:55 来自: 爱我(象腿龙涎盖饭两份,木该 ) 1、 abandon obj/“Abandon hope all ye who enter here” (Originally All hope abandon .) (from Dantes Inferno .4, 1265-1321) “走进这里的人,放弃一切希望。”(但丁地狱篇) 2、 above/“This above all: to thine own self be true” (Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.3) “最重要的是:做一个真实的自我。”(莎士比亚哈姆雷特) 3、 absol

2、uteVERY GREAT/“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (from a letter written by Lord Acton, 1887) “权力导致腐败,绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。”(摘自阿克顿勋爵的一封信) 4、 ado/“Much Ado About Nothing” (title of a play by Shakespeare) 无事生非(莎士比亚戏剧名) 5、 adversary/“The Adversary of God and Man, Satan” (Milton in P

3、aradise Lost, 1667) “上帝与人类的敌人,撒旦” (选自弥尔顿的失乐园) 6、 ageTIME SPENT ALIVE/“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale / Her infinite variety” (Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra 2.2) “年龄无法使她枯萎,习俗也不能减损 / 她的千姿百态”(选自莎士比亚的安东尼与克利欧佩特拉) 7、 annoyance/“Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good

4、 example” (Mark Twain Puddnhead Wilson, 1894) “很少有什么事比一个好榜样的麻烦事更叫人不堪忍受”(马克吐温傻瓜威尔逊) 8、 answerREACTION/“The Answer to the Great Question of . Life, the Universe and Everything . Is . Forty-two” (Douglas Adams Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, 1979) “对于有关生命、宇宙和一切事物的深奥问题的答案是42。”(道格拉斯亚当斯所著希区海克尔的银河系指南) 9、

5、 antennaORGAN/“Artists are the antennae of the race” (Ezra Pound in Literary Essays Henry James, 1954) “艺术家是人类的触角”(埃兹拉庞德文学随笔集“亨利詹姆斯”) 10、 arms/“To take arms against a sea of troubles, / And by opposing end them” (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3. 2) “拿起武器来面对无穷的困扰,/以无畏的反抗将之消灭。”(莎士比亚哈姆莱特) 11、 aspiration/“The you

6、ng have aspirations that never come to pass, the old have reminiscences of what never happened.” (Saki in Reginald, 1904) “年轻人拥有难以实现的热望,老年人怀有虚无缥缈的回忆。”(萨基雷金纳德) 12、 avarice/“I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice” (Edward Moore in the play The Gamester, 1753) “我无比富有,贪婪的梦想都望尘莫及。” (选自爱德华摩尔的剧本赌徒) 13、 beE

7、XIST/“Whatever is, is right” (Alexander Pope in the poem Essay on Man, 1733) “凡存在的,都合理.”(选自亚里山大蒲伯的诗人论,) 14、 beauteous/“How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that has such people int” (Shakespeare, Tempest 5.1) “人类是多么美啊!勇敢地面对生活着这样的人民的新世界”(选自莎士比亚的暴风雨) 15、 become objSUIT/“Nothing in his life/ Bec

8、ame him like the leaving it” (Shakespeare, Macbeth 1.4) “他的一生行事/从来不曾像他临终的时候那样得体”(选自莎士比亚的麦克白) 16、 bell/“. never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” (Meditation XVII by John Donne, 1624) “别问丧钟为谁而鸣;它为你而鸣”(选自约翰多恩的沉思录) 17、 betray objNOT LOYAL/“If I had to choose between betraying my

9、country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country” (from E.M.Forsters Two Cheers for Democracy, 1951) “如果要我在背叛祖国和背叛朋友之间选择,我希望有勇气背叛祖国”(选自E.M.福斯特的为民主欢呼两声) 18、 bigLARGE/“Oh Grandmama! What big eyes youve got.”“All the better to see you with.”“Oh Grandmama! What big tee

10、th youve got.”“All the better to eat you with.” (from the fairy story Little Red Riding Hood) “啊 姥姥!你的眼睛好大!”“眼大好看你,亲爱的。”“啊 姥姥!你的牙好大!”“牙大好吃你。” (选自童话故事小红帽) 19、 bloody/“My head is bloody, but unbowed” (from the poem Invictus by W.E.Henley, 1888) “我的头流着血,但没有低下”(选自诗歌不败者,作者WE亨雷) 20、 blow (obj)SEND OUT AIR

11、/“Blow, blow thou winter wind, / Thou art not so unkind / As mans ingratitude” (Shakespeare, As You Like It 2.7) “吹吧,冬天的风,您并不那么冷酷,比人的忘恩负义要好。”(莎士比亚如愿以偿) 21、 blush/“Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.” (Mark Twain in the book Following the Equator , 1897) “人类是唯一会脸红的动物,或需要脸红的动物。”(摘自循赤道之行,

12、马克吐温) 22、 boldly/“To boldly go where no man has gone before” (introduction to the television series Star Trek , 1966-) “勇敢地走向人类以前未涉足的地方”(电视连续剧星际旅行的序言) 23、 bombWEAPON/“Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough! / It isnt fit for humans now” (John Betjeman in the poem Slough, 1937) “来,亲爱的炸弹,落在泥沼里吧!/ 你现

13、在不适合于人类”(摘自诗歌泥沼,作者约翰贝杰曼) 24、 borrower/“Neither a borrower nor a lender be”(Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.3) “不要向人告贷也不要借钱给人”(莎士比亚,哈姆雷特) 25、 bowWEAPON/“Bring me my bow of burning gold” (William Blake in the hymn Jerusalem, 1804-10) “将燃烧的黄金制成的弓给我拿来”(摘自赞美诗耶路撒冷,作者威廉布莱克) 26、 braveFEARLESS/“None but the brave dese

14、rve the fair” (John Dryden in the poem Alexanders Feast, 1697) “只有英雄才配得上美人”(摘自诗歌亚利山大的盛筵,作者约翰德莱顿) 27、 bread/“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Bible, Matthew 4.4) “人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所说出的每一句话”(圣经马太福音) 28、 brightLIGHT/“All things bright and bea

15、utiful / All creatures great and small, / All things wise and wonderful - / The Lord God made them all” (From the hymn All Things Bright and Beautiful by Mrs C.F. Alexander, 1848) 所有光明且美丽的事物 / 所有伟大或渺小的生物 / 所有智慧且奇妙的事物 / 上帝创造了他们一切(选自赞美诗所有光明且美丽的事物,作者:CF亚历山大夫人) 29、 burn (obj)BE ON FIRE/“To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life” (Walter Pater in Studies in the History of the Renaissance, 1893) “随着坚定的、宝石般的火焰燃烧,让这狂喜持续,对于生命来说,这便是成功。”(沃尔特帕特,文艺复兴历史的研究) 30


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