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1、常熟理工学院毕业论文 本科毕业论文 题 目 松江鲈遗传多样性分析 系(院) 生物与食品工程系 年 级 2004 级 专 业 生物科学(师范)班 级 (2)班 学 号 060104210 学生姓名 鲍 峰 指导教师 郁建锋 职 称 讲师 论文提交日期 2008 年6月5日 20松江鲈遗传多样性分析摘 要本研究通过正交实验设计,分别从TagDNA聚合酶、Mg2 +、dNTPmix和引物4种PCR原料因素的3个水平,筛选并确立了松江鲈ISSR- PCR反应最佳体系,并通过温度梯度PCR,确立了适于的退火温度。结果表明,利用所建立的ISSR-PCR反应体系,对松江鲈样本进行检验,获得了清晰、重复性好、

2、多态性高的DNA谱带。从77个ISSR引物中筛选出4个引物,对松江鲈2个群体(辽宁丹东野生群体、河北秦皇岛F1代人工繁育群体)共48个样品进行扩增,共得到44个清晰的扩增位点,其中多态性位点37个,多态位点百分率为84.09%。Popgene分析结果表明:丹东野生群体的遗传多样性水平(P=79.55%,h=0.2750,I=0.4100)略高于人工繁育群体的遗传多样性水平。松江鲈48个个体间最大的遗传距离为0.8389 ,个体间最小的遗传距离为0.0465,48个个体的平均遗传距离为0.3525;群体间的Neis遗传分化系数为0.0876;利用MEGA3.0软件构建了松江鲈48个个体的UPGM

3、A系统树,松江鲈个体不以地理群体分别聚类,无明显分支。研究表明松江鲈种群的遗传多样性处于中等水平,2个群体的遗传分化尚未达到种群的分化水平。本文从分子遗传学入手,采用ISSR分子标记技术分别对松江鲈的野生与人工繁育群体进行遗传多样性研究,为其种质资源的科学管理、研究野生松江鲈的遗传背景和比较野生群体与人工繁育群体之间的遗传差异以及探讨由于辽东半岛沿岸带有较多松江鲈分布而产生的基因交流对2个群体遗传结构的影响提供了重要理论依据。关键词:松江鲈 正交试验 ISSR 遗传多样性 Study on the genetic diversity of Trachidermus fasciatus Abst

4、ract ISSR technique was used to assess the genetic diversity of two populations (24 wide individuals from the Yalu River, and 24 cultured individuals from the Qinhuang Island). In this study, orthogonal design was used to optimize ISSR amplification system on Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel in four fa

5、ctors (Taq DNA polymerase, dNTP, primer, Mg2+) at three levels respectively. Therefore best reaction systems could be established. And the optimal annealing temperature 51 for ISSR-PCR reaction was proposed by gradient PCR. The clear and polymorphic DNA bands were amplified repeatedly from 24 wild T

6、rachidermus fasciatus Heckel by the established ISSR amplification system.The genetic diversity of 48 samples from two populations (24 wide individuals from the Yalu River, and 24 cultured individuals from the Qinhuang Island ) were studied using the inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The

7、ISSR bands can be differentiated highly in 4 primers after screening. A total of 37 discernible DNA fragments were observed, among which 44 fragments(84.09%) being polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic(P), Neis gene diversity and Shannons index showed that the genetic variation of the wild popu

8、lation (P=79.55%, h=0.2750, I=0.4100) was a little higher than the cultured population. The average genetic distance was 0.3525 among the 48 individuals, the inter-populations Neis gene diversity coefficient were 0.0876, and UPGMA analysis showed that the 48 individuals were not divided into two clu

9、sters corresponding to the two populations. The results indicated that there was a middle level of population genetic structure with a considerable frequency of gene flow and the genetic differentiation among two populations hasnt reached the population level yet. These results provided a genetic ba

10、ckground information and theory basis for researching the related germplasm resouce.Key words: Hapalogenys nitens; orthogonal design; ISSR; genetic diversity目录1.引言11.1 松江鲈生物学简介11.2 ISSR分子标记技术21.3 国内外松江鲈的研究进展32.材料和方法42.1 材料来源42.2 实验试剂42.3 实验器材52.4 实验方法52.4.1 基因组DNA的提取(SDS法裂解)52.4.2 DNA电泳检测62.4.3 引物初筛

11、62.4.4 PCR反应体系的优化62.4.5 退火温度确定62.4.6 ISSR-PCR反应62.4.7 PCR产物检测62.4.8 数据分析73.结果73.1 松江鲈DNA的提取结果73.2 引物筛选和正交试验结果83.3 退火温度梯度PCR结果103.4 ISSR-PCR反应结果103.5 松江鲈群体遗传多样性分析123.6 松江鲈群体遗传变异和聚类分析134.讨论144.1采用正交法优化ISSR-PCR体系144.2松江鲈群体遗传多样性154.3松江鲈群体间的遗传变异174.小结174.展望18参考文献19致谢221 引言1.1 松江鲈生物学简介 松江鲈(Trachidermus fa

12、sciatus Heckel),属鲉形目(Scorpaeniformes)、杜父鱼科(Cottidae)、松江鲈属(Trachidermus)。松江鲈主要分布于西太平洋沿岸,及鲜半岛南岸的西部和日本九州西部,在我国分布甚广,从辽宁的鸭绿江口到福建的九龙江等临近海淡水江河下游的广大地区1。松江鲈个体较小,体长一般为1214cm。体形延长,头大,宽而扁平,躯干部近圆桶形,向后逐渐细小。体无鳞,具粒状和细刺状皮质突起,黄褐色,体侧具暗色横纹56条,侧线平直。松江鲈是一种生活于浅水底层的肉食性洄游鱼类,常栖息在与海水相通的湖泊或河流中,于淡水中育肥;生殖季节(122月) 自淡水作降河入海的生殖洄游;4月中旬幼鱼从近海游入淡水区域。卵为粘性,相互粘结为块状,呈淡黄色、桔黄色或桔红色。70年代以来,由于水质受到污染,河道内又大量兴建水利设施,破坏了它的原有生境,导致松江鲈濒临灭绝,现属于国家二级保护动物2。1.2 ISSR分子标记技术ISSR,inter simple sequence repeat的简写,即简单重复序列间扩增,是近年来发展起来的一种新的分子标记。ISSR技术是根据基因组内广泛存在的


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