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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It is Gas Naturals third attempt to hook up with a big partner in Spains rapidly consolidating power industry, having been rebuffed by Endesa in 2005 and Iberdrola in 2003.问题1选项A.repulsedB.disclaimedC.excoriatedD.redintegrated【答案】B【解析】考查近义动词辨析。A选项repulse“驱逐;憎恶”;B

2、选项disclaim“否认,拒绝;放弃,弃权;拒绝承认”;C选项excoriate“严厉的责难;擦破的皮肤”;D选项redintegrate“使复原;重建;使更新”。句意:这是西班牙天然气公司第三次尝试在西班牙快速巩固的电力行业中与大型合作伙伴结盟,2005年被Endesa公司拒绝,2003年被Iberdrola公司拒绝。rebuff“断然拒绝”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。2. 翻译题17世纪后期至18世纪末,是中国清代的鼎盛时期,史称“康乾盛世”。那个时期,中国的工业产量位居世界前列。但正是在这个时候,欧洲诸国先后开始了近代资产阶级革命和产业革命,社会生产力迅速发展,后来居上。


4、综合国力显著增强,人民生活得到很大改善,国际地位不断上升。【答案】In the late 17 century to the end of 18th Century, Chinese Qing Dynasty was in its heyday, known as the Golden Age of “Kangxi and Qianlong”. During this period, Chinas industrial production has been at the forefront on the world stage. But it was at this time that Eu

5、ropean countries began the modern bourgeois revolution and industrial revolution, which rocket the rapid development of social productivity in the western world, leaving the rest of the world out of sight behind. However, Chinese politicians at that time were completely ignorant of this historic cha

6、nge, and still indulged in blind arrogance, regarding western science and technology as “diabolic tricks and wicked craft”. During the past 100 years from that time onward, China fell far behind in development, suffered a sharp decline in its international status, was reduced to a semi-colony and su

7、bjected to bullying and humiliation from foreign powers.Since the funding of the Peoples Republic of China, accompanying with the national independence and liberation, Chinese people have become the master of their own destiny. All this has brought tremendous changes to China. However, in the 1960s

8、and 1970s, when the world economy was booming and the new wave of scientific and technological revolution was emerging, China conducted the decade-long “Cultural Revolution” and missed another good opportunity for development. The good news is that since the end of 1970s, with the implementation of

9、reforming domestically and opening-up to the world we have corrected the mistakes of the past, directing the whole nation to the right way of reform and opening-up. Under the guidance of reform and opening-up policy, we seized the new historical opportunity to promote a rapid social development in t

10、he last 30 years. This policy not only heighten chinas comprehensive powers and peoples living standards, but also the growing international clout.3. 单选题A joint communique, signed on August 17, 1982, arrested the precipitous deterioration of the relations between Washington and Beijing but as always

11、 seemed to promise more than would be delivered.问题1选项A.propitiousB.precipitantC.propensitiousD.frivolous【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项propitious“适合的;吉利的;顺利的”;B选项precipitant“急促的;匆忙的;突如其来的;轻率的”;C选项propensitious不存在;D选项frivolous“无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的”。句意:1982年8月17日签署的一份联合公报制止了华盛顿和北京之间关系的急剧恶化,但一如既往地似乎承诺了更多的东西。precipitous“

12、险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Beneath the rhetoric about who is practicing a purer form of the sport is a nasty battle over who will dominate access to the rocksaficionados of “sport”.问题1选项A.creatorsB.enthusiastsC.organizersD.advocators【答案】B【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项creators“创作者,造物主”;B选项enthusiasts“热

13、心人,热衷者,狂热者”;C选项organizers“主办单位,举办方,举办者”;D选项advocator“提倡者,拥护者”。句意:在关于谁在练习一种更纯粹的运动形式的言辞背后,是一场关于谁将主导进入岩石运动的恶战“体育”的狂热者。Aficionados“迷,狂热爱好者”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。5. 单选题Even by tightening the purse strings and cutting( )spending other than( )necessities, the average Beijing resident would still need at lea

14、st 25 years to buy an apartment, the latest report shows.问题1选项A.out, onB.off, onC.out, forD.down, for【答案】D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。cut out“删去,割掉,裁剪”;cut off“截止,中断供应,使死亡”;cut down“削减,缩短,砍倒”。句意:最新的一份报告显示,即便是精打细算,减少生活必需品以外的支出,北京居民平均仍需要至少25年的时间才能买到一套房子。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题The argument was simultaneously a policy debate a

15、nd an extended exegesis of a crucial phrase in a 1986 federal law that regulates the hiring procedures.问题1选项A.exportationB.expulsionC.explicationD.expiation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项exportation“出口;输出;出口货”;B选项expulsion“逐出;开除;除籍”;C选项explication“说明;阐明;展开”;D选项expiation“补偿;赎罪;抵罪”。句意:这场争论同时是一场政策辩论,也是对1986年一项管理招聘程序的联邦法律中一个关键短语的延伸注释。exegesis“注释,解释”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。7. 单选题This is a common or( )dispute.问题1选项A.doorB.toiletC.gardenD.kitchen【答案】C【解析】考查固定短语搭配。common or garden“普通的,常见的,一般的”。句意:这是一个常见的争论。因此C选项正确。


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