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1、单项填空1Thes probles may lea o moe serio nes if_unsveA.maing B.rmaindC.keen .lef2.Ouhiays ee ruinedby th ether;_have styd t ho!it mab as well.it was jt as welleCw mihtjus as wellDwe mh d as well aswe3Clas 5 re discussng e rolem rghnow.Itwill_have een solvd by he end of next mnth.Atpically B.opeullcasua

2、lly D.fotunaty4.Youcaneihethedoule room o the ingero,_ cooseAerv Bhatever.whcheer .homeer5.Hr fathr _ f her going h westnd wingasateacer na poor motain village.A.tiva B.sportedC.appoved D.shad6The mnaerf te suprmaret tied vy pbe meansto_he ed of customes.A.ee wih B.coet withC.cter r Datisfy with7Sin

3、ce thesegds dnt_ orordr,e wont _them.repon h;accept B.copd it;eciveorespd;accpt D.corespond;rceive8H ca speak r langua,_,Englih,French,paseand ChieseAsuch a B.for apleC.namy DtatreTh wrker _ me no t inpect thetool machiewithoutfirst urning of power.A.accse B.advancedC.cautied .counted0.As he rdio_fo

4、 lp for te eartuke victms,over amillinpounds hasbenrid.ppals BaplesCbegs Dpeads11.In dt_his pont,hhdthem t latestsaegure.A.pve B.uut.test Dsuggst12.o do yo_e goto Beijig fr our oliaysI th wed betr fly ther.Itsc morecomfotabl.A.ist BwaCsuppoe .ugst13 mthand hiie_orrw ad hapnessand live apiyA.shar Bsa

5、r inCshare wih.share ut1It aleady svenocock.Mary_be a ome by now.Oh, gotto ell you shewas gingto aparynd woudnt be home ntil10.Amust sholdCmght Dcoul1her_ary have pt the ibray bookshe_the aaTheymt be somehr.A.culd;canttrowB.can;an trwCcod;mst hav throwD.an;cnt haverow.句子翻译16.这孩子迷上了计算机游戏。(be ddicted

6、to)_1你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。(corspnd ith)_1那些报纸迎合最低级的趣味。(aer)_1.我不喜欢人们老是把我当孩子看待。(tink of)_20.y writigon yourfeelns,you ca learn o understand yoursef bettr adgive yursef voice i youel yu ae ing gnored._.完形填空 haercentlymovdarosst ounr to We Coas. satt felingittle21_an issingmy fried an famly.lm an etrort (外向型

7、人) an love to_2_thats why I enjo gong oschoolomuchbecus itiesme the_3_to meet new and different peope.I lov talking ith nd_24_peple from iffrent wls of ife,_5_religions,nd aggros.Theelderlyand_26_are th mot neresing to me.The elderl can ellyou al about i_7_lrenlookat eerytingw_28_ful o wndeRecentl,w

8、hil ringte bus I struck up a(n)_29_wh andery woan who hdbeen on ad_3_in he PaficNrt Wt.She a omany sto_ha awonderulime taing tohr.Afw dys late,It_3_the u and there e ws aganShe smiled whe he sm npatted he_33_next hr.I s wt her and we pid up he conversion where we had_34_.Ove the nt fe s whnever Igot

9、 on he bs sheas_5_hre ad w wuld al.I he eurd oworkandhave een_an earlers and havntseen mcho_3_“ne old fien”.hn I rnintohe anst (运输)_8_a shecheere u.Thi really_39_y heartFinll y “new old r” askd m ihea have y numero at we cold_40_whe she destave eplaur t see me onthebs21.A.loney BfrndlyC.freh Dha2.wok B.talkC.tal Dw B.xanatioC.organzati Doportunit2A.kowin of B.steing toC.learning about D.haringfm5.A.mytriou amiliarC.siar Diffeent2.A.cidrn B.menC.omen Daults7.A.when BaterCwhi Dbefore2A.ction B.oininsC.eye Dhats BdeteinatonCconluso D.conversaton .iftedrased Dden31.A.fy B.patent



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